Comment Up
The sewer pipe work is part of the town’s $41 million, multi-year accelerated
capital improvements project, focused on infrastructure replacement and
By completing this portion of the force-main
replacement, the town anticipates saving about $300,000 per year, said
Public Works Director Paul Brazil. That is the approximate amount the
town expected to spend annually transporting waste water through the
city of Lake Worth to the regional sewage-treatment plant in West Palm
Read more... at the Palm Beach Daily News
Conservative Commentary/Opinion on Local, State & National issues. Hours 6am to 7pm to respond to comments
Friday, May 31, 2013
The Art of Political War
Comment Up

If you want to know how the Left runs politics these days, read this book.
For it was Alinsky who spent his life teaching would-be radicals (like Obama) that you can say what you have to say to get over the hump, but once you’re over the hump, you do whatever you want to do, so says Breitbart.
* RULE 12: Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions. (This is cruel, but very effective. Direct, personalized criticism and ridicule works.) This is constantly being done by one faction in Lake Worth.
The irony of this is that it is not used by what we consider your typical anarchist in Lake Worth but by the special interest groups, the press and some leaders who continually try to perfect and project their self-serving negatives, lies and false assumptions towards others. They too have learned the art of political war.

If you want to know how the Left runs politics these days, read this book.
For it was Alinsky who spent his life teaching would-be radicals (like Obama) that you can say what you have to say to get over the hump, but once you’re over the hump, you do whatever you want to do, so says Breitbart.
* RULE 12: Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions. (This is cruel, but very effective. Direct, personalized criticism and ridicule works.) This is constantly being done by one faction in Lake Worth.
The irony of this is that it is not used by what we consider your typical anarchist in Lake Worth but by the special interest groups, the press and some leaders who continually try to perfect and project their self-serving negatives, lies and false assumptions towards others. They too have learned the art of political war.
City of Lake Worth,
News Media,
Rubio billboard against Amnesty
Comment Up

“What people are saying is, we don’t trust the Department of Homeland Security to come up with a good border plan, we don’t trust the Department of Homeland Security to come up with a good fencing plan, and so maybe the alternative is to have the Congress do that. The point is, that needs to happen. That is the lynchpin of whether this will work or not”
~ Marco Rubio
Billboard near Ocala, Florida along I-75

“What people are saying is, we don’t trust the Department of Homeland Security to come up with a good border plan, we don’t trust the Department of Homeland Security to come up with a good fencing plan, and so maybe the alternative is to have the Congress do that. The point is, that needs to happen. That is the lynchpin of whether this will work or not”
~ Marco Rubio
HB 609 and computer cyber-bulling
Comment Up

HB 609 was passed yesterday by Governor Rick Scott. This has to do with bullying in the public school system--
It is too bad that this bill does not include cyber-bullying in general. We get plenty of that right here in Lake Worth. Some members of the majority on the dais participate in their own way with bullying by leaning back in their chair with eyes closed, smirking, grinning and at times, condescending remarks and attitudes towards Commissioner McVoy. One citizen is allowed to gesture and/or negatively chatter incessantly from her pew while the dais smiles. One Lake Worth blog in particular allows, participates and writes blogs for the main purpose to harass, ridicule and cyber bully. Former commissioner Suzanne Mulvehill is a main subject. Maybe some who cyber bully need to re-enter grades K-12.
Bill Action

HB 609 was passed yesterday by Governor Rick Scott. This has to do with bullying in the public school system--
General Bill by Education Committee and K-12 Subcommittee and Fullwood and Campbell (CO-SPONSORS) Adkins; Cruz; Dudley; Fasano; Harrell; Pafford; Zimmermann | ||
Bullying in the Public School System: Prohibits bullying or harassment with respect to computer-related activities; provides that bullying includes cyberbullying; revises components of school district policy on bullying & harassment. | ||
Effective Date: July 1, 2013 |
Bill Action

Cyber Attacks,
House Bills_FL,
Rick Scott
Lake Worth should not change code to allow short-term rentals
Comment Up
Palm Beach Post
May 31, 2013
I would like to respond to the commentary “Short-term rental ban would hurt city.”
The writers have established themselves as investors who bought properties in Lake Worth with the sole intent to rent. The city code limits short-term vacation to 60 days. Many homes, though, are being rented out by the day, week or month. The investors doing this, of course, favor changing the code.
The writers claim that opponents of the change used “fear-mongering” and the specter of Ted Bundy at a city commission workshop. This was not the case. I said to the commission, “I did not move into a home on a beautiful residential street to live next to a Motel 6.” Other opinions were given, few in favor of changing the code.
Read more... on what a single family homeowner wrote to the Palm Beach Post on vacation rentals.

Palm Beach Post
May 31, 2013
I would like to respond to the commentary “Short-term rental ban would hurt city.”
The writers have established themselves as investors who bought properties in Lake Worth with the sole intent to rent. The city code limits short-term vacation to 60 days. Many homes, though, are being rented out by the day, week or month. The investors doing this, of course, favor changing the code.
The writers claim that opponents of the change used “fear-mongering” and the specter of Ted Bundy at a city commission workshop. This was not the case. I said to the commission, “I did not move into a home on a beautiful residential street to live next to a Motel 6.” Other opinions were given, few in favor of changing the code.
Read more... on what a single family homeowner wrote to the Palm Beach Post on vacation rentals.
Thursday, May 30, 2013
7.65 acres sold in Lake Worth
Comment Up
Carmel Real Estate & Management, a full-service commercial real estate brokerage based in Delray Beach, successfully completed the sale of the Lake Worth Corners parcels, which comprise 7.65 acres – the equivalent of two city blocks – at the intersection of Lake Worth Road and Boutwell Road at the City of Lake Worth’s southwestern boundary.
Carmel Real Estate & Management, a full-service commercial real estate brokerage based in Delray Beach, successfully completed the sale of the Lake Worth Corners parcels, which comprise 7.65 acres – the equivalent of two city blocks – at the intersection of Lake Worth Road and Boutwell Road at the City of Lake Worth’s southwestern boundary.
Karen Vaughn Resigns her position in Lake Worth
Comment Up

Karen Vaughn
Planning & Preservation Manager
City of Lake Worth FL
March 2012
– May 29, 2013
Lake Worth, FL
Direct supervision of planning, zoning, historic preservation,
housing, and GIS staff; assignment and tracking of all discretionary
permit projects; comprehensive plan and zoning code administration;
design and site plan review; preparation of staff reports and
recommendations to City Commission and various development review
boards; staff liaison to Planning & Zoning Board, Historic Resources
Preservation Board and Site Plan Review Committee.
Over 20 years of experience in the urban planning/land development
arena. Career experience in both public and private planning sectors.
Principal Areas of Practice:
Current Planning; Zoning Administration; Comprehensive and Resiliency Planning; Design and Development Review; Land Use Entitlements; Historic Preservation; Stormwater Management; Policy Creation; Project and Departmental Management.
Ms. Vaughn tendered her resignation on May 15, 2013. Her last day was May 29th.
Current Planning; Zoning Administration; Comprehensive and Resiliency Planning; Design and Development Review; Land Use Entitlements; Historic Preservation; Stormwater Management; Policy Creation; Project and Departmental Management.
Ms. Vaughn tendered her resignation on May 15, 2013. Her last day was May 29th.
City of Lake Worth,
Planning and Zoning,
CBS' Scott Pelley on News Reporting - Be Right rather than First
“Our house is on fire,” Pelley told an audience at Quinnipiac University in Connecticut. “These have been a bad few months for journalism. We’re getting the big stories wrong over and over again.”
Watch Pelley’s full remarks above, starting at the 10:15 mark. At 14:29, he begins to chastise the reporting of news...he more or less blames it on Internet reporting (Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, saying those are social media involved in gossip not journalism) and those comments spread to established newsrooms whose reporters are influenced. "It is the words that matter."
It's easy to blame it on the "other guy" and not take responsibility for your own actions.
Gang of eight ignored ICE Union President
Comment Up
ICE Union President Chris Crane testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee on April 22, 2013. Crane testified that as the representative of 7,600 immigration agents, he was not consulted by the Gang of Eight in their drafting of a "comprehensive immigration reform" bill. Crane said that numerous special interest groups were all invited to the negotiations, but the law enforcement agency tasked with enforcing immigration laws was not.
ICE Union President Chris Crane testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee on April 22, 2013. Crane testified that as the representative of 7,600 immigration agents, he was not consulted by the Gang of Eight in their drafting of a "comprehensive immigration reform" bill. Crane said that numerous special interest groups were all invited to the negotiations, but the law enforcement agency tasked with enforcing immigration laws was not.
Immigration bill will lower standards for Americans
Comment Up
NumbersUSA says: The Senate Gang of Eight immigration bill would offer a minimum of 33 million lifetime work permits in the first decade alone (11 million to current illegal immigrants, 11 million to new legal immigrants in a continuation of the current system, another 5 million chain migration relatives of immigrants who have applied but are waiting for their slot in other countries and 6 million new immigrants through new categories and expanded existing categories of immigration). The 33 million in a single decade is almost half of all immigrants who have ever entered the U.S. in its history.
Meanwhile, federal reports show that 20 million Americans want a full-time job but cannot find one because too many people are looking for too few jobs. This disenfranchised population is disproportionately less educated (no college), disabled, veterans and Black and Hispanic Americans).
More than a thousand lobbyists for corporate special interests are pushing legislation to keep the U.S. labor market loose and to lower the wages of most U.S. workers, both foreign-born and U.S.-born.
NumbersUSA says: The Senate Gang of Eight immigration bill would offer a minimum of 33 million lifetime work permits in the first decade alone (11 million to current illegal immigrants, 11 million to new legal immigrants in a continuation of the current system, another 5 million chain migration relatives of immigrants who have applied but are waiting for their slot in other countries and 6 million new immigrants through new categories and expanded existing categories of immigration). The 33 million in a single decade is almost half of all immigrants who have ever entered the U.S. in its history.
Meanwhile, federal reports show that 20 million Americans want a full-time job but cannot find one because too many people are looking for too few jobs. This disenfranchised population is disproportionately less educated (no college), disabled, veterans and Black and Hispanic Americans).
More than a thousand lobbyists for corporate special interests are pushing legislation to keep the U.S. labor market loose and to lower the wages of most U.S. workers, both foreign-born and U.S.-born.
Call Governor Scott
to veto the following bills:
• Call Scott at (850) 488-7146 or
• Email Governor Scott
- HB 319 which reduces local governments' options for making development pay its own way (bill opposed by the League of Cities)
- SB 682 which gives blanket approval to some uses of coal ash and exempts its disposal from the prohibition on hazardous waste landfills in Florida (on Watch with the League of Cities)
- SB 1808 which facilitates and advances the flawed deal between the Florida Department of Environmental Protection and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. (bill supported by the League of Cities)
• Call Scott at (850) 488-7146 or
• Email Governor Scott
House Bills_FL,
League of Cities,
Rick Scott,
Senate Bills_FL
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Criminal justice system and ultra liberals are the problem
Law enforcement is frustrated. Their hands are tied when it comes to those criminals who cross our borders illegally. They can arrest someone suspected of being in this country illegally,
but what happens to that suspect after he or she is taken into custody
relies on the criminal justice system. Below is a former Jupiter policeman with his testimony in 2008. Nothing has changed 5 years later. In fact, El Sol in Jupiter received a $100,000 two year grant just last month.
For some reason, this country wants to become a Third World nation. "Recently the United States was voted the 16th-best place in the world to live, which should be alarming to every American" in view of the fact it was not that long ago we were number one.
For some reason, this country wants to become a Third World nation. "Recently the United States was voted the 16th-best place in the world to live, which should be alarming to every American" in view of the fact it was not that long ago we were number one.
Killer Joran van der Sloot back in the news

It seems he has a pregnant Peruvian "girlfriend." Why are some women so stupid? Why do some prisons allow conjugal visits? Why should he be given any privileges? More than likely he is watching color television too and has access to a computer. His Facebook page.
He now says that he wants to "get on with his life."
The Gangsters--The Gang of Eight

The Schumer-Rubio bill is a huge bonanza for special interests—employers seeking cheap labor, unions seeking to increase dues, ethnic-identity groups seeking to expand their influence, immigration lawyers seeking clients, illegal aliens, and liberals seeking to expand the government and their voting bloc—but it is a disaster for American sovereignty and for American workers and taxpayers.
Read about the gangsters at Breitbart.
Gang of Eight,
Marco Rubio
FL Sen Jeff Clemens still supports Red-Light Cameras
Comment Up
Jeff Clemens, former mayor of Lake Worth, supported red-light cameras while he was in office and apparently nothing has changed other than it has become lucrative for him to do so, according to Media Trackers. He is now our State Senator and still champions the controversial
red light cameras and shorter yellow lights at intersections. (Let's get those suckers!) Clemens appeared on a WTSP-TV news segment reporting on the shorter
yellow lights.
Clemens, who receives campaign contributions from the company that manufactures red light cameras and receives a percentage of each motorist fine resulting from red light cameras, defended the shorter yellow lights.
Clemens claimed shorter yellow lights do not result in more red light violations. He should know. Media Trackers Florida says he is a chronic traffic offender himself racking up ticket after ticket.
Clemens, who receives campaign contributions from the company that manufactures red light cameras and receives a percentage of each motorist fine resulting from red light cameras, defended the shorter yellow lights.
Clemens claimed shorter yellow lights do not result in more red light violations. He should know. Media Trackers Florida says he is a chronic traffic offender himself racking up ticket after ticket.
Gender Bender Day or Switch it Up Day
Whatever you want to name it, it's just plain stupid. I used to think it was California that lead the nation in progressive, liberal, whacked out and unorthodox ideas--now it has spread to Wisconsin and other States. Teachers teaching the wrong lesson--what about going back to reading, writing and arithmetic? Our kids are failing in public schools. The 3rd grade FCAT scores are out and 18% of students in Palm Beach County failed the reading portion of the exam. Get back to basics--not teaching cross-dressing.
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Baby flushed down toilet
Comment Up
China is committing a lot of immoral and criminal deeds but this one takes the cake--It's time that this country deals with and gets tough with China.
China is committing a lot of immoral and criminal deeds but this one takes the cake--It's time that this country deals with and gets tough with China.
Lake Worth Centennial Postcards
Comment Up
LULA Lake Worth Arts and the City of Lake Worth’s Historic Preservation staff invited artists in Palm Beach County to submit artwork for the Centennial Postcard Project. Known as a community that embraces artistic expression the City of Lake Worth is celebrating its 100 anniversary this year. The goal of this project was to provide a Centennial keepsake for the community to purchase while promoting the arts and historic preservation in Lake Worth. Proceeds from the sale of the Centennial Postcards will benefit LULA Lake Worth Arts and the City’s Historic Preservation Program. Five works of art were selected for the postcard project, making the selection process competitive.
My favorite? The sunset, of course.
LULA Lake Worth Arts and the City of Lake Worth’s Historic Preservation staff invited artists in Palm Beach County to submit artwork for the Centennial Postcard Project. Known as a community that embraces artistic expression the City of Lake Worth is celebrating its 100 anniversary this year. The goal of this project was to provide a Centennial keepsake for the community to purchase while promoting the arts and historic preservation in Lake Worth. Proceeds from the sale of the Centennial Postcards will benefit LULA Lake Worth Arts and the City’s Historic Preservation Program. Five works of art were selected for the postcard project, making the selection process competitive.
- Photographer Jim Stafford of Lake Worth’s photos titled “Casino Building” and “Street Painting Festival” were chosen as part of the photography category.
- Artist Shannon S. Torrence of Lake Worth submitted an acrylic on paper painting titled“Now & Then, Where the Tropics Begin” as part of the vintage category.
- Wellington artist, Corinne Ingerman’s watercolor, pen and ink painting titled “3 girls onthe beach” represented the visual arts painting category.
- Lake Worth’s John Vincent Palozzi’s submitted a digitally enhanced photo of City Hallunder the graphic and digital category that showcased the architecture in Lake Worth.
My favorite? The sunset, of course.
Centennial - Lake Worth,
City of Lake Worth,
Clay Glass,
Jim Stafford,
Lois Lerner involved in IRS scandal
On Wednesday, Lerner told members of the House Oversight committee: “I have not done anything wrong” and then proceeded to take the Fifth.
The National Review Online says: “One thing is clear: this correspondence shows [Lerner’s] direct involvement in the scheme,” said Jay Sekulow, chief counsel for the ACLJ. “Further, sending a letter from the top person in the IRS Exempt Organization division to a small Tea Party group also underscores the intimidation used in this targeting ploy.”
Community Meeting tonight in Lake Worth
Comment Up
Tonight is the District 2 meeting at the Shuffleboard Courts on the Comprehensive Plan amendments. It begins at 6pm. Districts 1 and 3 have already had their community meetings on this subject. District 4 will meet at the Cultural Council on May 30 at 6pm.
If you can't attend, Click here for the presentation.
Tonight is the District 2 meeting at the Shuffleboard Courts on the Comprehensive Plan amendments. It begins at 6pm. Districts 1 and 3 have already had their community meetings on this subject. District 4 will meet at the Cultural Council on May 30 at 6pm.
If you can't attend, Click here for the presentation.
Urban Decay, Urban Rot, Urban Blight - No more excuses
Comment Up
As we have had so many comments about run down properties and owners neglecting same, I wanted to talk about this most important problem we have in Lake Worth. It is not jobs; it is not development; it is not the high cost of electricity. It is blight caused by the acquiescence and apathy of many among our population. It is now a cultural mentality that prevails throughout the city and has even trickled over to neighboring property owners. Yesterday one of the houses I have featured as Mess of the Week hung clothes to dry on the bushes. It is a Third World mentality and we have allowed this to continue. We, as a city government, are to blame.
An urban area is characterized by a higher population density. We have the highest density of any city around--according to the 2010 census, we had a population of 34,910 with density at 5,945.2 people per square mile. As an example of comparison, Wellington has 1,230 people per square mile and West Palm Beach has 1,833. With high density comes slum and blight.
Slum and Blight are on the minds of all of us in Lake Worth. It affects every single neighborhood in some fashion. Certain neighborhoods that have catered to a lot of rentals and immigrants have the biggest problems. Slumlords have been allowed. When the economy tanked, our properties devalued faster than neighboring towns because of our older housing stock and our smaller houses. During the false boom, when everyone was making money, our city attracted more immigrants and poor people looking for cheap housing and jobs, some living 10 or more in a house. Many landlords did not take care of their properties (still don't) and looked the other way--but the biggest culprit was the City and it got out of control.
As a city gets older, and ours is 100 years old, many of the properties are not maintained and become run-down, foreclosed upon and end up abandoned. Lake Worth has attracted the poor and people who can't afford to live elsewhere. They are forced to live in properties that are without appropriate maintenance, where slumlords rake in the rental money and do little in improvements or yard maintenance. Eventually, these properties go to slum and blight. The look and condition of these properties, as well as their use, has blighted our city.
The city in conjunction with the CRA, attracts more poor people with 'affordable' housing giving them rental subsidies. We are not doing anything to get rid of the slum and blight--all we have ever done is talk about it. Dee Mcnamara makes a good point: "The CRA is inflicting low income housing and rentals on Lake Worth thus decreasing the tax base of Lake Worth, undermining its sustainability!" The CRA must concentrate on its mission of eradicating slum and blight, not more affordable or rental housing that eventually leads to more blight.
The problem of slum and blight is systemic and Code Enforcement can't do its job. There are not enough people to ever tackle code enforcement in this city--the problem is too great. It has been allowed to decay to this extent. We even see blight in the better neighborhoods where some are fortunate to live and wonder how some guy living across from us can neglect his home and ruin our street. Sometimes we are part of the problem knowing that a fresh coat of paint or giving a little TLC to our yards would help but we procrastinate thus making the property worse over time. With the city's policy of tackling the safety issues first, this allows the blight to grow like a disease throughout our city. The city is more concerned with someone who did not pull a permit to get repairs done for painting, or repairing that broken down fence, instead of just allowing them to do the work.
With high density, the slum and blight is more prevalent and will continue until we get serious about the problem, set our priorities and come up with a solution. Instead the city worries that someone doesn't have smoke detectors. Let's face it, and it's sad to say, some of these places should be bulldozed. The city is one of the biggest offenders--just take a look at our cemetery. Yesterday it was cleaned up for Memorial Day but even the commander said he finally found a grave of a long lost buddy that had been covered up. Should the City not rule by example? You could have a weekly volunteer clean-up in this city and it would all look the same two weeks after the work. People have no pride in where they live and want/expect others to do the work for them. The accumulated strewn trash at our beach yesterday was unbelievable.
We must remedy the situation if we are to survive as a healthy city--to increase our property values thus bringing more ad valorem to Lake Worth. Slum breeds crime. Concentrating on eradicating slum and blight eventually will bring down the cost of public safety that is taking 70% of our operating budget. In so doing, the benefits which will result from cleaning up our slum and blight will accrue to all the inhabitants and property owners of Lake Worth.
Politicians have run on the platform of eradicating slum and blight but nothing ever changes--every neighborhood is worse. Isn't it time to seriously tackle this problem? If we don't, no one will want to come here to buy or invest. We won't have to worry about a 4 story hotel versus a 6 story one. Forget about the Park of Commerce. We will never have the money for that dream. We will never be able to generate enough tax dollars to fix the potholes. It's that simple. Scott Maxwell says he has a plan. As three of our commissioners have filed to run again, it is time that we put pressure on them to tackle the most important problem that we have.
Time to wake up, smell the roses--
no more excuses.
As we have had so many comments about run down properties and owners neglecting same, I wanted to talk about this most important problem we have in Lake Worth. It is not jobs; it is not development; it is not the high cost of electricity. It is blight caused by the acquiescence and apathy of many among our population. It is now a cultural mentality that prevails throughout the city and has even trickled over to neighboring property owners. Yesterday one of the houses I have featured as Mess of the Week hung clothes to dry on the bushes. It is a Third World mentality and we have allowed this to continue. We, as a city government, are to blame.
An urban area is characterized by a higher population density. We have the highest density of any city around--according to the 2010 census, we had a population of 34,910 with density at 5,945.2 people per square mile. As an example of comparison, Wellington has 1,230 people per square mile and West Palm Beach has 1,833. With high density comes slum and blight.
Slum and Blight are on the minds of all of us in Lake Worth. It affects every single neighborhood in some fashion. Certain neighborhoods that have catered to a lot of rentals and immigrants have the biggest problems. Slumlords have been allowed. When the economy tanked, our properties devalued faster than neighboring towns because of our older housing stock and our smaller houses. During the false boom, when everyone was making money, our city attracted more immigrants and poor people looking for cheap housing and jobs, some living 10 or more in a house. Many landlords did not take care of their properties (still don't) and looked the other way--but the biggest culprit was the City and it got out of control.
As a city gets older, and ours is 100 years old, many of the properties are not maintained and become run-down, foreclosed upon and end up abandoned. Lake Worth has attracted the poor and people who can't afford to live elsewhere. They are forced to live in properties that are without appropriate maintenance, where slumlords rake in the rental money and do little in improvements or yard maintenance. Eventually, these properties go to slum and blight. The look and condition of these properties, as well as their use, has blighted our city.
The city in conjunction with the CRA, attracts more poor people with 'affordable' housing giving them rental subsidies. We are not doing anything to get rid of the slum and blight--all we have ever done is talk about it. Dee Mcnamara makes a good point: "The CRA is inflicting low income housing and rentals on Lake Worth thus decreasing the tax base of Lake Worth, undermining its sustainability!" The CRA must concentrate on its mission of eradicating slum and blight, not more affordable or rental housing that eventually leads to more blight.
The problem of slum and blight is systemic and Code Enforcement can't do its job. There are not enough people to ever tackle code enforcement in this city--the problem is too great. It has been allowed to decay to this extent. We even see blight in the better neighborhoods where some are fortunate to live and wonder how some guy living across from us can neglect his home and ruin our street. Sometimes we are part of the problem knowing that a fresh coat of paint or giving a little TLC to our yards would help but we procrastinate thus making the property worse over time. With the city's policy of tackling the safety issues first, this allows the blight to grow like a disease throughout our city. The city is more concerned with someone who did not pull a permit to get repairs done for painting, or repairing that broken down fence, instead of just allowing them to do the work.
With high density, the slum and blight is more prevalent and will continue until we get serious about the problem, set our priorities and come up with a solution. Instead the city worries that someone doesn't have smoke detectors. Let's face it, and it's sad to say, some of these places should be bulldozed. The city is one of the biggest offenders--just take a look at our cemetery. Yesterday it was cleaned up for Memorial Day but even the commander said he finally found a grave of a long lost buddy that had been covered up. Should the City not rule by example? You could have a weekly volunteer clean-up in this city and it would all look the same two weeks after the work. People have no pride in where they live and want/expect others to do the work for them. The accumulated strewn trash at our beach yesterday was unbelievable.
We must remedy the situation if we are to survive as a healthy city--to increase our property values thus bringing more ad valorem to Lake Worth. Slum breeds crime. Concentrating on eradicating slum and blight eventually will bring down the cost of public safety that is taking 70% of our operating budget. In so doing, the benefits which will result from cleaning up our slum and blight will accrue to all the inhabitants and property owners of Lake Worth.
Politicians have run on the platform of eradicating slum and blight but nothing ever changes--every neighborhood is worse. Isn't it time to seriously tackle this problem? If we don't, no one will want to come here to buy or invest. We won't have to worry about a 4 story hotel versus a 6 story one. Forget about the Park of Commerce. We will never have the money for that dream. We will never be able to generate enough tax dollars to fix the potholes. It's that simple. Scott Maxwell says he has a plan. As three of our commissioners have filed to run again, it is time that we put pressure on them to tackle the most important problem that we have.

no more excuses.
Sierra Club's positions on Florida bills
The Sierra Club Florida ExCom has approved the following positions which have been sent to Governor Scott.
Sierra has requested that he sign--
David Cullen
Sierra has requested that he sign--
- HB 277 which eliminates property tax assessment of the value of renewable energy improvements to residential property
- SB 1770 which contains a provision prohibiting the subsidy of construction seaward of the Coastal Construction Control Line.
- HB 319 which reduces local governments' options for making development pay its own way
- SB 682 which gives blanket approval to some uses of coal ash and exempts its disposal from the prohibition on hazardous waste landfills in Florida
- HB 999 which ratifies the Cabinet's approval of 30 year sugar leases in the Everglades Agricultural Area mooting a challenge filed by the Florida Wildlife Federation. This provides an end run around constitutionally mandated separation of powers and effectively denies citizens meaningful access to the courts
- SB 1808 which facilitates and advances the flawed deal between the Florida Department of Environmental Protection and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
David Cullen
Monday, May 27, 2013
Memorial Day Ceremonies in Lake Worth
Comment Up

PBSO Cpt. Rolando Silva, FL Sen Jeff Clemens,
Vice Mayor Scott Maxwell, PB County Commissioner Shelley Vana

Former State Attorney, politician and former U of F football player,
David Bludworth
and Helen Vogt Greene
President of the Women's club

PBSO Cpt. Rolando Silva, FL Sen Jeff Clemens,
Former State Attorney, politician and former U of F football player,
Lake Worth Mayor Pam Triolo
6 Questions that need Answers on Immigration
CC:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; />
Date: Sun, 26 May 2013 19:53:43 -0400
CC:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; />
Date: Sun, 26 May 2013 19:53:43 -0400
Chair Goodlatte & Ranking Member Conyers.......
difficult as it was I forced myself to watch and listen to hours of discussion
given to the who knows how many millions of illegal aliens are in the country
and what should be done about it and our "broken" immigration system
facilitated by none other than those sitting on the committee.
thing that would be helpful is if Rep. Conyers would actually use the actual
Federal language when talking about illegal aliens.........they are not
immigrants........they are not undocumented......they are simply illegal
aliens. Let me offer if you can not even use Federal Language describing
the subject how can you be serious about a solution?
is amazing you people talk around issues and don't address them. Well here are
a few questions if you are serious about solving the legal and illegal
immigration problems:
1. I
keep hearing about we need more legal immigration? Why? We have no virgin
lands to settle? One of the committee members talked about how much the 1986
illegal aliens granted amnesty contributed to the country! Really? What started
out at less than a million morphed into three million that with families
imported grew to nearly 15 million. Here is the kicker.......of the three
million granted amnesty only 40% actually became citizens......the rest content
with legal status. The same basic percentages are running true of those
admitted legally......64% of Mexicans have not become Naturalized citizens and
only 56% of all immigrants have become citizens. The bottom line is: Today's
immigrants aren't here for love of country but for the welfare wagon!
You talk about eliminating magnets like jobs to deter illegal aliens from
coming but I have not heard word one about amending the Immigration and
Naturalization Act to require one parent to be a U.S.A. citizen for a baby born
here to be a citizen. Month after month 30K to 40K babies are born and paid
for by U.S. taxpayers of parents who are here illegally and later used as the
hearts and flower stories about how terrible it would be to deport a parent
from their U.S. child. You are ignoring the child is a citizen of the country
the parent is being deported to.
We treat illegal border crossers or visa overstayers as simply a misdemeanor
offense. Why aren't these violations of U.S. law made a felony offense?
4. We
have protected the Korean border since 1953 from an armed enemy for 60 years,
why can't we secure our southern border as well?
Returning to legal immigration, has anyone had the sense to question what is
the optimum population for the U.S.A.? By the remarks about how great
immigration has been I suppose not.
We are the third most populated country in the world but you act as if we have
a shortage of labor. There is no shortage of labor. As Milton Friedman said "work
visas are corporate welfare!"
this weekend of honoring those who made the ultimate sacrifice to allow you to
sit where you do, I grieve whether their sacrifices were worthwhile?
George Fuller
George Fuller
Alcee Hastings,
Third World,
Utility funnels revenue to City
Comment Up

Letters to the Editor
Palm Beach Post
May 26, 2013
Utility funnels revenue to city
People from every facet of Lake Worth’s politics agree that customers deserve better from their electrical utility. I’m glad I can vote for the people who work in my interest, and I encourage the commission to continue its progress.
The advantage of local control will prove to be important as time goes by. Today Florida Power & Light offers better rates, but I don’t trust such a big corporation, nor the state politics that manifest in setting future rates, to be responsive to the needs of our small city.
The Lake Worth utility is salable because it is an asset that is profitable. Lake Worth is addicted to its profit in a bad way, because of poor management, and the revenue decline following the 2008 global financial crisis. But I wonder what would have happened without the utility revenue during the past five years?
Lake Worth

Letters to the Editor
Palm Beach Post
May 26, 2013
Utility funnels revenue to city
People from every facet of Lake Worth’s politics agree that customers deserve better from their electrical utility. I’m glad I can vote for the people who work in my interest, and I encourage the commission to continue its progress.
The advantage of local control will prove to be important as time goes by. Today Florida Power & Light offers better rates, but I don’t trust such a big corporation, nor the state politics that manifest in setting future rates, to be responsive to the needs of our small city.
The Lake Worth utility is salable because it is an asset that is profitable. Lake Worth is addicted to its profit in a bad way, because of poor management, and the revenue decline following the 2008 global financial crisis. But I wonder what would have happened without the utility revenue during the past five years?
Lake Worth
Allen West Memorial Day Message
We must remember the brave men and women who have worn the uniform of the
United States Military to defend the liberties each of us enjoys. Not just
today, on Memorial Day, but every day.
As a veteran who saw too many of my comrades make the ultimate sacrifice, I could go on and on talking about the significance of today, what it means to serve this great nation, and why I'm so proud to be an American. But I know you probably have plans, so I'd like to leave you with a verse from the Bible that I believe sums up today perfectly:
Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?" And I said, "Here am I. Send me!"
We are the land of the free, because we have always been the home of the brave. Let us never forget.
God bless America,
Allen West
As a veteran who saw too many of my comrades make the ultimate sacrifice, I could go on and on talking about the significance of today, what it means to serve this great nation, and why I'm so proud to be an American. But I know you probably have plans, so I'd like to leave you with a verse from the Bible that I believe sums up today perfectly:
Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?" And I said, "Here am I. Send me!"
We are the land of the free, because we have always been the home of the brave. Let us never forget.
God bless America,
Allen West
Allen West,
Memorial Day,
Memorial Day
Comment Up

The link below is a virtual wall of all those Americans who died in the Vietnam War.
Don't forget our memorial service this morning 10am at Pinecrest Cemetery, 1724 12th Ave. S., Lake Worth to honor all veterans.

Arlington National Cemetery

Vietnam Wall
One of America's most sacred places
58,195 brave Americans
The link below is a virtual wall of all those Americans who died in the Vietnam War.
Don't forget our memorial service this morning 10am at Pinecrest Cemetery, 1724 12th Ave. S., Lake Worth to honor all veterans.

Arlington National Cemetery
The Pastor and the Pulpit
Don't screw around with condoms.
Read more about the pastor who was beaten to a pulp because condoms fell out of his bible.
Read more about the pastor who was beaten to a pulp because condoms fell out of his bible.
Sunday, May 26, 2013
Lake Worth's Survey
Comment Up
— 68 percent said the city is heading in the right direction and has made progress in the past 12 months.
— 37 percent ranked the city’s overall condition as “average,” while 46 percent ranked its condition as below average or poor.
— Job creation and crime reduction ranked high as ways to reduce the city’s high poverty rate.
— Potholes ranked high as the biggest problem with streets and sidewalks. Other street problems that ranked high: cracked pavement, bad drainage, broken sidewalks and a lack of sidewalks.
— Most of the survey respondents — 63 percent — said they have lived in Lake Worth for more than 10 years. In all, 84 percent said they own homes in the city.
Commissioner John Szerdi said some of the survey results, such as low use of sports programs, don’t seem to match his observations. He suggested that future surveys be published in English and Spanish. Commissioner, our official language in this State is ENGLISH... you are aiding and abetting and wanting to use tax dollars to encourage the failure of immigrants to learn English.
— 68 percent said the city is heading in the right direction and has made progress in the past 12 months.
— 37 percent ranked the city’s overall condition as “average,” while 46 percent ranked its condition as below average or poor.
— Job creation and crime reduction ranked high as ways to reduce the city’s high poverty rate.
— Potholes ranked high as the biggest problem with streets and sidewalks. Other street problems that ranked high: cracked pavement, bad drainage, broken sidewalks and a lack of sidewalks.
— Most of the survey respondents — 63 percent — said they have lived in Lake Worth for more than 10 years. In all, 84 percent said they own homes in the city.
Commissioner John Szerdi said some of the survey results, such as low use of sports programs, don’t seem to match his observations. He suggested that future surveys be published in English and Spanish. Commissioner, our official language in this State is ENGLISH... you are aiding and abetting and wanting to use tax dollars to encourage the failure of immigrants to learn English.
City of Lake Worth,
John Szerdi,
Obama the weakiest president in U.S. history?
The report comes from the Middle East Media Research Institute, which monitors and reports on media in the Middle East.
“The problem of U.S. President Barack Obama can be summed up in a
single word: hesitation. The man is short-sighted, confused and
diffident,” wrote Mashari al-Zaydi, a columnist for the daily Al-Sharq
MEMRI reported the column called Obama out as the weakest president in U.S. history and blamed him for allowing the crisis in Syria to escalate.
MEMRI reported the column called Obama out as the weakest president in U.S. history and blamed him for allowing the crisis in Syria to escalate.
Thought for the day
Comment Up
Leftists need conservatives but conservatives don't need Leftists.The late American writer, Lawrence Auster
To be blunt, they can’t let us go. We’d be happy to be rid of them, because to us they’re nothing but parasites and/or oppressors. But they can’t get rid of us because we do most of the work, pay most of the taxes, provide the stability and morality that allow their depravity to thrive with less damaging results. Furthermore, the white conservative population is the buffer protecting white liberals from the minorities.
Rush is on Fire
Comment Up is now on your iPhone and iPod Touch, providing you with local coverage you can count on from Florida's top-rated television station, covering Palm Beach County and the Treasure Coast, including West Palm Beach, Boca Raton and Port St. Lucie.
About a week ago while scrolling the news app, WPTV asked if Rush Limbaugh was relevant?
He currently lives in Palm Beach, Florida, from where he broadcasts the Rush Limbaugh Show, the highest-rated talk-radio program in the United States. Talkers Magazine in 2012 lists Limbaugh as the most-listened-to talk show host with a weekly audience of 15 million. He signed a $400 million deal to keep his show running through 2016. That should answer their question--
Rush is on fire! is now on your iPhone and iPod Touch, providing you with local coverage you can count on from Florida's top-rated television station, covering Palm Beach County and the Treasure Coast, including West Palm Beach, Boca Raton and Port St. Lucie.
About a week ago while scrolling the news app, WPTV asked if Rush Limbaugh was relevant?
He currently lives in Palm Beach, Florida, from where he broadcasts the Rush Limbaugh Show, the highest-rated talk-radio program in the United States. Talkers Magazine in 2012 lists Limbaugh as the most-listened-to talk show host with a weekly audience of 15 million. He signed a $400 million deal to keep his show running through 2016. That should answer their question--
Rush is on fire!
County Palm Beach,
News Media,
Palm Beach,
Rush Limbaugh
Rick Scott ready to sign Texting while Driving Ban
Governor Rick Scott is going to sign the texting while Driving Ban, however the bill is not strong enough. It's a start.
Read about it.
Read about it.
Florida State of,
House Bills_FL,
Rick Scott,
Mess of the Week
Comment Up

600 Block of Wright Drive
Our middle class neighborhoods are being destroyed in Lake Worth.

Code Enforcement,
Mess of the Week,
Saturday, May 25, 2013
Orchid Society of the Palm Beaches
Comment Up

The traditional name is Cattleytonia Why Not and its known as a great little plant. It is compact, standing only about 8-10 inches tall. The flowers are small, only about 2 inches across, but clustered on 6-8” spikes, so they usually stand well above the foliage and are easy to see. Look to Spring and Fall for blooms. Although there is no fragrance, the bright red colors will knock your socks off.
Someone brought this to the last Orchid Society meeting--spectacular, isn't it?
One of God's beautiful creations

The traditional name is Cattleytonia Why Not and its known as a great little plant. It is compact, standing only about 8-10 inches tall. The flowers are small, only about 2 inches across, but clustered on 6-8” spikes, so they usually stand well above the foliage and are easy to see. Look to Spring and Fall for blooms. Although there is no fragrance, the bright red colors will knock your socks off.
Someone brought this to the last Orchid Society meeting--spectacular, isn't it?
Remember 1986 Coalition Sum Up
Click here to read about the 50 separate organizations that banded together under the banner "Remember 1986 Coalition." With a unified voice they asked Senators, the press, and fellow Americans to remember the broken promises of the 1986 amnesty bill and warned to not let it happen again.
In thirty-four states, from New York to Washington, organized press conferences took place. Many NumbersUSA activists took part in the press conferences talking about the major flaws in the Gang of 8's amnesty bill. Others attended meetings with Senate staffers and delivered our Say No to Amnesty petition signatures to Senate offices.
Palm Beach county was mentioned.
In thirty-four states, from New York to Washington, organized press conferences took place. Many NumbersUSA activists took part in the press conferences talking about the major flaws in the Gang of 8's amnesty bill. Others attended meetings with Senate staffers and delivered our Say No to Amnesty petition signatures to Senate offices.
Palm Beach county was mentioned.
Assault in our Downtown
Comment Up

It was just reported by CrimeMapping that there was an ASSAULT that took place in our downtown on the 600 block of Lake Avenue this morning at 2:07:00 AM. According to the map, the assault was directly in the middle of the block.
At that time of the morning, the bars are just closing. What establishments are located in the 600 block? We have Dave's Last Resort, Brogues, and C.J.'s Island Grill. It could have been someone walking from another block but the fact remains that crime is growing and no one talks about it. We continue to hear from the PBSO how crime is down. Crime is a major contributor to slum and blight, our number one problem in Lake Worth.
People should be safe walking in our downtown.

It was just reported by CrimeMapping that there was an ASSAULT that took place in our downtown on the 600 block of Lake Avenue this morning at 2:07:00 AM. According to the map, the assault was directly in the middle of the block.
At that time of the morning, the bars are just closing. What establishments are located in the 600 block? We have Dave's Last Resort, Brogues, and C.J.'s Island Grill. It could have been someone walking from another block but the fact remains that crime is growing and no one talks about it. We continue to hear from the PBSO how crime is down. Crime is a major contributor to slum and blight, our number one problem in Lake Worth.
People should be safe walking in our downtown.
City of Lake Worth,
Downtown Lake Worth,
S.744.IS Immigration Bill - Border Security First

Click here... for the bill text.
The Heritage Foundation says--
In terms of public policy and government deficits, an important figure is the aggregate annual deficit for all unlawful immigrant households. This equals the total benefits and services received by all unlawful immigrant households minus the total taxes paid by those households.
- Under current law, all unlawful immigrant households together have an aggregate annual deficit of around $54.5 billion.
- In the interim phase (roughly the first 13 years after amnesty), the aggregate annual deficit would fall to $43.4 billion.
- At the end of the interim phase, former unlawful immigrant households would become fully eligible for means-tested welfare and health care benefits under the Affordable Care Act. The aggregate annual deficit would soar to around $106 billion.
- In the retirement phase, the annual aggregate deficit would be around $160 billion. It would slowly decline as former unlawful immigrants gradually expire.
Now Obama wants to raise the debt ceiling. We can't even afford ourselves. I saw one of the Gang of Eight, Marco Rubio, on TV yesterday still promoting the Bill and telling us how wonderful it all is but he says, without border security first, the Plan will fail.
Gang of Eight,
Marco Rubio,
Friday, May 24, 2013
Who's the Boss?
Comment Up
Most of us who are working or who have ever had a job had bosses. Just think if your boss requested something of you and you totally ignored it--willfully and purposely did not fulfill the directive. What would happen? Do you think your boss would remain silent and not say a word? Of course not. Do you think you might just get him mad enough to fire your butt? Possibly, but it is fair to say he would be pissed.
Well, that's what happened with City Manager Michael Bornstein. He was told to give the commission a self-revaluation of his performance. He didn't. None exists. We don't know if he thinks subjectively or if he believes he is the Second Coming or if he thinks that he should improve in any area. Different standards exist for different people. And the city commission wonders why we get perturbed by their non-actions. Maybe he informed them he was not going to do it and we just don't know about it. Maybe he gave them a verbal review and we weren't told. Or maybe they all silently agreed to let him off the hook.
There was no public review by any commissioner. Why then was this even on the agenda? After reviewing four of the five reviews by the commission (John Szerdi's had not yet been received by the city at the time of this writing), Triolo and Maxwell rated Bornstein a 4 on a scale of 1 through 5, with McVoy rating him between a 3 and a 4 and Amoroso giving him the top grade, a 5.
It was a "fun" happening full of hugs and kisses but nothing substantive happened. The city commissioners are the bosses but they were made to look ineffectual in what was supposed to be an employment review that was feeble at best.

Most of us who are working or who have ever had a job had bosses. Just think if your boss requested something of you and you totally ignored it--willfully and purposely did not fulfill the directive. What would happen? Do you think your boss would remain silent and not say a word? Of course not. Do you think you might just get him mad enough to fire your butt? Possibly, but it is fair to say he would be pissed.
Well, that's what happened with City Manager Michael Bornstein. He was told to give the commission a self-revaluation of his performance. He didn't. None exists. We don't know if he thinks subjectively or if he believes he is the Second Coming or if he thinks that he should improve in any area. Different standards exist for different people. And the city commission wonders why we get perturbed by their non-actions. Maybe he informed them he was not going to do it and we just don't know about it. Maybe he gave them a verbal review and we weren't told. Or maybe they all silently agreed to let him off the hook.

It was a "fun" happening full of hugs and kisses but nothing substantive happened. The city commissioners are the bosses but they were made to look ineffectual in what was supposed to be an employment review that was feeble at best.
Lake Worth deserves better deal
Comment Up
Palm Beach Post
May 23, 2013
Lake Worth deserves better deal
Regarding The Post’s coverage of Lake Worth’s electric utility: For too long we in Lake Worth have wanted to see our rates as low as FPL’s. I am encouraged by our elected officials taking a public stand to bring down our rates to what our neighbors pay FPL. That’s something no other city-owned electric company in the state is now able to do.
We all want to believe that it could happen. We’ve been promised that before. Let us all hope we have the unified will to make the sacrifices to wean ourselves off the cash fix our electric utility has hooked us on, to make up for our depressed property values. Small cites never can attract experts to compete with a company like FPL. Our government-owned electric utility is a big drag on our local economy. Lake Worth is a special place, but not special enough to charge us higher rates for lesser service, especially when there’s a better option all around us.
Lake Worth
Note: All comments by Mr. Rice are not necessarily the view of this blog but everyone deserves the right to be heard.

May 23, 2013
Lake Worth deserves better deal
Regarding The Post’s coverage of Lake Worth’s electric utility: For too long we in Lake Worth have wanted to see our rates as low as FPL’s. I am encouraged by our elected officials taking a public stand to bring down our rates to what our neighbors pay FPL. That’s something no other city-owned electric company in the state is now able to do.
We all want to believe that it could happen. We’ve been promised that before. Let us all hope we have the unified will to make the sacrifices to wean ourselves off the cash fix our electric utility has hooked us on, to make up for our depressed property values. Small cites never can attract experts to compete with a company like FPL. Our government-owned electric utility is a big drag on our local economy. Lake Worth is a special place, but not special enough to charge us higher rates for lesser service, especially when there’s a better option all around us.
Lake Worth
Note: All comments by Mr. Rice are not necessarily the view of this blog but everyone deserves the right to be heard.
City of Lake Worth,
Greg Rice,
Letters to the Editor,
Bornstein attends management conference
Comment Up
With a total of 508 members, the FCCMA is committed to:
With a total of 508 members, the FCCMA is committed to:
- Supporting and promoting the council-manager plan as the form of local government that advances the highest ethical and professional standards
- Providing education, support, information and regulation to its members
- Fostering community awareness of the critical issues of governance
- Maintaining linkages to the ICMA and other state and national organizations.
Charter change was Will of the People
Comment Up
The local newspaper took such delight in telling us that the Charter Amendment is in the hands of the Governor and the entire heights election might just have been a waste of time. This is the problem with newspapers today. Because they are partisan, people have less and less faith in what they write or even in their opinion. The other thing, the politicos in this city are bathing in their own dribble believing that the will of the people should mean nada, excepting, of course, when it comes to them.
Some of the height advocates are drooling at the mouth. They have convinced William Waters and City Attorney Glen Torcivia that the Charter change that was won by 55.86% of the voters this past March under the worst of conditions by the opponents, might now be moot because of HB 537 which prohibits initiative or referendum processes for any development order, local comprehensive plan amendment, or map amendment. At least they are all hoping, and they are counting on the Governor deciding it all when he signs into law HB 537. HOWEVER, the Charter Amendment is outside the scope of the first part of F.S. 163.3167.
That was NOT what our election was about. It was a CHARTER CHANGE and in order to change the Charter, it must be by vote of the electorate. The Charter is the bible or Constitution of the city, not the comprehensive plan or a map that can be changed by a political vote from the dais. The Charter already addressed heights. That is why Respectful Planning PAC was formed and took the issue to the voters. Their vote was decided on March 12, 2013 and it is supreme.
By law, it is the duty of the city to uphold the results of this election.
The facts of the matter are:
So you might just as well stop drooling or chomping at the bit for awhile. The people will have legal counsel if needed so that the will of the people is not subverted.
:)_ The saddest part of this is that the Commission learned nothing from this election--they still don't honor the people they serve and want to beat them down.

The local newspaper took such delight in telling us that the Charter Amendment is in the hands of the Governor and the entire heights election might just have been a waste of time. This is the problem with newspapers today. Because they are partisan, people have less and less faith in what they write or even in their opinion. The other thing, the politicos in this city are bathing in their own dribble believing that the will of the people should mean nada, excepting, of course, when it comes to them.
Some of the height advocates are drooling at the mouth. They have convinced William Waters and City Attorney Glen Torcivia that the Charter change that was won by 55.86% of the voters this past March under the worst of conditions by the opponents, might now be moot because of HB 537 which prohibits initiative or referendum processes for any development order, local comprehensive plan amendment, or map amendment. At least they are all hoping, and they are counting on the Governor deciding it all when he signs into law HB 537. HOWEVER, the Charter Amendment is outside the scope of the first part of F.S. 163.3167.
That was NOT what our election was about. It was a CHARTER CHANGE and in order to change the Charter, it must be by vote of the electorate. The Charter is the bible or Constitution of the city, not the comprehensive plan or a map that can be changed by a political vote from the dais. The Charter already addressed heights. That is why Respectful Planning PAC was formed and took the issue to the voters. Their vote was decided on March 12, 2013 and it is supreme.
By law, it is the duty of the city to uphold the results of this election.
The facts of the matter are:
- It was NOT an initiative or referendum for any development order
- It was NOT an initiative or referendum for any local comprehensive plan
- It was NOT an initiative or referendum for any map amendment.
- It WAS an initiative or referendum to amend our Charter.
Florida Statutes mandate referendum when 10% of the registered voters sign a petition for it. When the referendum is successful, the Charter must be changed according to the expressed will of the people.
So, now we have just another stall and delay on moving our Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment forward. How many years has it been now? City Attorney Torcivia will take two months to figure out an angle to make his bosses happy and all the rest of the little consortium who hang around city hall day in and day out who just continue to nag them. The commissioners are livid that they lost this one to the people, people they represent by the way, who won the election to keep our downtown low-rise. This outcome and Charter change needs to be sent to Tallahassee.
So, now we have just another stall and delay on moving our Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment forward. How many years has it been now? City Attorney Torcivia will take two months to figure out an angle to make his bosses happy and all the rest of the little consortium who hang around city hall day in and day out who just continue to nag them. The commissioners are livid that they lost this one to the people, people they represent by the way, who won the election to keep our downtown low-rise. This outcome and Charter change needs to be sent to Tallahassee.

Thursday, May 23, 2013
We used to reach for the Stars - We were the greatest!
One persons' perspective
Today, we are constantly at each others' throats, Democrats and Republicans alike, with administrative scandals galore. We can't protect our men in foreign countries or even those at U.S. embassies. No one agrees on anything. We are about to pass immigration reform that will flood our country with illegals and more debt and less jobs for our own citizens. We have never been able to secure our borders. Why not? We have some crazy need to be "politically correct" instead of making the right decisions. Our public and private debt is unsustainable but the government wants to grow it more. We have a government that allows a department to spy on other Americans. And we constantly are lied to.
All it takes is the will to be number one again and do the right thing.
Obama's drone strikes kill Americans
Comment Up
The Obama administration Wednesday for the first time acknowledged killing four U.S. citizens in “counterterrorism operations” abroad.
Read about it... at The Washington Post.
The Obama administration Wednesday for the first time acknowledged killing four U.S. citizens in “counterterrorism operations” abroad.
Read about it... at The Washington Post.
Lake Worth - The Pushover
Comment Up

Usually you think of the "good" guys wearing white. In this case, we should question what is going on regarding two important issues that affect our city: portable trailer units on Dixie Highway for the charter school and people coming into our city breaking our laws and renting out houses short-term. As typical, the public is kept in the dark.
Tuesday night the chamber was packed and many were lawyers for the above causes who want to get their way in Lake Worth--the Charter School with trailers on Dixie highway and those who bought houses and opened them up as a commercial enterprise in residential neighborhoods against our ordinance. They both have picked apart our rules and zoning and feel they have the right to do whatever.
The Academy for "Positive" Learning was on the Agenda but was postponed. I keep the name "positive" in quotes because these people agreed to remove those portables in 16 months. Now they have no intention of doing so. It was obvious that the mayor was briefed on the subject prior to the meeting and she gave an explanation that two weeks ago they were ONLY there to vote on the community appearance of the trailers--that they got side-tracked, etc. She said that they had new information so the item was being tabled, never telling us what the new information was. You got that funny feeling by the look on her face that whatever new information they had favored the school and maybe its portables. Our attorney, at the break, was talking jovially with the lawyers who represented the Academy who all seemed confident.
Vacation rentals had been pulled off the agenda as our attorney, Glen Torcivia, said that he had been in communication with the attorneys for the Consortium of Vacation Rentals and their attorneys. This item is being delayed for 60 days. The commission allowed the public to speak to the issue even though it was NOT on the agenda and no motion had been made. Protocol and rules don't even apply to the Commission. We had to sit there and listen to an attorney giving us the reason why they want to continue to do what they want to do. We had to listen, once again, to one of the owners who has rallied her troops to get her way and she's not shy about it.
Legally, it seems, anyone can challenge anything and get his way in Lake Worth. He can be the biggest flim flam man who ever hit the town and the commission votes to give him $1.6 million. Are we that impotent as a city? How long has this city been working on zoning and LDR's and all the ordinances that affect the quality of life we have here?

Usually you think of the "good" guys wearing white. In this case, we should question what is going on regarding two important issues that affect our city: portable trailer units on Dixie Highway for the charter school and people coming into our city breaking our laws and renting out houses short-term. As typical, the public is kept in the dark.
Tuesday night the chamber was packed and many were lawyers for the above causes who want to get their way in Lake Worth--the Charter School with trailers on Dixie highway and those who bought houses and opened them up as a commercial enterprise in residential neighborhoods against our ordinance. They both have picked apart our rules and zoning and feel they have the right to do whatever.
The Academy for "Positive" Learning was on the Agenda but was postponed. I keep the name "positive" in quotes because these people agreed to remove those portables in 16 months. Now they have no intention of doing so. It was obvious that the mayor was briefed on the subject prior to the meeting and she gave an explanation that two weeks ago they were ONLY there to vote on the community appearance of the trailers--that they got side-tracked, etc. She said that they had new information so the item was being tabled, never telling us what the new information was. You got that funny feeling by the look on her face that whatever new information they had favored the school and maybe its portables. Our attorney, at the break, was talking jovially with the lawyers who represented the Academy who all seemed confident.
Vacation rentals had been pulled off the agenda as our attorney, Glen Torcivia, said that he had been in communication with the attorneys for the Consortium of Vacation Rentals and their attorneys. This item is being delayed for 60 days. The commission allowed the public to speak to the issue even though it was NOT on the agenda and no motion had been made. Protocol and rules don't even apply to the Commission. We had to sit there and listen to an attorney giving us the reason why they want to continue to do what they want to do. We had to listen, once again, to one of the owners who has rallied her troops to get her way and she's not shy about it.
Legally, it seems, anyone can challenge anything and get his way in Lake Worth. He can be the biggest flim flam man who ever hit the town and the commission votes to give him $1.6 million. Are we that impotent as a city? How long has this city been working on zoning and LDR's and all the ordinances that affect the quality of life we have here?
IRS hits Indians with humongous bill
The Internal Revenue Service has hit the Miccosukee Indians with a $170
million bill for failing to report and withhold taxes from its
distribution of gambling profits to tribal members.
OMG, do you think perhaps they were targeted for being anti-Obama?
OMG, do you think perhaps they were targeted for being anti-Obama?
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
The League of Cities -Top Dog
Comment Up

The purpose of the Palm Beach County League of Cities, Inc., is to promote and advance the collective interest of the municipalities of Palm Beach County, Florida; to study municipal issues and seek desired results through cooperative effort; to respect the principles of Home Rule; to encourage and enhance the quality of life of the citizens of Palm Beach County; and/or to engage in any other lawful purpose not for pecuniary profit.
Now you notice where it says, "promote the collective interest of the municipalities"--not the citizens but the city governments. That's what it's all about. The citizens are unimportant excepting for their tax dollars. Screw them and what they believe or want. They have no clue nor do they know what they are talking about, right? Essentially, that is how most elected officials end up believing--they are God and we are mortal subjects and they will do what it takes to get their way.
The League consists of all 38 municipalities in Palm Beach County, as well as over 70 Associate members. The Board of Directors, installed each May, is made up of 18 city officials: four executive officers, one representative from each of the League's five districts, six representatives from the largest municipalities, two at-large seats, and the Immediate Past President, if in office. Past Presidents still in office serve ex-officio.
Scott Maxwell, who has no time to return phone calls or e-mails other than to his chosen few as a commissioner in Lake Worth, has found the time to devote to the League of Cities. With his autocratic manner and sometimes authoritarian way, Maxwell has politicked his way up to the top spot--President. You don't get to that position unless you can convince people that you know what in hell you're talking about. Congratulations Scott.
The League backs:

The purpose of the Palm Beach County League of Cities, Inc., is to promote and advance the collective interest of the municipalities of Palm Beach County, Florida; to study municipal issues and seek desired results through cooperative effort; to respect the principles of Home Rule; to encourage and enhance the quality of life of the citizens of Palm Beach County; and/or to engage in any other lawful purpose not for pecuniary profit.
Now you notice where it says, "promote the collective interest of the municipalities"--not the citizens but the city governments. That's what it's all about. The citizens are unimportant excepting for their tax dollars. Screw them and what they believe or want. They have no clue nor do they know what they are talking about, right? Essentially, that is how most elected officials end up believing--they are God and we are mortal subjects and they will do what it takes to get their way.
The League consists of all 38 municipalities in Palm Beach County, as well as over 70 Associate members. The Board of Directors, installed each May, is made up of 18 city officials: four executive officers, one representative from each of the League's five districts, six representatives from the largest municipalities, two at-large seats, and the Immediate Past President, if in office. Past Presidents still in office serve ex-officio.
Scott Maxwell, who has no time to return phone calls or e-mails other than to his chosen few as a commissioner in Lake Worth, has found the time to devote to the League of Cities. With his autocratic manner and sometimes authoritarian way, Maxwell has politicked his way up to the top spot--President. You don't get to that position unless you can convince people that you know what in hell you're talking about. Congratulations Scott.
The League backs:
– Revises & provides for applicability of provisions
that prohibit initiative or referendum
process for development orders & local
comp. plan amendments & map amendments. This bill has nothing to do with the recent height referendum that changed our charter even though politicos who are still furious about losing the height election have convinced our city attorney to spend taxpayer dollars to study it all and render an opinion.
– Authorizes a local government to retain an existing
initiative or referendum process
relating to a local comprehensive plan amendment
or map amendment in certain circumstances.
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