The new bar Propaganda has just been given a crock of it...propaganda that is. It seems that candidate Rene Varela has promised to try to get the owners a 4 am closing time if he gets elected. Is that true, Rene? Tell me it ain't so, Joe.
Conservative Commentary/Opinion on Local, State & National issues. Hours 6am to 7pm to respond to comments
Thursday October 29, 5:30 pm at Martin Luther King Memorial. The public is invited to arrive at 5 pm
Corner of M Street and Lucerne Avenue, Lake Worth
Contact: Lisa Stewart 561-540-8913
Candidate for Lake Worth City Commission, Scott Maxwell has been cited as supporting hate groups on his recent radio programs called “Connecting the Dots on Illegal Immigration”. Audio archives of the radio program confirm Maxwell’s ties to the Federation of American Immigration Reform (FAIR) a recognized hate group by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) who track neo-Nazi and other hate groups.
On his July 30, 2009 radio show on WBZT 1230 Clear Channel Maxwell refers to the hate group FAIR as a “wonderful organization” and encourages listeners to contact them for “advice” and to access them through the link on his website. The link to FAIR remains on Maxwell’s website to this day.
Scott Maxwell is growing a large national following, including members of the Minutemen, a right-wing border militia, who call into his radio show and commend him for his work. His website boasts over 800,000 visitors. Archived audio of his radio programs can be found at Maxwell’s recently blocked website at http://bordercontrolnow.com/radioshowarchives.htm
His racist comments have been transcribed http://www.whoisscottmaxwell.blogspot.com
Lake Worth Resident and member of Palm Beach County Coalition for Immigrant Rights, Adam Davis, responded to the news about Maxwell’s affiliations saying, “Lake Worth is one of the most diverse cities in South Florida. We are proud of our diversity and will organize against hate groups in our city. Every person deserves universal human rights, regardless of their skin color or country of origin.”
The SPLC added FAIR to their list of organized hate groups due to their ties to known racists and a long track record of bigotry. According to the ADL’s September 2009 data, FAIR accepted over a million dollars from The Pioneer Fund, a group that has been described by The New York Times as having been established for the express purpose of promoting research into eugenics, and which has sponsored projects based on the notion that Blacks are genetically less intelligent than whites. The ADL has also noted that FAIR has on its National Board of Advisors an editor of VDare, a ‘white nationalist’ group whose web site features the work of well known racists and anti-Semites.
At today’s press conference, speakers will address Scott Maxwell regarding his ties to hate groups and to express the need for guaranteed universal human rights for all residents. Speakers include Lucio Perez of the American Friends Service Committee, Dan Liftman of Congressman Alcee Hastings office, Bob Louis Juene of the Haitian United Task Force. Representatives will also be present from the following groups: Equality Florida, Palm Beach County Coalition Immigrant Rights, Friends Quaker Meeting. Other concerned business owners and community members will also be present.
PBCC student Genia Guirand who will be attending the press conference added, “We ask Scott Maxwell to address our concerns about his working relationship with hate groups such as FAIR. Maxwell has hidden the truth. As voters and community members we deserve to know about his affiliations with hate groups.”
Candidate Scott Maxwell has also been invited to attend
Thursday October 29, 5:30 pm at Martin Luther King Memorial
Corner of M Street and Lucerne Avenue, Lake Worth
Contact: Lisa Stewart 561-540-8913
Media Contact:
Lisa Stewart
These signs are just a symbol of what's wrong by sticking them right in the face of the taxpayers of Lake Worth. They are telling you that they don't care what you think--that they want business as usual. They don't care if this owner was complicit in a CRA give-away where he benefited and not the taxpayers of Lake Worth. These signs say that these candidates are in agreement with that irresponsible act. These signs are a symbol of the horrible decisions of the past.
Jeffrey Dahmer is dead. These two candidates will be "dead" too by 7pm on November 3rd.
I gave Rene Varela the vote for the best campaign fliers. And they are! The one I just received in today’s mail is brilliant…a little far fetched in some instances and statements made by friends that sound good but Rene gives NO solutions or ways that he will actually perform any of these campaign promises…another brilliant move. Dazzle them with vapor.
NO HE DIDN’T do that May. Don’t you hate to be used like that? Now I am sure that you are a nice elderly lady. What Rene did was find Life is Beautiful, Michael Singer who designed a plan to take away most of our beach front parking. What has finally evolved is spending $5 million on re-designing parking lots without the vote of all
How will he DO THIS Lou? Fight with whom? Has he ever told you the plan? Someone call Lou and ask him to explain.
How will he DO THIS, Sylvia? What is his position on Code Enforcement? He will prevent foreclosures? That’s a good one. Obama needs him on his team. Maybe Charlie.
HOW WILL HE MAKE OUR UTILITIES MORE EFFICIENT BY federal money? You will not get more efficient by more money. You WILL get more efficient by reducing waste and stopping the corruption.
This is all the biggest bunch of bull I have ever read but-----------------
Letter to the Editor 10-27-09
Lake Worth candidates are anti-immigrant
In next Tuesday's Lake Worth election, three candidates are anti-immigration, therefore anti-human rights. They have decided and have been very vocal that if they win they will close the Lake Worth labor center. This will not only be a step backward for the community in creating unity and harmony, but it will most certainly be an invitation for a major lawsuit.
I have had the pleasure of meeting and hearing Scott Maxwell at an anti- immigration meeting. I was not impressed with his stance. The words that I recall clearly are "We need to make them feel unwelcomed so they leave." These are not words of a leader who will promote growth or a sense of community. Loretta Sharp and Wes Blackman are just as vocal and plan to divide the city of Lake Worth.
Editor's note: Betzy Rega is a member of Reform Immigration for AMERICA and the Florida Immigrant Coalition, and Director of Sunshine Artworks, a division of El Sol Jupiter Neighborhood Resource Center.
Commission race:
If the winners of last night’s candidate’s forum were determined on the ability of public speaking, then the winners are obvious in the Commission race: Scott Maxwell and Wes Blackman. Overall, Wes did the best to turn any question around to what he wanted to say. Scott also has that ability. Ron Exline and Jo-Ann Golden did a good job speaking to the issues.
Mayoral race:
If the winners are picked by who brought the most supporters or the loudest even going so far as to bang on the theater walls, the winners are Javier DelSol and Rene Varela.
The Playhouse seats 300 people. These are the people who always vote in
The Environmental Coalition and some of the Green Party were there to support Javier. Actually he spoke well. I don’t want to be forced to live with illegals, however. John Jordan has the guts to say what a lot of people believe. I have no problem with diversity but why is it that I must be the one fitting into their culture and not vice versa? The
Bill Coakley looked and sounded good. Laurence McNamara was on his game. Loretta got better as the night went on. John Jordan always adds some spice to the mix. Thank God he tamed it down from last year's performance. Rene Varela was clearly annoyed at the demonstration in front of the Playhouse brought on by the report that he is involved with a company that captures wild dolphins for re-sale. He had wind of this and was prepared for any adversity. His supporters were present. Everyone should send a message here…buy this
His group is fighting a gas-fired power plant that Florida Power & Light wants to build in western Palm Beach, which he says will annually emit 12 tons of carbon dioxide, a key greenhouse gas. FPL was among the sponsors of the regional conference."
``It still seems the priority is keeping the energy empire happy,'' he said.
Have you noticed anything peculiar about this campaign versus any in the past, other than it being quiet, that is? Certain things come to mind for me—
Does this suggest that more people actually care about who might get elected and that they actually have open minds?
What about the Realtor Group giving an endorsement to Rene Varela. Is this possibly true? He isn’t involved in real estate. Maybe he has a distant uncle who is a Realtor in
What about Compass interviewing candidates? They are all into their own agenda. What about that $600,000 loan? Did any candidate ask "what loan?" I hope anyone who was interviewed knew who Kevin Jennings is. Maybe they were better off if they didn’t know.
Then we have the Christian Coalition forum. They didn’t ask one question pertaining to their agenda which is far right of right. They didn't even ask about guns. I can tell you that they know who Kevin Jennings is...probably called in the NRA.
Union endorsements are all political bull. It is about who you know and who lobbies behind the scenes for you—how much the candidate B.S's to the panel about worker rights being more important than the rights of the average citizens that pick up the tab. Convince the Unions that they are the greatest thing since sliced bread and that you will sacrifice your first born to get them a raise and more benefits-- and you are in.
I think that the Sierra Club got it right.
It seems they have a mortgage of $4.4 million and the bank has now foreclosed. The foreclosure pertains to the warehouse
There is every indication that we will experience more and more foreclosures in the coming year. According to Bloomberg, foreclosures will peak by mid-year and home values will continue to decline throughout all 2010.
If you think things are bad now, wait until budget time next year.Sentenced to honest services fraud, he got 5 years in federal prison, paid a $25,000 fine and forfeited $175,000 and land worth more than $9 million. Stiff? Well he made $1.3 million on a land deal with South Florida Water Management District. And then he helped some land owner develop 2000 homes near Loxahatchee. He got about $50,000 for that. On top of it all, he then strong-armed the Diocese of Palm Beach to sell land in Royal Palm Beach to his associates. I think he made money on that too. Not too swift there, Tony...putting the arm on the "lord."
This is the same facility where Manuel Noriega was held. What do you think? Should Tony be freed? Write him and tell him what you think.
You really need to attend city commission meetings to fully appreciate all that happens. That is the only reason I go—to really see the people, the expressions, hear the public commentary first-hand, listen to the undertones of those around me. I can tell you that there was plenty of that last night.
Everyone to the side of me, in back of me and in front of me were mumbling and totally, 100% against Commissioner Jennings and what this Commission was about to do...keep Lake Worth a low-rise city. Some of these people I have never seen before. Next to me was Nancy Hogan, a Realtor from
I am a licensed real estate broker. When I was active, I was a Realtor and was one for 20 years perhaps, being a member of the Palm Beach Board of Realtors. Last night, this entire organization brought shame to the profession. We all had to listen to the same calculated rhetoric. The only outstanding thing about any of them was that their GREED showed bright and clear shining off that Realtor pin they so proudly wear. Their superior attitude and over-bearing presumptuousness was a trumped up display of “we know better than you and what you want” and it resonated in the entire chamber.
All those who were NOT endorsed this election by the Palm Beach County Board of Realtors should stand proud today because of the performance last night from those in this organization.
Comment Up
With the room packed with dozens of Realtors, developers, land owners, unhappy residents, and even Paul Kintz one of the owners of the Sunset parcel who stated that he was an affected party under Florida Statutes 168, the City Commission passed heights of 25 feet for residences and 35 feet for commercial buildings.
Those who packed the room were clearly on the developer side of the argument. The audience groaned when one Realtor said, “I am not a special interest.” Cara Jennings stated that during the Master Plan process that 75% of those who commented on heights wanted no more than 3 stories.
The vote was
Money should ALWAYS be a big concern and it is definitely a knee-jerk reaction to the horrible crime, blight and slums we have in this City that attracts the most violent of criminals. We know, unequivocally, that our Police department was mis-managed and now we will be paying dearly just to even keep up with the rising levels of crime.
The Article--
Has crime really “dropped” as the Post and Shanon Materio claim? (See Letter to the Editor of
The Sheriff's Department incorporated longer shifts and more presence on the streets under the leadership of Cpt. Silva with the exact same number of officers we had before the merger, 91. The Sheriff has developed good public relations with the neighborhoods. His deputies are more engaged and give reports to the Neighborhood Association Presidents. According to the Sheriff, rape and aggravated assault are the only crimes that increased in
One thing that we do know, it is costing the taxpayers of
Are we really safer or is it an illusion because response time is faster and the presence of sheriff’s vehicles are more prevalent? We are only safer than 2% of cities across the country. Chances of becoming a victim of crime in
The Sheriff's P&R has been effective but facts are facts and
2. DEMONIZE YOUR OPPONENT. Attempt to cover them with shame, the same way you would a 4 year old that touches his pee-pee.
4. ACCUSE YOUR OPPONENT OF SAYING SOMETHING HE DIDN’T. Attempt to define his statements in a negative light. Interpret them this way and state it as fact that he did actually say it. NEVER ask him…always TELL him what his meaning was.
5. CLAIM THAT IT IS “OLD NEWS” AND NOT WORTHY OF DISCUSSION. This applies especially when the discussion turns to the misdeeds of Democrat Party Leadership.
6. QUOTE AN UNSOURCED NEW ARTICLE. Always quote the article selectively, or describe it in a general manner.
7. IF ASKED DIRECT QUESTIONS ABOUT THE NEWS YOU HAVE PROVIDED, RESPOND INDIRECTLY. Never actually answer the specific of the question.
9. ACCUSE YOUR OPPONENT OF A MENTAL DEFECT OR LACK OF INTELLIGENCE. Personal attacks of this sort are especially useful as the target will almost always try to defend himself, thus changing the subject.
11. ACCUSE YOUR OPPONENT OF NOT ANSWERING YOUR QUESTIONS. Try to do this before he has an opportunity to. Try to infer that it you have given him multiple opportunities to do so. Do it even if the question has been answered. If he misses the question and asks you to repeat it DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES REPEAT THE QUESTION FOR HIS BENEFIT.
12. RESORT TO INSULTS. Try to question your opponent’s masculinity, his resolve, ANYTHING, but try to diminish and demean him. (This is known as the “LBJ Rule” codified by him thus: “Accuse your opponent of being a pig fornicator, then make him deny it.) REMEMBER, IF YOU HAVE TO RESORT TO THIS TACTIC, IT MEANS YOUR OPPONENT IS WINNING!
13. ACCUSE YOUR OPPONENT OF BEING UNINFORMED. This works especially well when you are asked to provide your sources. It is especially effective if you work in a reference to someone you have already demonized. Rush Limbaugh is currently the Demon of Choice.
14. SPEAK CRYPTICALLY. Try to make it difficult for people to define your meaning
15. CHANGE THE SUBJECT. Try to get it back to your original talking points (see #1 above)
16. APPEAR TO AGREE. You will need to do this in order to achieve #15.
18. BAIT YOUR OPPONENT. Needle him, tease him, call him names until he makes an inappropriate post, then scream bloody murder to the Moderator.
19. DENY THE EVIDENCE EXISTS. Ask for evidence of wrongdoing by those you support. When that evidence is presented, continue denying that it exists.