Wednesday, July 24, 2024

DeSantis on Joe Biden

Ron DeSantis compared Joe Biden’s Presidency to this one classic movie

“Our enemies do not confine their designs to between 10:00 AM and 4:00 PM,” he said. “We need a commander in chief who can lead 24 hours a day and seven days a week.”

But it was his next line that had Trump laughing out loud.

“America cannot afford four more years of a Weekend at Bernie’s presidency,” he said.

Weekend at Bernie’s is a dark comedy film that came out in 1989 where two friends pretend their boss is still alive by carrying around his dead corpse.

DeSantis was essentially calling Biden a walking corpse.

DESANTIS: “Let’s be honest here. Biden is just a figurehead. He’s a tool for imposing a leftist agenda on the American people.”


Well, America and the World only has 5.5 months left of Joe Biden. A lot can happen in that amount of time and we are guessing that he will pardon his criminal son.


Anonymous said...

I would try to compare the DeSantis presidency to something but that loser couldn't even win one county in Iowa. :)

Lynn Anderson said...

As I recall, Kamala was the first to drop out when she ran for president. NO one wanted or liked her.
DeSantis was smart to drop out early as he was going up against the best president ever! :)
DeSantis came in 2nd in Iowa directly behind Trump in he Republican primary.

Anonymous said...

You are such a hater! Get some Jesus in you!

Anonymous said...

Desantis will be a great President in 4 years after President Trump MAGA!

Anonymous said...

Most educated Floridians LOVE DeSantis. Our Florida is our paradise because of him.

Anonymous said...

It is just the haters who hate him, let them go to Connecticut!