Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Wrong is Wrong

“Joe Kroll is not the bad guy here,” said City Manager, Susan Stanton.

Sorry, Ms. Stanton. Joe Kroll over-reached his authority. He did not have the right to make the decision to move a parking lot at our major park, Bryant Park. You even stated in the January 19th meeting that when the scope of work changed, all work should have stopped. Now you say he is not the “bad guy?”

It is nice to stand up for your employees but when they are wrong, they are wrong. After 90% completion, the city then became aware that a parking lot had been moved! What happened to accountability? Now it will cost us $80,000 to put the parking lot back. The City Manager says we have "no money" to do that. Kroll might have made the best decision ever but that is NOT the point.

The entire Bryant Park looks like a war zone and we have Independence Day celebrations coming up in 150 days.

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