Thursday, July 18, 2024

Iran is literally getting away with murder thanks to Joe

Sen. Dan Sullivan to Newsmax: Stop Appeasing Iran

Sen. Dan Sullivan, R-Alaska, is disturbed about reports of an Iranian plot to assassinate former President Donald Trump, showing the problem with the Biden administration's appeasement of Iran.

"The Iranians supply and train and arm the Houthis," Sullivan told Newsmax's "The Record With Greta Van Susteren."

"The Houthis have been shooting missiles at all kinds of maritime, vessels and vessels, including the U.S. Navy. The Iranians had a spy ship next to our navy in the Red Sea, giving the Houthis targeting information on our ships.

Why have we not sunk those spy ships? Why are those Iranian spy ships not at the bottom of the sea?"


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

he is not a leader, none of them are! Sick pathetic losers, slaves for Satan!