Four women were arrested Tuesday after they chained themselves to the door of the GEO Group headquarters in Boca Raton. They have been released from the Palm Beach County Jail.
Two of them are from Lake Worth: Lynne Purvis, 33, photo above, and Christine Baglieri, 25. The other two are Zoe Meniolle D’Hauthull, 20, of Miami, Kimberly Janel Williams, 23, of Spring Hill. All were released from jail Tuesday night on their own recognizance.
Arrested! Now an Arrest Record! What did they prove? -Nothing!
Silly if you ask me
A 33 year old that refuses to grow up . How sad.
GEO withdrew its donation of $6 mil on April 1 so I don't know why these people thought it cool to demonstrate. Human rights violations my butt. Stop coddling the criminal. Where there are criminals, you will have criminal activity whether they are in jail or not. Unflippingbelievable!
It just keeps getting worse in this country and so do the left wing universities.
judging by the picture she looks like what adam lanza looked like--very distrubing photo--and who cuts their hair like that--she looks like something is wrong with her
I am surprised Cara, Peter, and Rachel were not there also.
I think the point is not about coddling criminals. It's about abusing people and violating their human rights. It's about drawing attention to the fact that we invest more money in "coddling criminals" than we invest in guiding them away from criminal behavior during their formative years. It's about publicity, getting people to notice what they are protesting. You noticed, right? Mission accomplished.
You may not agree with their cause, but I assure you these people are not stupid. Lynne Purvis is one of the very smartest people I know. And probably more formally educated than most of the people who read this blog, let alone post here. Next time you see her, ask her about her *multiple* degrees.
That's the response one usually hears from someone who doesn't know how difficult it can be to earn a degree. Smartest person I ever knew only graduated kindergarten, etc. There are certainly multiple sorts of intelligences, I agree with that. I know very successful people with only high school diplomas. But they have to pay people with college educations to manage most other aspects of their lives. My mom didn't have a college degree, but she taught herself to play several very difficult musical instruments that I couldn't have mastered with years of lessons.
I'm always impressed by someone who can grasp concepts that baffle me, because I fancy myself pretty smart. So I am impressed with someone who can get a degree in Physics.
I don't sympathize with rapists, murderers, etc. I sympathize with people who get 10 years for possession when rapists get 5. You may want to research the types of "criminals" that are populating our prisons these days. They are not all rapist and murderers. I think that's the point that the protestors are trying to make.
Now you don't like my comment. OK. Whatever, my friend.
Prisons are not supposed to be nice places to be. They are supposed to be deterrents.I favor the "Escape from New York " approach to criminals ,myself. That or public execution. Then we don't have to worry about the conditions that the poor criminals have to "live"in .
Laurel is right. What Lake Worth needs is more people like Purvis and more of Laurel's other little friends that have multiple degrees but contribute zero to the community. Unless of course you consider being unemployable, protesting like an 18 year old and leeching off the government contributing to the good of the community.
You should see the prison system in Eastern Europe or Central America, our prisons are like Club Med compared to those.
Where were these ladies when FAU agreed to take GEO's money for naming rights to the stadium? They showed up a month late, only reason they did was that they had a get together nearby so it was convenient for them. At the end of the day they accomplished nothing.
Don't do the crime, don't do the time. Simple.
Dear Anonymous,
Wow! Bitter unhappiness does not make a very strong case for gainful employment and community service. Maybe you should change it up a little. May I suggest a Club Med vacation in eastern Europe or Central America?! Protesting like an 18 year old can work wonders as well.
Good luck finding your joy again.
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