Monday, November 4, 2013

Rahm's brother

Dr. Emanuel blames the Hippocratic Oath for
 the "overuse" of medical care.

As a bioethicist, he has written extensively about who should get medical care, who should decide, and whose life is worth saving. Dr. Emanuel is part of a school of thought that redefines a physician’s duty, insisting that it includes working for the greater good of society instead of focusing only on a patient’s needs. Many physicians find that view dangerous, and most Americans are likely to agree.

Read more... at The Wall Street Journal on an obnoxious know-it all. How did we all get so lucky?

Remember Sarah Palin talking about death panels and the liberals ridiculed her?  They're there! The Western Center for journalism reminds us  of when Obama told a daughter whose 104 year old mother was still enjoying life 5 years after getting a pacemaker that maybe Mama should have just taken a pain pill? Obama stated quite succinctly that it is just not worth spending money on the elderly.  Read about it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

anyone over 65, watch out