Saturday, January 16, 2016

Obama stumping

So what's new?  We have, once again, the president of the United States and the guy who was to bring us all together, stumping for Democrats, telling the folks what a swell job he and all of them have done as the world cringes as he fails to lead, gets us deeper in debt and makes us less safe.

And Numbers USA says that just yesterday, "Secretary of State John Kerry announced that the Administration plans to admit 15,000 additional refugees in 2016, including 3,000 Central Americans, reinforcing its commitment to labeling the border surges as refugees." This is another reason why people are looking to Donald Trump.

  • Obama Nation

    • Obama fumbled during speech in Omaha, Nebraska, Wednesday
    • He said America is 250 years old; it will actually turn 240 this year 
    • Obama also joked that he can’t serve ‘four more years’ because ‘Michelle would kill me!’ 

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