Sunday, November 12, 2023

China and nuclear war possibilities

China Issues Chilling Nuclear Warning to the United States

In a move that further escalates global tensions, China has issued a chilling nuclear warning to the United States.

The ominous threat comes in response to a recent Congressional Commission report on the Strategic Posture of the United States, which highlighted how ill-prepared America is to confront the growing nuclear threat posed by Russia and China. The report characterizes both nations’ behavior as “militarily troubling and increasingly aggressive,” heightening the risk of conflict between nuclear peers.

The report predicts that China will achieve nuclear parity with the United States by the mid-2030s. It also explores the worst-case scenario of a potential coalition between Russia and China against the US, urging American leaders to adjust the nation’s strategic posture and speed up military modernization. However, such discussions have sparked fury and indignation in Beijing.

Beijing’s stern warning was conveyed through an article in the Global Times, the official publication of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

Read what China said

So our enemies are threatening us if we prepare for the worst scenario. Sort of like condemning Israel for defending itself after Hamas's recent atrocities. We should act like a lamb to the slaughter?


Anonymous said...

God help us! Pray y'all!

Anonymous said...

China needs us they aren’t a threat, radical Muslims are!

Anonymous said...

Fear mongering

Lynn Anderson said...

@10:30---We need to take all threats seriously especially those coming from our enemies.