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List of qualified candidates for the following offices:
Pam Triolo
120 North Federal Highway, Suite 105
Lake Worth, FL
Rachel Waterman
802 N. A Street
Lake Worth, FL 33460
Dustin Zacks
216 N. Federal Hwy #4
Lake Worth, FL 33460
Commissioner, District 1:
Scott Maxwell (unopposed)
1809 Hillcrest Avenue
Lake Worth, FL 33461
Commissioner, District 3:
Andy Amoroso
600 Lake Avenue
Lake Worth, FL 33460
Jo-Ann Golden
502 N. Palmway
Lake Worth, FL 33460
Oh no, I can't take it. All these unknowns.
Get to know Pam, business owner and homeowner in the City of Lake Worth, it's worth the time.Everyone is unknown until you get to know them.
Dustin Zacks is an attorney(young fresh face!!) with a prestigeous firm ,which helps homeowners in danger of getting kicked into the street, with or without children because of foreclosure threat,this is what is heralded in the P.B.Post.I checked his Co.Tripple AAA!
If we had had an attorney when the Fire Dept.Contract had to be signed ,this attorney would have gone over it with a fine tooth comb, and taken out all conditions harmful,unaffordable for Lake Worth.We unfortunately had 3 indifferent dangerous creatures,in OUR Commission seats ,Jeff Clemens, Dave Vespo and Retha Lowe, too lazy to read the Contract,signed the financially with suplementary payments, no other Town has to, strangling Contract.
Greater Bay's Contract would not have been signed by Retha Lowe,usurping Marc Drautz(Mayor) signatory power and who caused us now a $40,000,000.- Law suit by Greater Bay. Nadine Burns and Dave Vespo voted for it.They forced the Contract to be executed ,which is proven stupid.
Harming the Citizens of Lake Worth.
Who voted them into office????Congrats!
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