Monday, August 1, 2011

Lake Worth General Election

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Qualifying period starts on Tuesday for our November Elections. I can't wait for this one--had so much fun in the last one. Ramiccio's campaign manager even dropped me as her friend on Facebook. Gosh, it's not my fault she picked the wrong candidate.

Read about it here.


Anonymous said...

who will run? I can't believe that Maxwell will be unopposed.

Anonymous said...

Dismal news....the sign issues have already started. Someone took down Amoroso's signs on Federal, and left them, cut in half.
Can we please just do away with the signs, period!

Lynn Anderson said...

It is disgusting when people steal and destroy political signs. I just wish that candidates would not put their signs on the public rights of way. One of the reasons why candidates wait a little closer to the election to put out their signs is this very reason. Signs are expensive. Tell Andy to take down his sign near the Kava bar in that City planter. He's starting off on the wrong foot by placing signs illegally.

Greg Rice said...

Like I posted on
Why don't more qualified people run? The candidate shortage affects everything from park and library boards to commissioners & open mayor seats. Many people who might make good leaders don't want to expose themselves to the demands, intense ridicule, sacrifices and time demands holding office can exact. It's no surprise people aren't lining up to serve. if this trend grows, and it will, many cities will be doomed to mediocre-at-best representation in the years to come.

Anonymous said...

Amen Greg your point is exactly why many do not want to run including that it really is a full time job at a part-time pay. And for many it takes so much away from ones professional life that actually does pay his or her bills. Its almost at a point were being on the Dias is a punishment instead of an honor to serve....

Anonymous said...

If we had district by district voting,Maxwell would not have a prayer.He does not represent the needs of district one.He's just another Commissioner kissing the AZZes of people living east of Federal.

Anonymous said...

What comment? College Park? Don't tell me you guys learned soemthing from cara jennings by calling everything you don't like "racist." What a hoot College Park people. What I think anony above was saying is that Maxwell plays politics to those who supported him.

Anonymous said...

I think it was that punishment statemnet of Greg Rice.

Anonymous said...

Greg, please look in the mirror, see a great and viable candidate,...and please run!!

Anonymous said...

Why do the residents of College Park all get the feeling we are not wanted here..?
The blog comments make it pretty clear.
Anyone who has worked hard and done well for themselves, who may want to move here, I say, with all sincerity that they should reconsider as in this town, you will be ostracized if you have done well....
Well known that Cara and Joanne want LW to be a commune...but I've never been in a place where if you have invested a good deal of money here, you are the outcasts.