Companies do marketing studies all of the time to find out what slick words turn on certain people. Local governments are no exception and in fact, government is where the money is and they are easy marks. And what could be worse than a smooth talking guy with political connections who has learned the game?
The buzz words at yesterday’s meeting were enough to choke a green horse: partnership, carbon footprint, global sustainability (love that one), green careers, quality of life (I know that one works, I use it), going green, and don’t forget, renewable energy. It drove our Commission just a little bit giddy. The next thing the presenter did was name drop and did he ever even going so far as to using the name “Obama” in connection with its cause. You then have hooked the Mayor…what a coup. Varela’s eyes turned green and he said that he "has a lot of hope in this one." :) "Hope"... we should add that to the buzz word list.
Well, they came and made a presentation. They have a scheme to get a $3 million dollar government grant that they will help all us poor folks living in Lake Worth to weatherize 300 houses over two years. The gentleman presenting had all sorts of family connections to politicians and said that “politics was his love.” He had all the answers. Politicians usually do. He just didn't have a business card when I asked for one...changed briefcases or something.
Maxwell, citing staff time and top heavy government, said it was difficult for people to trust government at times. I agree. Government has allowed these groups to exist. I find it even more difficult to trust all those looking for ways to grab the cash. Golden saying it was difficult for her to wrap her arms around the whole thing asked, “Is this too good to be true?” It was stated by Staff that this company was checked out but we did not learn of the specifics of their findings.
The Grant is for $ 3 million with one half of it going for salaries and administrative costs. Once Down to Earth gets a commitment from
The City of
1. Market and promotional support of the program;
2. Provide venues for promotional events;
3. Personnel and technological support before, during and after promotional events; and
4. Multimedia and press support in the form of facilitation of providing maximum media coverage for all events and activities related to the implementation of the grant.
Basically this was about some group wanting to get its hands on all this money and using the City of
If we had a real Commission which represents us Citizens they would not be known as suckers and not too honest and diligent.
Elected by primitive,rabid ,crude,dishonest instigators with lies,is the resulting Commission.
What can we expect.Be loyal to the right Citizens, not the crooks!
Most have no conscience,(remember Clemens Vespo and Lowe's 40 year recycled water Contract?) We have to pay $5,000,000 to terminate that predatory odious Contract!A
new Utility Director who caused $1,000,000.- damage to our electric generation system and has it repaired out of Town? This Director States L.W Utility is debt free!!!
Remember our $69,000,000. Bond we floated(loan made) 7 years ago, for R.O and updating of our system, not put out for bid by the lazy bums!
We are paying $1,000,000.- annually to pay it off for 30 years!! She does not know this? Why is it still here. Romano took immediate measures when $650,000,- damage was done to our system under Murphy. Our whistleblower, certified Electrical engineers were fired by the new Director Mattey and the City Manager. They exposed the overcharge by Mock Roos, all are too lzay to put our jobs out for bid.
Have you ever seen our investment portfolio, with our money? Which brokers, banks? and how much in Commissions do we pay????Never mentioned in our budgets!
Let us wake up and get rid of them or annex to the mainly criminal County
We already gave them our most important protection assets Police and Fire Dept. after establishment 1913 and $5,000,000.- free!!
Dee McNamara
If we had a real Commission representing Lake Worth intelligent Citizens, that deal would not go through with 50% gift
for personal expenses(if sincere they would be volunteers).That is outrageous, a rip off of our already questionable Federal Government!
That would constitute that the Commission suckers are making a gift of $1.500.000 to those devious parasites ,on our behalf!!!
Not on my and all intelligent Citizens of Lake Worth!
Dee McNamara,Lake Worth tax payer since 1991
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