Monday, October 11, 2021

The Big Lie from Democrats on-The Debt Ceiling

Republicans Who Caved to Dems on the Debt Ceiling

Eleven Senate Republicans caved to the radical Democrats’ demands to increase the debt limit and give Chuck Schumer another win in the 50-50 split chamber.

Here are the names of all the Republicans who gave in to the Democrats’ far-left demands...

Read who they are. Three of them are lame ducks and all obviously believed the big lie that we would default on our debt unless they voted with Democrats.

The procedural motion to break the Republican filibuster, which needed 60 votes, was the first barrier to be overcome, with a final vote tally of 61 to 38 in favor. To go on to a final vote, at least 10 Republicans needed to vote in unison with all Democrats; eventually, 11 Republicans voted to advance the vote to the final round.

Mark Levin exposes Democrats' reckless schemes and lies and tells us why we are NOT going to default on our debt.

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