Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Marxists voted to power in Peru

Socialists Cheering as Marxists Seize Control in Peru, Joins Venezuela in Having Far-Left Leadership

"In an Op-Ed in the Miami Herald, Andres Oppenheimer, who said he had read Castillo’s Spanish-language election platform, wrote that it “looks like it was lifted from the Russian Revolution in 1917.”

The document said that Castillo’s party is “a leftist socialist organization,” adding that “to be leftist, one has to embrace the Marxist theory.”

The platform said Peru will not be “subjugated” to “the government of the United States” and international banks.

Companies that are multi-national will have to pay 80% of their profits to the government and the news media will be nationalized."

Read about it...

1 comment:

Lynn Anderson said...

Why in hell would anyone vote for this form of government?