Last night we expected a mob to show up for Ms. Stanton's performance Review so we got there very early. It didn't happen. I guess everyone was all shouted out with their insults after the April 5 meeting with The Cottage. Channel 25 was there to film and it played on the 11:00pm news.
Scott Maxwell gave Ms. Stanton a brutal score but his words were certainly more subdued than last year. He didn't show up with his 3 inch red book that entailed data that went as far back to when Stanton was in the womb or from every passing crazy with an ax to grind. Maxwell has always admitted that he does not even meet with the city manager so it's impossible to assess his evaluation. Mayor Varela's evaluation was poor and it actually was lower than last year with him saying, "Her relationship decline with other governments, our residents, and the business community overshadow all that she does." I totally disagree. The Mayor is confused about her role and why she was hired.
The biggest "negative" was that the city manager does not get out into the public and interact with the citizens. Personally, this was not why she was hired and this should be eliminated from the evaluation. Stanton gets out when she does have free time. To even suggest that she should attend neighborhood association meetings is ridiculous. NA's are all political and city managers need to stay away from politics.
There are many things on the matrix that do not apply to our city manager and should be eliminated from the evaluation or a totally new matrix developed. Commissioner McVoy did not answer many of the categories because they were not applicable and therefore his overall score was lower than it should have been.
Overall average was 3.5 or a C+
No surprise here.
I guess trying to get back our $13 mil that is owed by all these neighboring cities and asking for the money show bad intergovernmental relations. Get a life, Scott and Rene.
So the mayor and Scott gave her 2 points out of 5, or a D. What was their reasoning besides her hard nose approach?
If you add up all of Maxwell's points, they average out to 1.585, not 2. That would have been an F score and would have brought down the overall average even more.
An F score just tells you that Maxwell needs to meet with the city mgr and understand exactly what is going on in the city. Varela, I don't know about him.
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