Florida Amendments...how they faired
NO on Amendment 1: Partisanship in school board electionsYES on Amendment 2: Preserving fishing and hunting in the state constitution--67% to 33%
NO on Amendment 3: Legalizes recreational marijuana--56% to 44%
NO on Amendment 4: Constitutional right to abortion--57% to 43%
YES on Amendment 5: Adjusts home property tax exemption for inflation--66% to 34%
NO on Amendment 6: Repeals public financing for political campaigns--50% to 50%
County Question 1 - Referendum R2024-0402 FOR THE ONE-HALF CENT TAX passed with 60.33%of the vote
People are stupid to vote for more taxes on them!
I don't really understand the tax. How much would it be on a car?
the County half-cent tax is a surtax extending schools tax funding an additional 10 years.
As a former teacher, that tax increase is spent at the TOP. It does not go to students or teachers. Tax yourselves and give the superintendent and his "assistants" a raise.
We are so stupid as Citizens to ever vote to give ourselves more taxes for this evil government and all they do is just they're so greedy and self-serving and it just all goes in these upper politicians Pockets anyway I don't know why I never would vote for more taxes and I think it's ridiculous and so stupid and we're so stupid to do it!
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