Friday, January 1, 2016

Quotes of the Day - Louis Farrakhan and Allen West

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"Be careful, America. You're headed into the abyss of hell, and if you make a mistake in choosing your leaders, maybe you'll go there faster."

~ Louis Farrakhan
Louis Farrakhan is the catalyst for the growth and development of Islam in America talking about Donald Trump.

Lt. Col. Allen West sounded off on Farrakhan's statement:

    "Actually, Farrakhan has a point here. Indeed, as the past seven years of President Barack Obama have reminded us in the most painful way, making a mistake in our choice of leaders is taking us down into the abyss faster than we ever imagined. No one has done more 'exacerbating the race situation in America' than President Obama himself. He and his administration have torn away the skin of 'black civility' indeed, fomenting the likes of Black Lives Matter, who have declared open season on cops and even whites in general. And anyone who dares to question this — or suspicious and/or hateful actions by any 'minority' group — fears repercussions ranging from being labeled a racist to persecution by our own attorney general to a fate even worse.

    "People have had enough of this division and political correctness gone so far as to trump Americans’ God-given liberties, and Donald Trump is striking a chord. And it’s not just a white thing, as Farrakhan suggests."

Click here... for the story.


Anonymous said...

I think they all might be right! It is already hell here in Lake Worth. Last night was an example of it. Fireworks and explosives galore going off all over the city,complete lawlessness. And where are the police? All these explosives are sold right here at our very own Publix, yet these are not supposed to be set off in the city, but it is OK to be sold here, anything wrong with this picture? The county nor city enforce these laws and allow all this chaos and lawlessness, I wonder how many elected receive kickbacks or campaign money from these pyrotechnic/explosive companies?

I have absolutely no respect now for our government, city, county, state, or federal, nor police here in this city or country. How can anyone respect them all when laws are not enforced and good citizens have to be subjected to this crazy lawlessness? We live in a wild west here, anything goes, and there is never a police to address this stuff. I have just lost respect for all. Then on top of it, we have hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants here illegally or human trafficked here, and NO ONE does anything about it. How can we respect our government. The USA has gone to hell, very very sad.

Lynn, thank you for bringing the truth to the public. Happy New Year! Thanks for caring, so few do now, none of our government or elected or law enforcement do or do anything about things. I appreciate what you do. What an embarrassment for our country that its very own good citizens have no respect for the government or law enforcement any more because they do not stand up for our laws we have on the books. What is the reason we have laws? So they can all be ignored and not enforced?

2016 when will be the next major incident in our country and world? Could they be prevented? Probably, but will they? Will laws be enforced? We are losing hope in America! Thank you Lynn for caring! God bless you always.

Lynn Anderson said...

Right back at ya--You care a lot. Many residents care about this city and we need change too. Can you even imagine 6,000 police officers walking in downtown NYCity last night. We should feel safe in our own country. Some ISIS terrorists let off two bombs in northern Syrian and one was reported to be Syrian. Obama is allowing them into our country.

Anonymous said...

Mr.West is always spot on.