Saturday, October 14, 2017

Miami Dade is 2nd to Ventura County, California

Second in what, you ask.


You have to wonder, who is the biggest lawbreaker? The actual illegal who has committed some dastardly deed against our society or is it the mayors and even governors in our country who are legalizing and protecting this behavior.

Even though the mayor of Miami wrote a letter to the county corrections department in January 2017: "In light of the provisions of (President Trump's just executed) Executive Order, I direct you and your staff to honor all immigration detainer requests received from the Department of Homeland Security,"  Miami-Dade denied 93 ICE detainer requests, making it second only to Ventura County, Calif. (188) in counties denying such requests to hold criminal illegal aliens in the first quarter of 2017. [Sunshine News]

And Miami-Dade is NOT a sanctuary city, so they say. Many counties across the country are releasing criminals back into our towns.

Read about it...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lake Worth is a sanctuary city but they won't admit. Neither will Bradshaw about our county.