Thursday, February 25, 2010

No Splashy ideas at Lake Worth Pool

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Is this what the City wants to do?

Every time I think we are going along the right path, there is tomorrow to get me right back into the correct perspective. The cover-up continues. Let's protect Staff at any and all costs. We did it at the dump site. We did it on the whistleblower case. We did it on the Shuffleboard Court repairs. We do it at the Utility. We did it on the Bryant Park parking lot screw-up. We continue to allow the Unions to get away with all the cash. And now there is the pool pump house and all its repercussions.

It gets very tiring people when you have so much incompetency on a daily basis in our City. Our vision was to have a competitive pool. We spent $450,000 to assure that would happen. We had a project manager in charge. What does he do? He makes sure the bills are padded and Greater Bay walks home with the cash? And he still does work for the City.

The pool heaters have never been hooked up as far as I know. We never got the right pool cover to retain the heat and we never got the 3 meter board. The racing boards were installed incorrectly. We got the wrong timers. Our pump station is totally #$%^ed up and Joe Kroll, our Public Works Director who was and is in charge, now must tear up the newly placed pavers and the City must come up with $150,000 for repairs. Instead of finding the money the suggestion was to---

close the pool, have a water park and install a water slide. I think it is time to fire everyone or lock them all in City Hall so they can't get out. No more splashy ideas. It is time for tighter management controls and conservative decisions. John Rinaldi is right--We can't manage anything. How in the heck would we ever be able to manage a waterslide?

1 comment:

kkss21 said...

Our present Commission is not to blame for this criminal mess. It is responsible for immediately FIXING the mess, firing staff who were supposed to be overseeing the work,and who signed off on work that had not been done ,and going after Greater Bay and the pool company who screwed us out of almost 500,000 dollars. If our Commission does not have the will to do their jobs and protect their taxpayers against actions like these, they need to resign ,immediately.