Conservative Commentary/Opinion on Local, State & National issues. Hours 6am to 7pm to respond to comments
Thursday, June 30, 2022
Biden Begging Saudi Arabia For More Oil Won’t Work
Emmanuel Macron warns Joe Biden that Saudi's MBS told him they can 'barely' raise oil output. Saudi Arabia and the UAE have been perceived as the only countries in OPEC having some capacity to help increase global deliveries.
And then today, Biden says he will not ask Saudi Arabia for increased oil production during his trip despite rising prices.
Desire to overturn a ruling that protects the media
Clarence Thomas Turns Heads Across America
He Just Went After the Media, May Want to Make It Easier to Sue Them
The Supreme Court is wrapping up its current session. And it’s not done shaking up the status quo.The court recently ruled against a Christian ministry trying to sue the Southern Poverty Law Center, which called it a “hate group.”
Clarence Thomas dissented from the decision and said an old ruling that protects the media needs to be overturned.
And this all reminds me of the Lake Worth Herald with its political hit jobs against certain commissioners and citizens...they know they are protected and can't get sued. They can lie until the cows come home.
Read what Justice Thomas said
Shooting Iquanas on private property in Lake Worth Beach
Iguana trappers shooting into yards in Lake Worth Beach neighborhood, upsetting residents
FWC says iguanas not protected in Florida, except by anti-cruelty law
LAKE WORTH BEACH, Fla. — Some residents in Lake Worth Beach are not feeling safe after they said iguana trappers are shooting into yards.Melanie Valentine said her Lake Worth Beach neighborhood is "iguana central."
Read about it at WPTV... She asked them to stop shooting into her yard and received "nasty" retorts.
Those described here are not really "trappers" but basically killers. Florida law prohibits the relocation, sale, or transfer of iguanas, but it does allow for humane euthanization.
Except for anti-cruelty laws, all non-native reptile species, such as the green iguana, are not protected in Florida, except when legally killed on private property with landowner permission. In this case, they did NOT have permission. This species is legal to capture and kill year-round on 25 public lands in south Florida without the use of a permit or hunting license.
Ray Epps and January 6 protest
Ray Epps Was Worried Fast-Moving Jan. 6 Crowd Might Interfere With ‘The Plan,’ Kentucky Man Claims
Man also says he witnessed Epps directing group that removed 2-by-4-inch lumber, long cardboard tube from utility hatch at US Capitol
Epps has long denied being an informant for the FBI or other law enforcement entity on Jan. 6. His photo—assigned No. 16—was initially placed on the FBI’s Jan. 6 most-wanted website, but it was later removed without explanation. Epps hasn’t been arrested or charged with crimes for being at the Capitol.And he hasn't been called to the Jan 6 un-Select Committee either.
It is still believed that government operatives, who infiltrated the crowd, incited the protesters. It's also been said that those who were infiltrators wore their MAGA caps backwards so they could be easily identified to other government operatives.
Read about it...
Quote of the Day--Supreme Court Justice Thomas
"Public carry was a component of the right to keep and bear arms—a right free blacks were often denied in antebellum America."
Justice Clarence Thomas
The Un-Select Committee's "surprise" witness
“Surprise Witness” Caught in a Lie After Secret Service DEBUNKS Her Testimony
We all know that what’s going on with the sham January 6 Committee is nothing more than a glorified and taxpayer-funded witch hunt. They want to shame President Trump and ruin everything in his entire life.On Tuesday, Cassidy Hutchinson, who was a staffer for Mark Meadows, testified before the committee that “she was told” that President Trump asked to be driven back to Capitol and that he even tried to grab the steering wheel from one of the Secret Service agents while shouting, “I’m the f**king President! Take me up to the Capitol now!”
Read about it...
Wednesday, June 29, 2022
Cost of owning an Electric Vehicle
The Electric Vehicle Insanity
The utility companies have thus far had little to say about the alarming cost projections to operate electric vehicles (EVs) or the increased rates that they will be required to charge their customers. It is not just the total amount of electricity required, but the transmission lines and fast charging capacity that must be built at existing filling stations. Neither wind nor solar can support any of it. Electric vehicles will never become the mainstream of transportation!The problems with electric vehicles (EVs), we showed that they were too expensive, too unreliable, rely on materials mined in China and other unfriendly countries, and require more electricity than the nation can afford. In this second part, we address other factors that will make any sensible reader avoid EVs like the plague. EV Charging Insanity.
In order to match the 2,000 cars that a typical filling station can service in a busy 12 hours, an EV charging station would require 600, 50-watt chargers at an estimated cost of $24 million and a supply of 30 megawatts of power from the grid. That is enough to power 20,000 homes. No one likely thinks about the fact that it can take 30 minutes to 8 hours to recharge a vehicle between empty or just topping off. What are the drivers doing during that time?
ICSC-Canada board member New Zealand-based consulting engineer Bryan Leyland describes why installing electric car charging stations in a city is impractical:
“If you’ve got cars coming into a petrol station, they would stay for an average of five minutes. If you’ve got cars coming into an electric charging station, they would be at least 30 minutes, possibly an hour, but let’s say its 30 minutes. So that’s six times the surface area to park the cars while they’re being charged. So, multiply every petrol station in a city by six. Where are you going to find the place to put them?”The government of the United Kingdom is already starting to plan for power shortages caused by the charging of thousands of EVs. Starting in June 2022, the government will restrict the time of day you can charge your EV battery. To do this, they will employ smart meters that are programmed to automatically switch off EV charging in peak times to avoid potential blackouts.
In particular, the latest UK chargers will be pre-set to not function during 9-hours of peak loads, from 8 am to 11 am (3-hours), and 4 pm to 10 pm (6-hours). Unbelievably, the UK technology decides when and if an EV can be charged, and even allows EV batteries to be drained into the UK grid if required. Imagine charging your car all night only to discover in the morning that your battery is flat since the state took the power back. Better keep your gas-powered car as a reliable and immediately available backup! While EV charging will be an attractive source of revenue generation for the government, American citizens will be up in arms.
Used Car Market
The average used EV will need a new battery before an owner can sell it, pricing them well above used internal combustion cars. The average age of an American car on the road is 12 years. A 12-year-old EV will be on its third battery. A Tesla battery typically costs $10,000 so there will not be many 12-year-old EVs on the road. Good luck trying to sell your used green fairy tale electric car!
Tuomas Katainen, an enterprising Finish Tesla owner, had an imaginative solution to the battery replacement problem—he blew up his car! New York City-based Insider magazine reported (December 27,2021): “The shop told him the faulty battery needed to be replaced, at a cost of about $22,000. In addition to the hefty fee, the work would need to be authorized by Tesla…
Rather than shell out half the cost of a new Tesla to fix an old one, Katainen decided to do something different… The demolition experts from the YouTube channel Pommijätkät (Bomb Dudes) strapped 66 pounds of high explosives to the car and surrounded the area with slow-motion cameras…the 14 hotdog-shaped charges erupt into a blinding ball of fire, sending a massive shock wave rippling out from the car…The videos of the explosion have a combined 5 million views.
written by Dr. Jay Lehr and Tom Harris
We're Living in a James Bond Movie

There was a time when my biggest concern -- was not liking the decisions and actions that a… “President” … Joe Biden might make. That was the “good old days,” before an election we now know had many states with mass voter fraud... Frauds now verified in numbers of over a million votes—that we KNOW OF….A rational person would expect we only discovered the tip of the iceberg.
So if Criminals elected Joe Biden with voter fraud, why would we expect them to come clean and admit they broke laws and to admit they made fake ballots, or admit they found ways to get both live and dead people to vote “many times”, to help ensure a Biden victory?
To add insult to injury, the mainstream News Media, led by CNN, MSNBC, the New York Times, and a few others, are NOT actually News organizations. These are powerful and authoritarian Propaganda Agencies with Globalist Narrative agenda’s. They attempt to CONTROL the minds of the American People using this narrative, and they actually believe it is their job to tell us what to think about just about anything.
The propaganda agencies are the “power wing” of today’s Democratic Socialist Party…Some would call them the Democratic Globalist Party. Which do you prefer?
The Real Story…
Decades ago we would watch movies where a supervillain would replace an elected American President, and place their own IMPOSTER PRESIDENT in his place. Everyone watching the movie KNEW this was very bad, because the “President,” ELECTED BY THE PEOPLE would no longer be calling the shots—the real power, the person or people in control, were unknown. This person, or these people, were not voted to be in this role.
The Fate of America would be in the hands of a Supervillain. America could be robbed and ruined, and it would need a Hero to save it.
Today, those of us who are not deluded and mired in propaganda have realized that Joe Biden is no longer in possession of the brains he once had. He is incontinent, he gets lost constantly if not directed as to where to go. In all likelihood, Biden has to be constantly told the names of the people all around him in staff and even family. He has note cards for everything he does, handed to him hourly.
We are now living “the Movie,” the movie where “the President has become a Puppet for Criminal Masterminds.”
This “President” is told what to do, when to do it, what he should be upset about, and what he should be happy about.
He is told when he can sit, when he can stand, and when he should go and change his soiled pair of Depends Undergarments, with the help of the Secret Service detachment.
The American people do not have the person in charge that they voted for.
We all know Biden is not calling any shots himself, and that the Democrats in charge are PRETENDING that Biden is in charge, so that the real Supervillain can continue to control America..and the world.
The Propaganda Agencies of the party do their best to HIDE Biden’s incompetence, and they do their best to scream CONSPIRACY THEORY when any Republican comes forward with proof of Voter Fraud in the last Election.
We “are” in the movie.
Will the people wake up to the deception?
Will TV cameras catch something that can’t be explained away?
Will a hero like Ron DeSantis come forward and save the day?
If we do get the hero, how many hundreds of Democratic Globalists will need to be arrested for high treason and fraud?
And finally, how many times will Biden have to poop and pee in his depends on National TV, clearly showing his lack of any control, before half of the Lake Worth population admits that Biden is not in control and that some sinister and Un-Elected force is in control of America?
Guest Blogger
Dan Volker
Lake Worth Beach, FL
Biden's Lasting Legacy: Canceled pipelines, frozen oil leases and record energy prices.
France’s Emmanuel Macron Drops Truth on Joe Biden About His Insane Energy Policies
A sea of mediocrity is currently flowing in Germany as the G7 leaders, including Joe Biden, have come together to once again virtue signal climate change and abortion, while generally making your life worse. As usual, there will be lots of tone-deaf pictures and statements, while zero real-world problems are solved. That’s the G7 in a nutshell.But even among the Eurotrash that makes up most of the nations present, there’s only so much they can take in terms of the massive oil crunch hitting the globe.
On that topic, France’s Emmanuel Macron decided to drop some truth on Biden about his insane energy policies. It was one of those moments where you can only be embarrassed that even the French have a better handle on reality than the US president.
Tuesday, June 28, 2022
"Go back to your country and worry about your no guns. We like ours here."
MTG Tells Anti-Second Amendment British Reporter to Go Back to UK
Even though Joe Biden was able to sign his gun control bill into law on Saturday morning thanks to the assistance of 14 Senate Republicans, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) was able to make her voice heard on the subject on Wednesday.During a joint press conference with other pro-Second Amendment House Republicans at the Capitol, Greene told a British journalist to go home if she has a problem with America’s Constitution.
Our minority leader in the House and in the Senate both voted with Joe, two out of the fourteen Republicans voting "for."
Read about Marjorie
Biden Approval rating still too high
New poll shows Biden’s approval rating is on the verge of collapsing
According to a survey published on Tuesday by Civiqs, less than one in three registered voters express approval of how the president has been handling his job.The decline is most pronounced among white voters, of whom only 26% voice approval of Biden’s performance compared with 65% who say they disapprove.
A 22 billion dollar corporation to move from crime ridden Chicago to Florida
Goodbye Crime, Hello Sunshine! Chicago’s Richest Man Moves $22B Company To Florida
More bad news for the windy city of Chicago, Illinois.In addition to the thousands of people getting shot with handguns annually, Chicago’s richest man has announced that he has moved out of Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s(D) violent and far, far-left leaning declining city.
Ken Griffin, a hedge fund billionaire worth nearly $29 billion, wrote he recently moved his family from the Democratic-controlled progressive state of Illinois to the thriving, Republican-governed state of Florida.
Radical factions are spreading violence and mayhem across the country
Marxist Protesters Takeover Wisconsin Capitol, Media is Silent
Millions of patriotic Americans are sounding an alarm. They believe the progressive wing of the Democrat Party is trying to drive our country towards socialism.They are. These radicals want to model the United States after Communist China. It’s the global elitists’ single ambition.
When we consider the full body of evidence supporting such a claim, it becomes obvious. Liberals want to transform America into a big government, socialist mirror of China. One of the most obvious tactics they’re using is the double standard of justice we’re witnessing in America.
Read more and see the video
Nationwide Violence forecast across America
Riots Similar to 2020 Could Come as Early as This Week
Axios obtained a Department of Homeland Security memo that forecasts nationwide violent riots.The memo warns that agencies are investigating some sinister threats of terrorism and more. The memo even mentioned burning government buildings to the ground and murdering major figures.
The memo goes on to justify many of the attacks we may soon see across the country. The Department of Homeland Security expects violent attacks from the left in defense of the infanticide they refer to as “abortion rights.” The memo, however, goes on to defend these actions. “The mere advocacy of political or social positions, political activism, use of strong rhetoric, or generalized philosophic embrace of violent tactics does not constitute domestic violent extremism or illegal activity and is constitutionally protected.”
Read about this shocking memo that was written before the Supreme Court made its decision on Roe.
Monday, June 27, 2022
What happens when the second biggest gold mining nation in the world and a major source of supply is cut off from the western market
Biden, G-7 Will Ban Russian Gold Imports
Having sparked hyperinflation in European gas prices and record energy costs around the globe with their poorly conceived and implemented Russian energy sanctions which have backfired spectacularly, allowing Moscow to reap record energy export profits and China and India to buy oil far below spot prices while leaving US motorists paying record prices at the pump, on Sunday the Biden admin alongside the G-7 announced that they will ban Russian gold imports to "further impose financial costs on Moscow for its invasion of Ukraine."The import ban will apply to gold leaving Russia for G-7 countries for the first time, and will be codified by the US Treasury Department on Tuesday.
As for Russia, its central bank has been an aggressive buyer of gold, not seller, and if anything Biden's decision will only make the gold market the latest to follow the example of oil and bifurcate: cheaper for Russian-friends and much more expensive for Russian enemies.
Read more about it...
Dems on to the next thing to be outraged about
Dems Pause Focus On January 6 Hearings To Demand Overthrow of SCOTUS as ‘Illegitimate’
Democrats are unhappy about anything if they don't get theiw way
As expected, the Supreme Court voted to overturn Roe v Wade, returning the decision to regulate abortion to the states where elected officials can write any laws they like on the matter.Written by Justice Alito, the majority opinion of the Court stated, “The Constitution does not prohibit the citizens of each State from regulating or prohibiting abortion. Roe and Casey arrogated that authority. We now overrule those decisions and return that authority to the people and their elected representatives.”
Democracy for Democrats, apparently, only matters when it’s validating things they want. Raise the potential that they might have to bring something in front of the voters, negotiating something the people support, like say a 15 week abortion ban, and all of a sudden the Court, and the democracy it protects, is “illegitimate.” [newconservativepost]
Biden Pledges $200 billion at G7
Biden Pledges $200 Billion for Global Infrastructure at G7 Summit
The astounding figure represents a third of the total amount all seven countries at the summit pledged to invest, highlighting the often disproportionate funding that comes from the United States towards global initiatives.Now we are absolutely certain this man is out of his mind.
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Gulfstream Hotel Project
The City's & CRA's projected costs:
Click to read--
In addition, the City and County property tax increment will be rebated for the new construction portion of the project from 2025 through 2031 (after which the CRA sunsets) – a value of nearly $3.95 million.
Sunday, June 26, 2022
The Enemy Within
People Have to Stand Up Before We Are Led Into a Really Bloody Civil War’
Retired US Major General Paul Vallely
Retired U.S. Army Major General Paul Vallely is vigorously sounding the alarm against a potential communist takeover of the country and is also very concerned about the mandatory COVID vaccination of all members of the military.“I think the Russians and the cartels and the Chinese, they’re letting us destroy ourselves from within. They don’t have to even do anything. It’s self-destruction within our own government. They see that, and of course, that makes us very, very vulnerable when we have critical race theory and ideology and what we call indoctrination, rather than putting forth the training and education that has to go on within our military,” Vallely said.
Read all about it
This enemy may come from within, with a familiar look and disarming smile yet is more dangerous and more insidious than any outside foe. This enemy must be identified for who they are and defeated. Not only is this a quest for justice for our loved ones but it is a battle for the future of our Republic. [newfoundersorg]
Crooked Hillary
Joe Biden fell on his face while the “business” press has Hillary Clinton’s back
Hillary Clinton doesn’t lose gracefully.And she’s definitely not willing to end her career with back-to-back losses to Donald Trump and Joe Biden.
Now she’s gleefully taking advantage of Joe Biden falling flat on his face, and the so-called “business” press has her back all the way.
By all rights, Hillary Clinton should be hiding away from the public in shame.
Read about bitter, Crooked Hillary
Joe, Gas prices have everything to do with you!
Biden suggests that Republicans cannot simultaneously blame him for gas prices and oppose Putin's invasion of Ukraine.
I’ve seen many crooks in my time, but Joe Biden takes the cake for most deceitful. This guy gets away with saying whatever he wants. This man is not at all someone I like. I once thought that Obama was a horrible president, but Biden is by far the worst.Read more...
Click to read--
China Communist Party still accessing data on TikTok users
Trump Tried To Protect The USA From It, Dems Scoffed Saying It ‘Would Never Happen’ But Now It’s Happening
In July 2020, former President Trump announced that he was going to try and shut down the social media app TikTok because it was invasive and the company that owned it (ByteDance) was in bed with the CCP. BUT, he was the one who was SHUT DOWN.An investigation in January 2019 found that the app collected an abnormal amount of data including user location, images, and biometrics. All of that data was being collected by the CCP and the threat was so severe the DNC warned staff to take additional security measures when using the app.
After Trump announced his plans, Democrats claimed it violated the 1st Amendment and the ACLU mobilized. Eventually, the CCP-backed firm divested and Microsoft assumed day-to-day operations. Democrats said that the deal with Microsoft would keep Americans safe because the data collected by the app would be stored in the USA far away from the CCP.
But leaked audio given to Buzzfeed has revealed that the CCP has accessed TikTok user data at will and US engineers are clueless on how to stop them.
Read about it...
Saturday, June 25, 2022
Mark Cuban's Cost Plus Drugs could save Medicare billions
Study shows Mark Cuban’s new generic drug company’s system could save taxpayers billions
Billionaire innovator Mark Cuban has figured out how to substantially reduce costs for generic prescription drugs with a new company he launched this year, however, and a recent study showed that the federal government could save several billion dollars if it used his company or adopted the same practices, the Daily Caller reported.In January, Cuban launched a new company known as Cost Plus Drugs that makes use of a direct-to-consumer system that substantially reduces costs for generic prescription drugs by bypassing wholesale distributors, pharmacies, and insurance companies and shipping the product directly from the manufacturer to the individual.
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Joe directed by staff with cue cards
WH Gives Biden Child-Like Instructions 'YOU Enter Room, YOU Take YOUR Seat’
The United States of America is being run by a clown. Our geriatric president is so far gone, his staff has resorted to herding him around like a child, with short written instruction cards to keep him on task.A recent photo of President Joe Biden holding a note card is going viral as it shows the absurdly detailed instructions given to him by the White House staff. [thinkamerica]
2A Protects ‘Individual’s Right’ to Carry for Self-Defense
*Triggered* Joe Biden, Justice Department Release Statements on Supreme Court Overturning New York’s Century-Old Law on Concealed Weapons
The US Supreme Court on Thursday struck down New York’s century-old law on carrying concealed weapons.Prior to the Supreme Court’s Thursday ruling, the state could decide who it wanted to have this right and who it didn’t.
Justice Clarence Thomas wrote New York’s law on concealed carry permits “violates the Fourteenth Amendment by preventing law-abiding citizens with ordinary self-defense needs from exercising their right to keep and bear arms in public.”
Biden said he was very disappointed and New York City Mayor Eric Adams told New Yorkers, “Nothing changes today… It ignores the presence (sp) and it endangers our future.”
RINO Liz Cheney pulling a fast one!
Cheney is Begging Dems to Switch Parties, Vote for Her in GOP Primary
Republican Rep. Liz Cheney REEKS of desperation. The RINO rep is now begging Democrats to switch parties to be eligible to vote for her in the August Republican primaries.She sent direct mailers to Wyoming Democrats with instructions on how to change their party affiliation and cast a vote for her. It also includes Cheney's campaign website for Democrats voters to learn more.
Read about corrupt Liz
Friday, June 24, 2022
Electric Cars Bad for Environment?
REVEALED: Driving An Electric Car May The Worst Thing You Can Do For The Environment!
In a column highlighted by Powerline blogger John Hinderaker, engineer and energy expert Ronald Stein examines the source of the power and the materials in batteries. He concludes EVs are bad for the environment, and serious ethical questions are raised by the conditions under which the materials are mined.Stein argues in a column titled "Is it ethical to purchase a lithium battery powered EV?" that entire mountains are eliminated by just one lithium supply mine.
Of all the crazy policies we see implemented around us, from decriminalizing theft to teaching children to change their “gender,” perhaps the craziest is government’s determination to force us to drive electric vehicles. EVs like the Tesla are perfectly fine cars, or would be if they weren’t subsidized or mandated. But they are terrible for the environment, and the conditions under which their materials are mined raise serious ethical questions. [powerlineblog]
The city of Lake Worth Beach has 4 public charging station ports (Level 2 and Level 3) within 15km. 100% of the ports are level 2 charging ports and 50% of the ports offer free charges for your electric car.
Read about it...
Wayne Allen Root Interview with Donald J. Trump
15 seconds
15 seconds
SCOTUS overturns Roe v Wade
Supreme Court Overturns Roe v. Wade
The opinion states, “The Constitution does not confer a right to abortion; Roe and Casey are overruled; and the authority to regulate abortion is returned to the people and their elected representatives.”The vote was 6/3.
It wasn't Putin, Joe!
Federal Reserve chairman needs just one sentence to dismantle Biden's narrative on inflation crisis
Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell contradicted President Joe Biden on Wednesday, explaining the ongoing inflation crisis is not being driven primarily by Russian President Vladimir Putin.As recently as Monday, the Biden administration called the Ukraine war "the biggest single driver of inflation."
Can anyone trust President Biden? Anyone?
What exactly did Jerome Powell say?
U.S. citizens captured by Russian troops while fighting in Ukraine could face Death Penalty
2 American soldiers captured in Ukraine may be executed by Russia
Not protected by the Geneva Conventions as they are considered mercenaries.Two British nationals and one Moroccan citizen who were captured while fighting with the Ukrainian army were recently sentenced to death by Russia so we can see where this is headed.
Read about it...
Man killed by Brightline train in Lake Worth Beach
A man was hit and killed by a Brightline train Wednesday in Lake Worth Beach.
Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office spokeswoman Teri Barbera said deputies were called to a crash on the tracks at 10th Avenue North and North G Street about 9 a.m.
Barbera said a pedestrian, for unknown reasons, was standing between the north and southbound train tracks and didn't move as a Brightline train approached him.
The train hit the man, who was later pronounced dead at the scene. His identity has not been released.
The report
Gun Control bill passes in procedural vote
GOP Senators Plan To Betray Their Base On Another Issue After Caving On Gun Control
In the dead of night, Republican Senators voted to advance a gun control bill that supports red flag laws which violate due process.Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer expects the bill to pass the Senate by the end of the week after 14 Republican Senators voted to allow the bill to move forward.
In order for the bill to move to the House only ten Republicans need to vote yes.
One party is literally flushing the country down the toilet and the GOP is working with them.
14 Senators that betrayed their base
And the other issue? Amnesty. Can't believe that one!
Bumbling Joe
You can watch the video below: “Biden to a guest at his speech: “My sympathies to the family of your… uhhh… CFO who dropped dead very unexpectedly.”
Thursday, June 23, 2022
Chinese Banks are troubled. There have been at least six bank runs since mid-April
Chinese Collapse: Run on Banks in China as Country’s Economy Diminishes
China really tries hard to portray herself as a global power. In a sense, they really are. They are one of the largest countries in the world and the largest as far as population. Because of their tyrannical communist government, they have been able to land the businesses from around the world because they can oppress their own people by forcing them to work for less.Youtube channel Zai Ye Shuo posted a video stating that on June 17, many people lined up outside Dandong bank waiting to withdraw their money. The channel wrote, “Done! Bank can’t withdraw money! There was a run on a bank in Dandong, Liaoning, and a thunderstorm on the banks of Henan village caused panic.”
The second-most fundamental problem is that China is carrying a staggering load of debt. The Bank of International Settlements estimated that the country’s debt was equal to about 290% of gross domestic product in late 2020, and there has subsequently been a rapid accumulation of indebtedness, during the pandemic. When adding the so-called “hidden debt” and deflating GDP to minimize the effect of inflated official reporting, the country’s ratio is now around 350%.
To give you a visual of the run on the bank--
Statement from Donald J. Trump
Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America
Arizona Speaker of the House Rusty Bowers is the latest RINO to play along with the Unselect Committee.
In November 2020, Bowers thanked me for getting him elected. He said he would have lost, and in fact expected to lose, if I hadn’t come along. During the conversation, he told me that the election was rigged and that I won Arizona. He said he got more votes than I did which could never have happened. In fact, he said without me, he would have been out of office, and he expected to be prior to my coming along, and big Arizona rallies.The night before the election he walked outside with his wife and saw the tremendous Trump enthusiasm and told her, “You know what? Maybe I will win after all”—and he did.
Bowers should hope there’s not a tape of the conversation.
Citizens made arrest and detained thug
LIBERAL Thug Spits On 12-Yr-Old Kid, Black and Hispanic TRUMP Fans Jumped In And Did THIS!
"A liberal scumbag went to a Trump event to cause problems so he decided to spit on 12-year-old kid and throw ice at him. Like I said, a LIBERAL SCUMBAG.ALL LIBERALS ARE TRASH.
Time and time again we have shown you how violent these paid protesters are. They are foul and disgusting. They stomp on our flag. They riot and cause mayhem just because they don’t like Trump."
Video was removed but click to see photos
"I'm innocent," says Andrew Gillum
Former Florida Democrat Gov. Candidate Gillum Indicted on Fraud Charges
Remember this guy? He was endorsed by Omari Hardy and nearly beat Ron DeSantis!Former Florida Democrat gubernatorial candidate Andrew Gillum and an associate were indicted Wednesday on charges of conspiracy, wire fraud, and making false statements.
Gillum, 42, and Sharon Janet Lettman-Hicks, 53, were accused of unlawfully soliciting and obtaining funds from various entities and individuals between 2016-19 through false and fraudulent promises and representations indicating the funds would be used for a legitimate purpose, U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Florida Jason R. Coody announced.
Gillum and Lettman-Hicks could face up to five years for making false statements, 20 years for conspiracy to commit fraud, and 20 years for wire fraud.
Read about Gillum
Republican Senate candidate Eric Greitens tells his supporters to 'hunt RINOS'
Former Missouri Governor wants to take back our country
“I’m Eric Greitens, Navy SEAL,” the gun-toting candidate says in the 38-second ad posted on Twitter . “And today, we’re going RINO hunting.”The twisted pun refers to RINOs, an acronym that stands for “Republicans in Name Only,” who Greitens accused in his tweet of “surrendering to Joe Biden & the radical Left.”
15 seconds
15 seconds
Wednesday, June 22, 2022
Plainclothes Electronic Surveillance Unit Members Were Embedded Among Jan. 6 Protesters
He is convinced people were embedded in the crowd to execute “an organized operation planned well in advance of the January 6 joint session of Congress.”
According to Waller, a “covert cadre” of people were scattered throughout the crowd to encourage people toward the Capitol, including “fake Trump protesters” he suspected were Antifa “wearing Trump or MAGA hats backwards.”
Read about it...
Biden's signs executive Order to advance LGBTQ in public schools
Biden Signs Executive Order to Undermine State’s Parents Rights Bills
President Joe Biden signed an executive order meant to ensure LGBT “inclusivity” in public schools in a direct affront to the many state bills that have passed through legislatures this year.The order directs federal education agencies to advance “LGBTQ-inclusive learning environments” at public schools, according to NBC News. It also directs federal health agencies to expand access to “gender affirming care.”
The order is a direct affront to the 24 bills across 13 states that have put limits on sex change procedures for minors, ensured fair competition in high school girls’ sports, and set age-appropriate limits on sexual education in elementary schools. []
How will this affect Governor DeSantis' bill?
Biden whines he was only given one pen
A Very Senile Biden Starts Ranting About Pens, ‘I Don’t Know Why They Do this
It was indeed a sight to behold.As President Joe Biden sat to sign the legislation, he looked down and had a disgusted look on his face.
The president whined that he only had one pen to sign the bill.
“I don’t know why they do this,” he said.
Joe then went on a tangent, complaining Obama had several pens when he signed bills or orders.
Ethics Committee UNANIMOUSLY Votes to Investigate Charges
An ethics committee in the Minnesota Senate unanimously voted to investigate various charges of voter fraud and attempting to get money for his non-profit that may have been illegally aiding his campaign.Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party (DFL) member, Senator Omar Fateh is the target of the probe. Fateh’s brother-in-law, Muse Mohamud Mohamed was found guilty of lying to a grand jury.
The initial ethics complaint filed against the senator accuses him of “failing to expressly address his involvement in the unauthorized delivery of 2020 primary election absentee ballots and retaining his Senate staffer who reportedly directed the fraudulent election activity.”
Read about another Democrat Cheater
They're coming for you!
Here's 96 Examples of Food Shortages Being CREATED in Past Year
Have you heard about all of the farms, distribution centers, and food plants that have been mysteriously burned down or destroyed?The government is not predicting a food shortage. They are creating it! Open your eyes! There are WAY too many incidents in the past year for it to be a coincidence.
Click here
Tuesday, June 21, 2022
Bill Maher making liberals "big mad"
Maher ripped into the creepy groomers on the left who have been force feeding the trans movement to small children
The Nut Job who wanted to Assassinate Justice Kavanaugh
Police Finally Reveal Why Attempted Kavanaugh Assassin Called 911 Outside Justice’s House
"Before deciding to abandon his plans to murder Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh and call 911, Nicholas Roske texted his sister, according to local law enforcement.Roske was armed with a gun, ammunition, a knife, pepper spray, a screwdriver, zip ties, and a bunch of other gear when officers with the Montgomery County Police Department took him into custody last Wednesday morning near the Maryland home of Justice Kavanaugh.
The suspect arrived by taxi and observed the U.S. marshals, and he turned around to contemplate his next move..."
Read about this nut job
National Security Risk at the border and Biden takes a bike ride
The Number Of Known Terrorists Arrested At The Border Will Make You…
Hundreds of thousands of illegals have evaded border Control
In Fiscal Year 2022 there have been 50 arrests of migrants on the Terrorist Screening Database (TSDB) at the southern border by Border Patrol between ports of entry.That’s compared to 15 in FY21, which was up from three in FY20 and zero in FY19. There were six in FY18 and two in FY17 — meaning that the numbers this year are already higher than the previous five years combined.
At the ports of entry at the northern and southern borders, there have so far been a total of 192 encounters (142 at the northern border and 50 at the southern border) by CBP’s Office of Field Operations. That’s compared to 157 in FY21, 196 in FY 20, 538 in FY19, 351 in FY 18 and 333 in FY17.
Mark Morgan, CBP commissioner under the Trump administration, indicates a “real national security risk on our southern border.”
“I’m concerned that the next terrorist attacker is already in the United States,” Morgan said, “because of this administration’s open border policies.”
Read more... and Democrats, ask yourself why Biden is allowing open borders.
Widespread, coordinated voter fraud in the 2020 election prompts Resolution
Texas GOP Passes Resolution Declaring Biden ‘Not Legitimately Elected’
Texas Republicans passed a resolution on June 18 stating that President Joe Biden was “not legitimately elected,” and that “substantial” election fraud in key metropolitan areas influenced the results of the 2020 presidential election in favor of Biden.“We believe that substantial election fraud in key metropolitan areas significantly affected the results in five key states in favor of Joseph Robinette Biden Jr,” the resolution continued.
Read about Texas GOP
Monday, June 20, 2022
Kavanaugh Protesters now threatening his neighbors
Evil Pro-Abortion Mob Protesting At Kavanaugh’s Home Is Now Threatening His Neighbors And Their Children
The tolerant left is at it again, this time in Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s neighborhood, where they’re not only gathering in a threatening mob outside of his home and even attempting to assassinate him, but are also threatening the neighbors and their children, at least according to a recent report in Fox News.According to that report, a neighbor of Kavanaugh claims that pro-abortion protesters have terrorized the entire neighborhood in which Justice Kavanaugh lives, even going so far as to start threatening Kavanaugh’s neighbors, telling them “f*ck you and f*ck your children.”
they all need to be thrown in jail.
Read about it...
Biden bowing to China, once again! And Justice Dept goes Woke!!
After Biden Plans To Dump Successful Trump Policy He Gets A Stern Rebuke From An Unlikely Place
After a rousing delusional speech before the AFL-CIO in Philadelphia, union bosses rebuked President Joe Biden.Biden is considering relaxing some of the successful tariffs former President Trump imposed on China. AFL-CIO President Liz Shuler said, “We think it’s the wrong time to relax tariffs on China – we think it would have a marginal impact at best on inflation.”
On the same day before Biden spoke with reporters, the Department of Justice announced that they will be terminating a China-focused anti-espionage program because “of perceptions that it unfairly painted Chinese Americans and US residents of Chinese origins as disloyal.”
Fear and Blood
Gun Control U.S. Senate
Op-Ed: An Open Letter to Anti-Gun Senate Republicans
By Michael Hammond
"Dear Anti-Gun Senate Republican,Welcome to the permanent minority.
It takes one clueless hombre to destroy your political base at the invitation of your political opposition, but you have proven you are up to the challenge.
Due process isn’t a big concern for Democrats. A “red flag” funding provision would take money from red states and ship it to blue states for middle-of-the-night gun confiscation raids with no due process whatsoever."
The Republican senators who betrayed gun owners include: John Cornyn, Thom Tillis, Roy Blunt, Richard Burr, Bill Cassidy, Susan Collins, Lindsey Graham, Rob Portman, Mitt Romney and Pat Toomey and now there is Mitch McConnell.
Read his Op-Ed
Sunday, June 19, 2022
Biden guilty!
Official Verdict Confirms Biden Is GUILTY – He’s Responsible…
Former counselor to the Treasury Secretary Steve Rattner says President Joe Biden’s $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 was a major contributor to the current inflation Americans are now experiencing.Rattner served under former President Barack Obama, so he’s not a Republican partisan hack or anything, and even he is able to recognize that the massive spending and direct stimulus payments to the American people are largely responsible for the current spike in prices.
Read more about it...
Elections have Consequences
One Year Later: 5 Republicans Who Voted for Trump Impeachment Have Learned What It Cost
Five Republican members of Congress who voted to impeach President Donald Trump: Tom Rice, John Katko, Fred Upton, Adam Kinzinger and Anthony Gonzalez.Rice lost in a recent Republican primary and the rest are not running for re-election. Kinzinger got gerrymandered and scared to run again.
Political decisions have consequences. The careers of Rice, Katko, Upton, Kingzinger and Gonzalez are examples of that.
And crying Kinzinger says he might run for president. LOL
Public School System
New Teacher Licensing Requirement Include Demonstrating ‘Marxist” Views to Keep Job
Our public school system continues to be corrupted by liberalism and Marxism. Some states have taken steps to prevent it, while others have embraced it and are even attempting to mandate it.By spreading radical liberal propaganda, the National School Board has already lost almost half of the country.
It’s incredible, because you’d think that after decades of cruel Marxist dictators murdering millions of people, people wouldn’t even think about it. However, this is a result of our society’s dumbing down. They must ensure that you are ignorant of your past because you will not be able to recognize it when it arrives at your door. The sheep will merrily open the door for the wolves to come in for a meal in the evening.
Read about it...
So, on August 23, if you are in District 4, vote for Angelique Contreras for Palm Beach County school Board.
Homicide in Lake Worth Beach
Deputies Responded To A Fight In Lake Worth Beach
Deputies Respond To A Fight Which Turned Into A Stabbing That Left One Man Dead In Lake Worth BeachRead about it...
Digital Vaccine Passports
China quells protest by turning smartphone 'virus passports' red
'They are putting digital handcuffs on us'
Many countries and several U.S. states have employed digital vaccine passports, touting them as a handy way for restaurants and other businesses that require COVID-19 vaccination to vet patrons.California is one of those states, and its Department of Technology director said last year that it's great for the patrons, too, contending the system is "really for the purpose of empowering individuals to access the official copy of their own immunization records."
But privacy advocates, including the ACLU, have raised concerns. And some critics have argued that such technology in the hands of a tyrannical regime might not turn out so well for citizens who cherish liberty.
Read what china did to its citizens It could happen here as Democrats are all about control! And if the ACLU is concerned, that says a lot for that liberal group.
China is the Drug he just can't guit
Fauci Refuses to ‘Stop Funding Chinese’ Research With US Tax Dollars
China is the drug he just can’t quit
And GOP Senator slams NIAD head’s remarks--During an exchange with Sen. Roger Marshall (R-Kansas):
“The NIH is still funding research in China, at least $8 million since 2020. In the Intelligence Community’s 2022 Annual Threat Assessment, the Chinese Communist Party is presented as one of the top threats to the United States, along with Russia, Iran, Syria, and North Korea. To my knowledge, only China is receiving U.S. research dollars,” said the senator during the hearing. “When will you as director of NIAID stop funding research in China?”
Read about Dr. Fauci and what he said.
President Biden fell off his bike
Oops: Biden Takes a Hard Fall off His Bike While on Vacation in Delaware
Is this part of his gait problem or just an inarticulate move? They’ll likely check him out. He didn’t seem to be hurt. But it continues to raise questions about what is going on with him and his health, mental and otherwise.Saturday, June 18, 2022
Putin puts the blame right back on Biden
Putin said that Russia was not to blame for rising prices in the global grain market.Putin accused the United States of driving up food prices by printing money and "snapping up" food on global markets.
Putin said that Russia stood ready to boost its exports of grain and fertilisers, and that Russia would send food exports to Africa and the Middle East.
So, we have Biden blaming Putin and now Putin blaming him.
Some of the reasons for food shortages
Energy Secretary made millions in electric car stock
Energy Secretary Granholm’s Stock Portfolio Betrays Her After She Demands Americans Buy Electric Vehicles
Biden Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm insists high gas prices are “a very compelling case” to buy an electric vehicle.According to Forbes, Granholm is worth about $8 million and recently served as director of an electric car company holding millions in the firm’s stock.
Read about this whiz kid
27 Democrats still did not vote to protect Supreme Court Justices
Here are the 27 Democrats Who Voted NOT to Protect Supreme Court Justices
Finally, after the apparent leak of an opinion that would overturn Roe v. Wade and an assassination attempt on Justice Brett Kavanaugh, the House of Representatives passed measures to strengthen the security of Supreme Court Justices.Democrats in the House initially opposed such legislation, claiming that they were already protected. Nancy Pelosi, for example, said that they were already protected. If that’s the case, why did she recently vote in favor of a bill?
The Supreme Court safety bill, which cleared the House by a vote of 396 to 27, is now on its way to Joe Biden’s desk.
Read who the 27 Dems are
Cop Killer got a slap on the wrist
Actor James Woods Blasts Soros-Funded DA Over Deaths of Two Police Officers: 'Blood on His Hands'
Two Los Angeles-area police officers are dead after an ambush shooting by a felon who reportedly should have been behind bars.The criminal is dead now, too, but so are El Monte, California, police Cpl. Michael Paredes and Officer Joseph Santana.
And Hollywood conservative James Woods is blasting the man he believes is responsible: Los Angeles County District Attorney George Gascón.
Read about it... and what James Wood said.
New Mexico Withholding Certification of recent election
New Mexico Election certification
So, what is the basis for withholding certification?One of the things that we advised last week, um, leading up to the vote where we’re going to get rid of Dominion in Otero County, that we’re going to get rid of the Zuckerberg drop boxes, was, uh, quite simple. That under New Mexico law, under our election code, the EAC, the Election Assistant Commission “guidelines”, which are normally voluntary, when you codify them, uh, you have to follow them. When you codify them, it’s mandatory. And in our language, it requires that we have to abide by the most recent standards. And we’re not in compliance with the most recent standards. In fact, we haven’t been in compliance for over a year.
Friday, June 17, 2022
The Developer's Facts on the Gulfstream Hotel -
Facts on the Gulfstream Hotel
As published on Facebook:Gulfstream Hotel
Ok gang – here are the facts again. As you know I am not a professional writer so please give me some leeway on the explanations.
We keep hearing that the City of Lake Worth Beach is writing a check for $10 Million Dollars for the developer. We don’t know where this number comes from. We do know that it’s not right. The City Commission made a deal with us in September 2020, renewed in May 2021, that agreed to four “economic incentives” from the city to make the Gulfstream project possible. They have fancy names, but here’s what they really are:
• 𝘼 𝙨𝙝𝙖𝙧𝙚 𝙤𝙛 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙣𝙚𝙬 𝙪𝙩𝙞𝙡𝙞𝙩𝙮 𝙛𝙚𝙚𝙨 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙝𝙤𝙩𝙚𝙡 𝙜𝙚𝙣𝙚𝙧𝙖𝙩𝙚𝙨 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙘𝙞𝙩𝙮. The city owns the electric, water, and sewer services, and it makes money when those services are used. Currently, the empty property isn’t using utilities, so the city utility companies are making about $0 from the property. The city code already provides that if a new project creates new utility revenue, the city will give back a small part of those new revenues. It’s a one-time payment, estimated to be about 5% of the new utility revenues that the Gulfstream project will create in the first 5 years. If the project doesn’t generate the expected revenues for the city utilities, the city doesn’t pay us. That City program is called the “Economic Investment Incentive” and it’s offered to every new development in the city, not just the Gulfstream. The city has this on its website if you want to review.
• 𝙋𝙖𝙧𝙩𝙞𝙖𝙡 𝙩𝙖𝙭 𝙖𝙗𝙖𝙩𝙚𝙢𝙚𝙣𝙩 𝙤𝙛 𝙣𝙚𝙬 𝙥𝙧𝙤𝙥𝙚𝙧𝙩𝙮 𝙩𝙖𝙭𝙚𝙨. The city and the CRA have programs in place to help new projects by giving back a portion of the new taxes created by a project. The city isn’t writing a check to us for this money. It’s just sharing a part of the new property tax revenues if and when the project creates them. Again, it’s not money out of the city’s bank account. It just partially reduces the new money that the city will get from our project. Plus, it’s not a full “abatement” – we still pay property taxes. In 2021, the taxes due for the hotel and the entire adjacent property were approximately $150,000. The project will continue to pay that amount or more. After the first year of operation, the project is expected to pay three times that amount, over and above the abatements. When the partial abatements expire, the project’s property taxes are expected to be 1000% higher –we mean this literally, ten times higher--- than they are with the vacant property now, paid every year. This money will then go to fund the city and the school district.
• 𝙏𝙝𝙚 “𝙎𝙪𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙞𝙣𝙖𝙗𝙡𝙚 𝘽𝙤𝙣𝙪𝙨 𝙄𝙣𝙘𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙞𝙫𝙚.” This “incentive” doesn’t give us a single dollar. The city charges property owners for the right to build a taller building. We’ve asked the city to waive or reduce the fees for this, especially because the referendum specifically approved the project’s height. The city calls this “giving” us the “value” of those additional floors of the building but they don’t actually give us any money. They just give us permission to build extra floors on the building—the same extra floors you all approved in the referendum.
• $1𝙈 𝙤𝙛 𝙣𝙚𝙬 𝙞𝙣𝙛𝙧𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙧𝙪𝙘𝙩𝙪𝙧𝙚 (𝙘𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙚𝙙 𝙩𝙝𝙚 “𝙀𝙘𝙤𝙣𝙤𝙢𝙞𝙘 𝙄𝙣𝙫𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙢𝙚𝙣𝙩 𝙄𝙣𝙛𝙧𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙧𝙪𝙘𝙩𝙪𝙧𝙚 𝙄𝙣𝙘𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙞𝙫𝙚.”) We’ve heard people say that this is writing a million-dollar check to the developer, but this incentive won’t gift any new money toward the costs of the project. This is only a reimbursement of money spent by us if we agree to do extra work for the city. In this “incentive,” the city would pay us to perform upgrades in the streets, utilities, and sidewalks around the project, IF those upgrades were in the City’s Five-Year Capital Improvement Plan. Meaning, if the city already had a plan to do that work to the public streets and utilities, and we did it for the city as part of our construction, the city would pay us back for the work we did for them. But not more than $1M, even if we spent more than that on the City’s work, designed by the city. These upgrades go beyond what we would be required to do as part of our project. That $1 million dollar reimbursement number was set in 2020, and we don’t believe that the City’s requested work to its streets and sewers can be done for $1,000,000 anymore. Of course, we’d like pretty new public streets, sidewalks, and benches around the restored hotel, but the project can’t afford to subsidize the city on this. Construction costs have gone up, continue to go up, and we may need to drop this “incentive” and leave the city to do its own work under its regular public works schedule. Restoring an historic building is way more expensive that tearing it down and building new. Construction costs have gone up more than 25% since we first negotiated with the city—and honestly, we did not ask for much.
The only “real” money in all of this is the last one—which we are willing to walk away from. The others are all monies that only show up if the property is up and running and producing—which means its already paying in MORE because the money they are giving us is a discount off what we are already paying. It’s like going to the store and buying a dress and getting 20% off—You only get the discount if you are already paying for the dress—not if you don’t buy it.