Thursday, April 14, 2011

Ethics in Lake Worth

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The Ethics Ordinance was adopted on December 7, 2010 and was approved by the entire Commission. It was a long time coming. Occasionally, one aspect of the Ordinance is being overlooked:

(a) Any elected official of the City of Lake Worth, who is a current sitting member of the City Commission and has accepted an election campaign contribution in an amount that is more than $100 from an individual or business entity having an interest in a matter before the City Commission in which the City Commission will take action, must publicly disclose, both verbally and in writing, such contribution prior to any discussion or vote on the matter. The written disclosure must be submitted to the City Clerk.

The above was forgotten on April 5th's commission meeting by one elected official on the Dais. This occurred during discussion of moving forward with an investigation of city manager Susan Stanton regarding the disgusting and libelous charges made by The Cottage Restaurant and some of its friends including radical gay activists.

Last night Susan Stanton had her performance review. Coincidentally, the two elected officials who gave her a poor job performance either took a campaign contribution from The Cottage or had their victory party there.


kkss21 said...

How about when the Commission is voting on anything concerning the police and fire ,or ANY city unions, for that matter?

Wes Blackman said...

What about the tenants at the beach, the leasing of the new building and all the contributions made to at least two members of the City Commission, perhaps three? Laws are supposed to be applied on an equal basis.

Lynn Anderson said...

Wes, you changed your photo!

Lynn Anderson said...

Just wondering how often you want the two or possibly three (who is that third person?) to mention it? Once enough? On every vote? Two times, three times. Always? On any discussion? What is appropriate here? They have already declared this in a public meeting.