Conservative Commentary/Opinion on Local, State & National issues. Hours 6am to 7pm to respond to comments
Monday, August 31, 2020
Don't Screw around with a Smart Woman
Fox News host caused a major fight with a controversial comment about riots
Katie Pavlich on "Outnumbered" put Chris Wallace in his liberal place.Chris Wallace believes he is the sharpest knife in he drawer. He is always correcting people on Fox to his liberal point of view. He and Katie Pavlich have been going round and round for years. Most Fox viewers are sick of these Anti-Trumpers.
Read about it...
Patriot Shot and Killed in Portland
Man wearing 'Patriot Prayer' hat shot and killed in Portland
following clashes between Trump supporters and counter-protesters
The New York Times reported that the man who was fatally shot was wearing a hat with the insignia of Patriot Prayer, a right-wing group based out of Washington. The shooting victim also had a side satchel with what appears to be a Blue Lives Matter flag on it.There are consequences from anarchist criminals when protesting as a Patriot or simply just having dinner, wearing a MAGA cap or walking to your car from the RNC Convention. The governor blames Trump for this patriots' killing, the typical Democrat message for their failures.
National Guard to Kenosha
National Guard arrived in Kenosha!
Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers has called in 500 more military troops from the National Guard to join hundreds of local police and sheriff’s deputies in riot gear.
The White House authorized deployment of 2,000 National Guard troops following violent demonstrations.
Constitutional Amendments for the 2020 FL General Election Ballot
- 1. YES--Citizenship requirement to Vote in Florida Elections.
- 2. NO-YES-On the Fence.Raising Florida's minimum wage to $15 hour
3. NO--All registered voters vote in Primary elections--2 highest vote getters advance to General Election regardless of Party affiliation.
The proposed amendment would actually abolish party primary elections for certain offices and replace them with free-for-all 'jungle primaries.
When the books closed July 20 for the state primaries of Aug. 18, there were 5,167,930 registered Democrats and 4,927,507 Republicans. And 3,622,236 citizens registered with no party affiliation — known as NPAs — meaning they can’t vote in partisan primaries this month but will be eligible for the general election. You can see from the above, that there is the possibility that Republicans would never hold office in Florida.
4. NO-YES?--Voter approval of all Constitutional Amendments to be decided in two general elections instead of just one. We do this in Lake Worth when we pass an Ordinance with two Public Hearings.
- 5. YES--Limitations on Homestead Property, increased portability period from two years to three to transfer accrued Save Our Homes benefits to a new homestead. Homeowners could take their exemption with them for two full years or more -- and not lose it in the space of a year and a few days. Lawmakers should put this sensible change on the ballot, and voters should approve the amendment in November.
- 6. YES--Ad Valorem Tax Discount for spouses of certain deceased veterans who had permanent, combat related disabilities
False Democrat Blame Game continues
Biden Blames TRUMP for Death of Patriot Prayer Supporter in Portland
Former Vice President Joe Biden issued a statement Sunday afternoon in which he blamed President Donald Trump for “incitement” that led to the shooting death of an apparent Trump supporter in Portland, Oregon, on Saturday evening.A man wearing a “Patriot Prayer” hat who reportedly participated in a caravan of Trump supporters through downtown Portland earlier Saturday evening was shot and killed on the street. Left-wing demonstrators later celebrated his killing.
Read about it...
The Democrat insanity continues.
Sunday, August 30, 2020
Jacob Blake - Criminal Complaint
Jacob Blake’s Sexual Assault Criminal Complaint Is Made Public, & It Is Graphic
"Donald Trump will be re-elected in November because people are getting tired of the Democrat Party’s BS. It is really that simple. Who wants to see “leaders” openly supporting rioters and looters?Jacob Blake was not a good guy. Before being shot by a police officer, Blake literally did everything possible to get himself shot.
Shouldn’t BLM care that Blake had a violent history with women and cops? How about the fact that he had an officer in a headlock, refused to comply with their orders, and kept resisting arrest after being tased?"
Read the Criminal Complaint
Trump's Opportunity Zones Great Success
Trump ‘Opportunity Zones’ Beat Back Poverty in America
This comes as no surprise, but U.S. poverty rates climbed to a more than 20-year high during the Obama-Biden administration of 15.1 percent. President Donald Trump vowed to turn the tide on poverty for struggling Americans and is reportedly on track to beat back poverty to a historic low of 9.2 percent for 2020, despite economic disruption with COVID-19.Even Lake Worth Commissioners Omari Hardy and Herman Robinson have to agree with Opportunity Zones.
Nicholas Sandmann hired to help Mitch McConnell's Campaign
Nicholas Sandmann Will Run Mitch McConnell's Grassroots Campaign
No one in McConnell's campaign is making Sandmann feel "canceled," "annulled" or irrelevant. Sandmann began serving as a grassroots director for McConnell's reelection bid in August. The role includes helping with field operations and building coalitions.“We’re excited to have Nicholas on Team Mitch. Along with our already strong team, his efforts to bring people together all across Kentucky will be critical to Senator McConnell’s victory this November,” said campaign manager Kevin Golden.
Read about it...
Anarchists call Mayor of Portland a White Supremacist
Black Lives Matter/Antifa protesters chained themselves together in lobby of Portland's Mayor Ted Wheeler's condo
Riots still erupt in Portland
"The sit-in was part of a larger demonstration outside of Wheeler's apartment, where approximately 150 people gathered to protest police brutality and racial inequality."So now it's escalating to private property. You are not safe in your home. Wheeler should have had all these people arrested. But he's a wimp. And guess what...residents called police but THE POLICE DID NOT RESPOND! :) 😀 That deserves a smiley face.
What did these criminals want?
The group demanded that Wheeler reduce the Portland Police Bureau budget, commit to never voting for police budget increases again, abolish the police bureau, and for the Democratic mayor to resign.
We would like to see the mayor resign for being an ineffective Democrat mayor who has allowed his city to go to ruin by criminals.
Read about it...
Rasmussen Poll Shows Trump’s Favorability is SURGING
Saturday, August 29, 2020
Freedom of speech and religion, due process and legal equality Wins
Court Win for Professor Sued by Muslim Student, Punished by College Over Terrorism Course
A federal court has ruled in favor of a professor thrown under the bus by his public college after a Muslim student claimed the Islamic terrorism portion of a world politics class violated his Constitutional rights.C.A.I.R. was behind the lawsuit. "Founded in 1994 by three Middle Eastern extremists (Omar Ahmad, Nihad Awad and Rafeeq Jaber) who ran the American propaganda wing of Hamas, CAIR was named as a co-conspirator in a federal terror-finance case involving the Hamas front group Holy Land Foundation."
This is what we're dealing with today--a vast majority of liberal professors and people suing for just about anything for which they disagree. We need more college professors such as Professor Damask who teaches facts and truth.
Read about it at Judicial Watch
35% of Democrat Delegates did not vote FOR their Platform
1,000 Delegates Quietly Walk Away From the DNC
The DNC revealed over the weekend that 3,562 delegates voted to approve the platform, while a total of 1,069 voted no, and 87 abstained or 1,156 (for a total of 35%), Fox News reported.
No one seems to know what the Democrat Platform is...Green New deal? Open borders? Hating Trump?
Today's Democrat Party too Radical
Trump Made Me Feel More Welcome Than Pelosi Ever Did
The first hour of the fourth and final night of the 2020 Republican National Convention featured some of President Donald Trump’s most unlikely supporters discussing why they now back his 2020 re-election bid.Rep. Jeff Van Drew of New Jersey was among them, addressing the convention Thursday with remarks on his controversial decision to switch parties in the middle of a congressional term.
Read more... and why Rep Jeff Van Drew walked-away.
The Unhinged Media
CNN Contributor Doxxes Conservative Journalist…They Are Getting Dangerous
CNN contributor and senior lecturer at Yale University Asha Rangappa doxxed a Washington Free Beacon journalist/intern Alex Nester.
Rangappa was upset because she didn’t like what Nester had to say about comments the CNN contributor made about Nikki Haley.
Read about it...
Friday, August 28, 2020
Agitators, Punks and Criminals Hassling and Beating people at the RNC Convention
RNC attendees are attacked by BLM mob after being left with NO police protection
Elderly man is punched in the back of the head and knocked to the ground while balaclava-clad protester threatens to 'f*** up' RNC committeeman and his wife
Click here and see the videos and the criminal behavior at the RNC Convention.Democrats are making a huge mistake condoning violence. This has set back race relations 100 years.
Democrat Sean Casten Knocks Constitution and 2nd Amendment
Democratic Rep Sean Casten Claims Gun Ownership Is Linked To ‘Having Small Genitals’
Democratic Illinois Rep. Sean Casten appeared to link gun ownership to “having small genitals” in comments he made during a virtual campaign event on Friday.“If you are a constitutionalist, unless you’re a member of well-regulated militia, tell me why you need to own a gun, right? Having small genitals is not a sufficient reason to own a gun,” Casten said on a Zoom call with college students on Friday.
Democrats don't believe in America!
Trump beats deBlasio in new poll in ultra-liberal New York
New Sienna College poll has Trump more popular than Bill deBlasio in NYC
A new poll released this week shows President Trump is more popular in ultra-liberal New York than Big Apple Mayor Bill de Blasio; topping the far-left leader by more than 5% throughout the state.“This is an astounding stat. Bill de Blasio’s approval rating in New York is worse than Donald Trump’s approval rating in New York. de Blasio: 29% Trump: 34%,” posted a reporter from the New York Times.
Kyle Rittenouse shooting analysis
Video PROVES Kyle Rittenhouse Was defending himself BEFORE He Fired His First Shot In Kenosha Riot
New video analysis of the incident in Kenosha during which two people were shot dead proves that Kyle Rittenhouse acted in self-defense."The prosecution against Kyle Rittenhouse is undoubtedly unjust. It is clear from this video evidence he acted in self-defense after being aggressively chased by violent anarchists, one a felon carrying a pistol."
Bishop Pinkney has Protest in front of Lake Worth City Hall

Protesters gather in Lake Worth Beach
About 40 people lined the sidewalk in front of Lake Worth Beach City Hall on Thursday night with calls of “Black Lives Matter” and ‘No Justice, No Peace."“Nothing has changed yet, nothing, we have not seen any change,” said Bishop Melvin Pinkney of the New Life Zion Temple, who helped organize the demonstration.
Read about these poor souls... who are demonstrating in front of our city hall for a police problem here that is non-existent in our city. Just what we need, an activist preacher who believes that BLM is NOT a terrorist Marxist group but saviors of us all.
And Omari Hardy was close by.
Thursday, August 27, 2020
Holes in the Jacob Blake Story
Police Scanner Audio Of Jacob Blake Shooting Released, Calls Into Question Media Narrative
Was he in fact unarmed? Was he breaking up a fight? Why was he reaching into his car? What exactly happened between Blake and the police before the shooting? And why were police there in the first place?Read about it...
Brian Mast--The Spirit of America
Rep. Brian Mast: RNC celebrates nation's spirit of heroism – serve, sacrifice and strive
We are resilient and gritty. We are at our best when we are up against the worst
"Heroism is not found in the violent mobs looking to destroy our cities. Unity is not found in the hateful speech of Congresswomen Ilhan Omar and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez or Congressman Bobby Rush. Liberty is not found in the servitude of policies demanding Americans put their hand out to the government. Morality is not found in denying the presence of God."Read Rep Brian Mast's Opinion Piece
Two Time Loser, Hillary
Hillary Clinton Advises Joe Biden To Not Concede on Election Night ‘Under Any Circumstances’
Hillary Clinton is urging Democrat presidential nominee Joe Biden to refuse to concede on the night of the election – no matter what. The two-time presidential election loser made the comments during an interview on Showtime’s “The Circus,” in which some excerpts have been released.Read more, if you can stand it
BLM wanted police protection
Black Lives Matter Terrorists Complain That Police Didn't Protect Them As Patriots Give a Beat Down
Now that has to be the funniest thing I've read lately!Something is very wrong in Portland. For three months now, every night there has been destruction and chaos by anarchist Marxist group, Black Lives Matter and Antifa, a known terrorist group.
And the question to ask is, why are not Democrats condemning them...condemning the annihilation of this and other cities? Why?
Read more and see the video...
Woman Hit by Train in Lake Worth (Beach)
Woman hit by train in Lake Worth Beach
"A woman was rushed to the hospital after getting hit by a Tri-Rail train late Wednesday afternoon, Palm Beach County Fire Rescue said."Channel 12 News
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Democrat Whack Job wants Destruction of White Men
Congressional staffer demands 'complete destruction of white men'
"A congressional staffer working for a Democrat has gone to Twitter with a demand for the "complete destruction of white men."The tweet later was deleted, perhaps because the staffer's boss is a "white man."
Where do these crazy nut jobs come from?
Read about the Democrat whack job
CNN Censoring the Republican convention?
This CNN host just admitted they had this secret plan to censor the Republican Convention
CNN is not a news is all left-wing liberal opinion and who watches them? People who love to be fooled on a regular basis..
Mainly what Brian Stelter does is complain about what is on Fox News and lecture the rest of the so-called “mainstream” media about how their coverage is not anti-Trump enough.
Postmaster General debunks Democrats' Conspiracy Theory
Postmaster General Destroys Liberals’ Latest Conspiracy Theory in Under 30 Seconds
Postmaster General Louis DeJoy shredded the far-left’s latest narrative regarding the US Post Office Monday; shattering the liberal conspiracy theory that President Trump is disrupting the mail to steal the 2020 election.“As part of this conversation, there are many inaccuracies I’d like to correct. I did not direct the removal of blue collection boxes or the removal of mail processing equipment. I did not direct a cut-back on hours. I did not direct the elimination or any cut-back in overtime,” said Louis DeJoy. “I did however suspend these practices to remove any misconceptions about our commitment to delivering the nation’s election mail,” he added. [Hannity]
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
It doesn't pay to Threaten the President
"Authorities charged 28-year-old Shawn Christy of McAdoo, Pennsylvania with threatening to put a bullet in President Trump and Northampton County District Attorney John Morganelli . He also said that he would use lethal force on police..."See how many years this creep got Hope he doesn't run into a conservative there who supports Trump and his First Step Act. Perhaps that prisoner doesn't have to be a conservative--just a prisoner who finally "gets it."
This should put the fear into all these anarchists who threaten the life of elected officials especially our president. The sad thing is, it won't deter them--they are too far gone with hate that no one understands, not even themselves.
Kamala Harris got spoofed
Kamala CAUGHT Accepting Russian Intelligence On Trump!
Leaked audio of a phone call reveals that Sen. Kamala Harris reportedly was willing to accept dirt on President Donald Trump by infamous Russian pranksters Alexei Stolyarov and Vladimir Kuznetsov.The phone call was leaked to The U.S. Sun. The pranking duo, who go by the names “Vovan” and “Lexus,” posed as climate activist Greta Thunberg and her father, Svante Thunberg, and talked to Harris about Trump and the environment.
Maximo Alvarez--Freedom over Suppression
The most powerful speech of last night's convention
Maximo Alvarez, founder of Sunshine Gasoline, spoke on the first night of the Republican National Convention saying America is the greatest country in the world. This was the most moving speech of the night.Kamala and her Forked Tongue
Kamala: Eliminating Private Health Insurance of 180 Million Americans Is ‘A Great Idea’
"Kamala Harris has a reputation for spouting falsehoods, just like 11 out of every 10 Congressional Democrats..." On Sunday night, the junior senator from California was caught in a damning lie."
She said that eliminating private health insurance was one of the “great ideas” to fix problems in the health care system.
Vote Trump in November!
Read about Kamala and her speaking with forked tongue.
Mark and Patricia McCloskey
The couple who stood up for freedom
St. Louis couple who pointed guns at Black Lives Matter protesters who walked past their home, speak during the 2020 Republican National ConventionMonday, August 24, 2020
Cops can't do their jobs in Atlanta
Black GA Woman Resists Arrest, Gets Tazed… And The COP Gets FIRED!
— Police Can No Longer Do Their Jobs
It's happening all across America in sanctuary cities and where liberals rule. This happened in, Gwinnett County, suburban Atlanta where it is a "welcoming city" where they don't support ICE and closed their detention center to ICE. Criminals are welcomed. And so their citizens get the idea that they don't have to respect law and order.
“After several warnings, the officer told Smith that she was under arrest. Smith resisted a lawful command and refused to be placed in handcuffs.
After refusing to be placed in handcuffs, she has warned that she would be tased. After she resisted the officer’s commands she was tased and placed in handcuffs. After she was placed in handcuffs she kicked the officer and continued to be uncooperative.”
And the cop gets fired!
Read about it and see the videos
This is a Revolution, not a Protest
BLM Mob Terrorizes Residential Area — ‘Wake Up, Motherf**ker!’
The 55 second video shows a mob of domestic terrorists using a megaphone to repeatedly scream “Wake up, mother f—ker wake up!” in the middle of a residential street, which they are obviously blocking. They also shine lights in the windows of the homes.They want to show the citizens of Portland that they run the city now, not the useless and corrupt mayor, and certainly not the police.
Read more... and this is what happens when you don't have a Republican mayor. And Democrats stay silent. Is this what you want leading our country?
Marxist group, BLM, makes a spectacle of itself, again
Marxist Terrorist group, BLM, dances around severed head of ‘Piñata Pig’ — ‘Signifying Police & Their Funding’
Where’s the logic in crucifying all police officers because one cop did something wrong? Isn’t that the equivalent to blaming all black people because one might’ve robbed a convenience store?Perhaps Democrats have the answer.
Read more... and see the video.
Blatant Violation of Military Regulations
DNC Delegation Has Soldiers Break Military Regulations Live on Air During Biden Nomination
"The two service members appeared in the official Democratic nominating delegation from American Samoa during a national roll call vote to elevate former vice president Joe Biden as the 2020 Democratic presidential nominee."But, they broke Military regulations. Are Democrats interested in the law/regulations or just using people for their political purposes?
Read about it...
Sunday, August 23, 2020
Shooting in Lake Worth (Beach)
Date: 08/12/2020 12:37 PM
Description: SHOOTING
Address: LAKE AVE AND N D ST, Palm Beach County, FL
Case Number: 20096510.0
Biden says he would shut down the Country
Biden Says He Could Lock Down Country To Stop COVID, Doesn't Say Where He Gets That Authority
ABC News Anchor Davide Muir asked Biden whether, if he is inaugurated in January and faced with a dual crisis of influenza and the coronavirus, he would “be prepared to shut this country down again.”The executive branch does not have the authority to tell states what to do when it comes to decisions regarding health and business closures.
Read more about it...
President Trump wants FDA to move faster in Virus Research
Trump Says FDA Slowing Virus Research to Hurt Him in Election
"The deep state, or whoever, over at the FDA is making it very difficult for drug companies to get people in order to test the vaccines and therapeutics. Obviously, they are hoping to delay the answer until after November 3rd. Must focus on speed, and saving lives!" tweeted President Trump
Lake Worth Deserves Public Safety

Letters to the Editor
Palm Beach Post
Re: Lake Worth Beach suffers from lack of revenue
I’ve called Palm Beach County home since 1973. I can’t remember once in the last 25 years where Lake Worth Beach wasn’t in some type of financial crisis or another.
Again, some are blaming public safety costs that consume 35% of the budget. The fact is, Lake Worth Beach takes in less revenue than other like cities because they lack taxable property. So, the 35% is a number some politicians like Commissioner Omari Hardy use for self-serving agendas. Defunding, or reallocating funds as some say, is not an option in Lake Worth Beach. My family that lives in Lake Worth Beach deserves public safety that is not compromised for the sake of politics.
Decades of poor decision making that lacked the long view, where viability/sustainability are balanced with social needs/wants has seldom been in Lake Worth Beach’s calculus. Until a long-view strategic plan is put in play, Lake Worth Beach will lessen as a municipality as time progresses
Pam Traxler, Royal Palm Beach
Joe Biden, a Scary Guy
Joe Biden Makes It Clear: I’m Ready to ‘Shut’ America ‘Down’ to Stop COVID-19 Spread
Democrat presidential nominee Joe Biden said during an interview on Friday that he is prepared to shut down the whole country to stop the coronavirus pandemic."I would be prepared to do whatever it takes to save lives...You have to deal with the virus...I would shut it down. I would listen to the scientists."
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Joe Biden floated for 47 years
Never Forget the Massive Lie Joe Biden Told About the Number of College Degrees He Has
Why shouldn't we forget it? Because of nothing else, after 47 years of being in politics, a lifetime career, the guy is disingenuous at best...but known as a nice guy with a great smile.Biden bragged about being in the top half of his class in law school. He wasn't. He lied--intellectually insecure. What else has he lied about or went along to get along?
Trade talks canceled with China
Trump Cancels China Talks, Raising Questions About Trade Deal
I think a lot of this has to do with the China virus. “What China did to the world was unthinkable,” Trump said Tuesday.
China's purchases of U.S. goods are well below where they need to be to meet
promised targets, and there’s almost no chance they can be fulfilled
now with the damage Covid-19 has done to the global economy.
Read about it...
Democrats used illegal Alien at Convention to make a False Narrative
Dems Use Deported Woman to Slam Trump
But She Was Booted Under Clinton, Flagged Under Obama
Look, Democrats are always pulling crap. And their constituents follow their every word like brainless sheep that they are. They have no idea they are constantly being used.The illegal immigrant mother whom Democrats used at their convention this week as a case study of cruelty in President Trump’s policies was deported under the Clinton administration and flagged for deportation under the Obama-Biden administration.
What a lying phony bunch Democrats are.
Read about this shameless action
Wacky California Again!
"California is dealing with the devastating effects of the coronavirus pandemic. In an effort to reduce the number of people who die from COVID-19, California officials are proposing to release up to 17,600 inmates early to help slow the spread of the virus within the prison system. So far, California has released thousands of inmates, including 3,500 in April and another 6,900 in June."
This craziness happens in all the liberal sanctuary areas. No surprise about Wacky California! Put all these dangerous people back on the streets just to commit more crimes.
Read about it...
Friday, August 21, 2020
Live Missile found at Florida's Lakeland Linder Airport
LIVE MISSILE Capable Of Bringing Down AIR FORCE ONE Found At Major Airport!
"A live air-to-air, radar-guided missile was just discovered at the Lakeland Linder Airport in Florida, East of Tampa and the airport was ordered to evacuate.The markings of the missile storage container have been analyzed and discovered this missile is a Matra R530F missile, which uses radar guidance and could be used to bring down Air Force One or a similar-sized airplane."
Markings on the left side of the missile’s container read “RJAF Jordan Air Forces,” indicating the missile or its container may have belonged to the Royal Jordanian Air Force.
No one seems to know how the missile ended up at the Lakeland Linder Airport. What the hell is wrong with our security?
Read about it...
Supreme Court Justice being Blackmailed?
If so, this might explain some of his quirky decisions.
The Eagle and the Drone
Bald eagle wins duel with state's $950 drone, sending it to the bottom of Lake Michigan
To change the pace just a little bit--I just love stories like this!
"A bald eagle in Michigan's Upper Peninsula "launched an airborne attack" on a drone operated by the state's Department of Environment, Great Lakes and Energy (EGLE) late last month, the department said Thursday. During the squabble, the eagle tore off the drone's propeller, making the device plummet 162 feet through the air and into the lake. "
Don't mess with our National bird!
Thursday, August 20, 2020
Guy Cast ballots in name of Dead Mother
Man Pleads Guilty To Mail-In Ballot Fraud After Voting As Dead Mother In Three Elections
“I have to tell you, that if you go with this universal mail-in … tens of millions of ballots being sent to everybody and their dogs, dogs are getting them, OK? People that have been dead for 25 years are getting them, you have to see what’s happening. Then you’re never going to have a fair election,” Trump said in a Fox News interview.
Read about the guy... who committed one count of fraud and one count of fraudulent voting.
Ballot Envelopes DO show Party Affiliation
Palm Beach County Confirms Video Showing Ballot Envelopes Displaying Party Affiliation
Do you recall the blog I put up on this situation on August 16? Well, all you Democrat doubters out there--It's all true--verified by the Supervisor of Elections.
"A video posted by a woman named Tina Brown went viral this week, featuring Brown examining two ballot return envelopes — one which belonged to her Democrat brother and the other which belonged to her, a Republican. The envelopes, she observed, actually revealed their party affiliations. A “D” appeared within a series of numbers near the bar code of her brother’s return envelope, and an “R” appeared in the series of numbers on hers."
So your vote is supposed to be protected. Nobody’s supposed to know what you’re voting for but yet they put ‘R’ right here and ‘D’ right there. So a postal person could see this if they’re a Democrat and say, “Oh that’s an R. Let’s toss it. Let’s just chuck it, and we’ll keep this one.”
While the Palm Beach County Supervisor of Elections confirmed the ballot return envelopes and their open party identification, it said the labels would not be there for general election ballot envelopes.
Read about it...
Biden, the Trojan Horse for Socialism
Trump Unleashes on Biden Ahead of DNC Convention: 'Trojan Horse for Socialism'
Speaking in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, the president hit Democrats hard, and likened Biden to an empty vessel which the party’s more radical wing would use to usher in an era of radical leftist policies. [WesternJournal]Thieves stole 2 City Trucks
City of Lake Worth Beach
7 North Dixie Highway
Lake Worth Beach, FL 33460
August 19, 2020
Contact: Ben Kerr
Phone: 561.586.1631
Lake Worth Beach, FL – This evening thieves broke into City of Lake Worth Beach property in the north end of the city and stole two city pickup trucks (White Chevrolet Silverados). For safety, members of the public are urged to call 911 if they see, or are approached by someone driving, a Lake Worth Beach city pickup truck with license plate XA0826 or ZZ9427. The individuals in those vehicles are NOT city employees but may attempt to portray a city official to carry out further criminal activity. All City employees carry an employee badge with their picture while on duty, if in doubt request to see their city id badge.
Thank you for your help in this matter.
Wednesday, August 19, 2020
Idiot Threatens to Shoot the President and Police
Guess how many years he got...Click here
While he was on the run, federal officials say Christy broke into several homes and businesses, stealing food, firearms, and vehicles.
Federal officials said after making threats online, Christy went on a three-month crime spree, breaking into homes, businesses like Hazleton Oil where he used to work, Skipper Dipper in Schuylkill County, even the Scranton School for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing. Police said he stole food, firearms, and vehicles in a total of six states and Canada before being caught in Ohio.
Christy said he has been unfairly targeted by the government and represented himself in court. That was a big mistake.
Democrats Want Reparations? You Must Be Kidding
Reparations For Slavery and Discrimination? This Mayor Wants to Get the Ball Rolling on That
Mayor Jorge Elorza of Providence, Rhode Island (Democrat, of course) chose to have a press conference at one of Providence’s main public parks in order to launch his plan to begin this reparations process."The city's mayor said it is the first step in addressing racism, slavery and the mistreatment of Native Americans. Rhode Island's capital city is looking at providing reparations to residents of African and Native American heritage."
Why is it that Democrats concentrate on ridiculous initiatives? "It is estimated that the United States alone benefited from a total of 222,505,049 hours of forced labor between 1619 and the abolition of slavery in 1865. Valued at the US minimum wage, with a modest rate of interest, that is worth $97 trillion today."
Reparations is the most stupid and outrageous liberal idea to date.
AOC Refused to Condemn Marxist Terrorist Group BLM
AOC ‘Refused To Condemn’ BLM Activists Demanded Whites Turn Over Homes
Black Lives Matter activists stormed a neighborhood in Seattle last week where they screamed obscenities at residents, made threatening remarks and demanded that white people “give black people back their homes.”
But AOC will not condemn this act by the Marxist terrorist Group, Black Lives Matter. In fact, Democrats overall have not condemned all the anarchism in our country with cities being destroyed and even people killed.
Dems Keep Stripping Freedom from Citizens
Judge Stops Power Hungry Democrat Illinois Governor Right in His Tracks
Scores a Win for Freedom Loving Americans
An Illinois judge, Michael McHaney, stood on the side of Americans’ constitutional rights. Dems Keep Stripping Freedom from Citizens...especially now with this coronavirus.
Read about this decision
Laura Loomer Won District 21
Representative in Congress, District 21 (Vote For 1)
Christian Acosta (REP) 25.54%--8,681
Elizabeth Felton (REP) 7.09%--2,409
Laura Loomer (REP) 42.53%--14,457
Aaron Scanlan (REP) 9.45%--3,211
Reba Sherrill (REP) 3.14%--1,066
Michael Vilardi (REP) 12.26%--4,167
Total votes: 33,991
Tuesday, August 18, 2020
Photographs Released of Bill Clinton
New photos of Bill Clinton getting neck massage from Epstein victim emerge ahead of DNC address
Newly released photographs from 2002 show former President Bill Clinton receiving a neck massage from a then-22-year-old alleged victim of rape by the late convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein.
Bill Clinton is expected to speak tonight at the Democrat Convention.
Florida House District 88
Florida House District 88 STATE HOUSE DISTRICT 88
Rep. Al Jacquet, D-Riviera Beach, has faced controversy and drawn a list of opponents as he seeks another term in the Palm Beach County district. The controversy has stemmed, at least in part, from what were widely seen as anti-gay comments by Jacquet. He will face Omari Hardy, Bob Louis Jeune, Sienna Osta and Cedrick Thomas in the primary, with the winner running against Republican Danielle Madsen and unaffiliated candidate Rubin Anderson in November. [WPEC]My Prediction: Omari Hardy will win his Democrat Primary and go on to win in the general election. He has had more publicity than any candidate who ever has run in this area, some of which went viral and international. He had to step on a lot of good people to get name recognition. The Palm Beach Post and Sun Sentinel likes this guy. All Alt-Left Democrats, Socialists and Communists like him.
President to Speak Before Biden's Acceptance Speech
Trump to Give Address Hours Before Biden's Acceptance Speech
President Donald Trump is planning to give a speech in the key swing state of Pennsylvania this Thursday, the same day presumptive Democratic Party presidential nominee Joe Biden is scheduled to give his acceptance address.
So, tune in at 3pm Thursday to hear President Trump's speech, "A half century of Joe Biden failing America."
Even Liberals in Seattle want Law and Order
Seattle Residents Voting for Trump After Democrats Refuse To Stop Rioting
In a viral video, Turning Point USA’s Katie Daviscourt found some residents in ultra-blue Seattle willing to say they were considering their options on Biden vs. Trump due to recent events in the city.
Monday, August 17, 2020
Portland Criminals
Portland Mob Pulls Driver from Car, Brutally Knocks Him Unconscious
The raw violence of the predatory mobs that roam the streets of Portland, Oregon, to mete out whatever brand of brutal justice they see fit was captured Sunday in a series of social media videos that show a man being beaten after a confrontation with demonstrators.
This is all about beating up Whitey by BLM brutal thugs...racism at its most hateful.
Read more and see the video
CBS News Publishes results of Primary BEFORE Election Day
CBS News in Palm Beach posts 2020 primary election results before election day
This is really unbelievable! It was posted last night! How can CBS12 be reporting the election
results before election day? Or better yet, why is CBS12 reporting 100%
precincts reporting 48 hours before the polls even open?
Candidates are very upset! Candidate Laura Loomer contacted them and they refused to take down the data--CBS flat out refused to take the page down saying it was a “system test” although there was no notice on that page of the results being a test.
See the results according to Channel 12
Financial Data Republican Candidates FL District 21
Financial data for Republican candidates in District 21 Primary
Name Party Receipts* Disbursements** Cash on hand DateLaura Loomer Republican Party $1,161,622 $924,059 $237,563 As of July 29, 2020
Reba Sherrill Republican Party $350,103 $50,065 $300,038 As of June 30, 2020
Aaron Scanlan Republican Party $93,195 $90,777 $2,417 As of July 29, 2020
Christian Acosta Republican Party $90,155 $84,040 $6,116 As of July 29, 2020
Liz Felton Republican Party $81,665 $46,664 $26,032 As of September 30, 2020
Michael Vilardi Republican Party $56,495 $40,146 $16,349 As of July 29, 2020
Source: Federal Elections Commission, "Campaign finance data"
Don't Trust the Mail Service during this Election
USPS Caught Throwing Away Republican Candidate Campaign Mailers
"A US Postal worker was just caught on video throwing a stack of my campaign mailers in a dumpster. Some patriots nearby heard a noise when she tossed them in & went to investigate. They found a stack of them and called me.
No wonder people are skeptical of mail in voting," said GOP congressional candidate Sheriff Troy Nehls who is running for Texas Congressional District 22 in the upcoming election.
Read about it...
Even Obama is worried about Biden F-ing things up!
Obama Is Worried That Biden Will ‘F— Things Up,’ Doesn’t Connect With Base
One Democratic strategist who anonymously spoke to Politico claimed Obama has privately dismissed Biden’s electoral prowess.“Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to f**k things up,” the strategist claimed Obama told him.
Great Job, Democrats
Under the new standards that presidents can make laws via Executive
Order (thanks to Supreme Court Justice John Roberts and his DACA ruling), and those executive orders can never be overturned by the Supreme
Court (again, thanks to Supreme Court Justice John Roberts), just imagine what you’ve unleashed, Democrats.
If Donald Trump
issues an Executive Order tomorrow suspending elections for the rest of
his life, under what legal standard would you stop him? This is a serious question. :)
Read about it...
Track your Mail-In Ballot
Track Mail-in ballot in Palm Beach County
To see if your vote by mail arrived at the Supervisor of Elections office in Palm Beach County.Sunday, August 16, 2020
Democrats are all a Nasty Lot
Media, Some Democrats Use Death Of Trump’s Brother To Attack The President: ‘The Wrong Trump’ Died
Some media organizations, partisan talking heads, and Democrats used the death of President Donald Trump’s brother, Robert Trump, to attack the president.
Read some of the attacks... by disgusting, deplorable Democrats and Media.
Vote in Person--DO NOT TRUST the mail
Voting by Mail is not Safe
Democrats are trying to convince everyone that President Trump and the attorney general are crazy--that voting by mail is safe. NO IT IS NOT!
The following graphic shows a mail-in ballot by a Democrat and one by a Republican. The back of the envelope has a number that tells anyone looking at the envelope what Party affiliation the mailer is. Do you see the D? What about the R? This was discovered by a woman whose brother is Democrat and she Republican when they compared the envelopes.
As USPS has endorsed Biden, would you trust a mail-in vote?
Fauci Changes Mind Again
'If carefully done’: Fauci says there is ‘no reason’ Americans won’t be able to vote in person
Most recently, the infectious disease expert dismissed the concerns of many Democratic leaders regarding the safety of in-person voting on Election Day, as Fox News reported.Read about the Doc...
See you at the polls! I voted on August 9th and it was an easy experience--in and out in a flash. And I got to watch my ballot go into the machine!
Provo, Utah on June 30
9th Circuit Court rules in favor of Gun Rights
Huge Gun Rights Victory: 9th Circuit Strikes Down CA Law Banning Gun Magazines With Over 10 Bullets
The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals invalidated a California ban on so-called large-capacity magazines (LCM) that hold more than 10 rounds of ammunition.
The three-judge panel ruled that California’s ban 'substantially burdened core Second Amendment rights' and 'struck at the core of law-abiding citizens to self-defend by banning LCM possession within the home.”
Read about it...
These liberal Dems must be pis*ed like Kamala Harris who wants to confiscate your guns and Joe Biden who has said he is against magazines that hold more than 10 rounds. I guess Joe lost that one before he got started!
This is the Democrats' America
Video Shows Stomach-Turning State of Portland Courthouse After Leftist Rioters Were Finished
Groups such as Black Lives Matter and the loosely organized coalition of so-called “anti-fascist” group known as Antifa, a domestic terrorist group, are leading what Democrats call protests.Is this REALLY who you want to lead our country? Really? This will make you cry!
Saturday, August 15, 2020
Wicked Kamala
God Help Us - Kamala Harris Voted Against Protecting Already Born Babies from Being Legally Murdered
"On Tuesday, presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden announced California Sen. Kamala Harris as his running mate. By doing so, he solidified the most liberal, anti-life, anti-family ticket in American history."
Pittsburgh Steeler Refuses to Kneel
Black Pittsburgh Steelers Player Refuses to Kneel during Anthem, Says Screw Anyone Who Disagrees with Him
"Athletes and prominent figures around the country are falling in line with the Marxist extremists that dominate our media and Hollywood. It’s easy to feel like the war is already lost and that this country is doomed.
That’s what they want you to think."
Read about it ...
BLM: Marxist Loser Criminal on "Reparations"
“THAT IS REPARATIONS.” Black Lives Matter Leader Defends Looting Macy’s
Chicago organizer: "I don't care if someone decides to loot a Macy's or a Gucci or a Nike store, that makes sure that person eats. That makes sure that person has clothes. That is reparations."
Joe Biden's Last Laughable Claim
Joe Biden claims that Trump coddles terrorists
This is just the most bizarre laughable claim to date.Here is a list of a handful of terrorist that Trump has eliminated according to TediumMedia. And we can't forget the President naming antifa a domestic terrorist group. He needs to add black Lives Matter to that group.
- Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi; top ISIS leader
- Qassem Soleimani; Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps-Quds Force commander
- Qasim al-Rimi; leader of Al-Qa’ida in the Arabian Peninsula
- Abdelmalek Droukdel; head of al-Qaeda in the Islamic Magreb
- Hajji Taysir; senior ISIS leader
- Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis; founder of the Kataeb Hezbollah, or Hezbollah Brigades
- Abu Ali al-Janubi; ISIS’ senior media director
- Hamza Bin Laden; Al Qaeda senior leader and son of Osama bin Laden
- Abu Hasan al-Muhajir; top ISIS spokesperson
- Asim Umar; head of al-Qaeda in the Indian Subcontinent
Biden and Harris are clamming up
Biden & Harris Refuse to Answer Questions From the Press — For Third Day In A Row
They must not have anything to say to the American people…
Read more...Friday, August 14, 2020
"F*****g moving to Iowa," said Kamala
Resurfaced report breaks down Kamala Harris’ worst gaffes on the campaign trail
Biden’s campaign has long been plagued by the former vice president’s gaffes and blunders, and a resurfaced report from Breitbart exposed that Kamala Harris has had more than a few humiliating moments of her own.
The report, first published in December 2019, breaks down nine times Harris messed up during her Democratic presidential primary bid — and that doesn’t even include her frequent missteps as a prosecutor.
Read about Kamala's Screw-ups
South Grade teacher, Rebecca Hinson, receives Grant
After 10 years and 36 books, Lake Worth teacher, author gets book project grant
"Florida International University has received a $2 million grant — $9,300 for Hinson — from the U.S. Department of Education Title VI NRC that will help the teacher expand her proposed book series for grades 3-8 that will explore six cultures of South America through authentic art."As Rebecca says,
"I just finished my fourth book for my South America art series for children. Three more to go. Books 4, 5, & 6 will be Machu Picchu (Peru), Gauchos of Argentina, and headdresses of the indigenous tribes of Brazil.Read about Rebecca
My other series are Art of the United States of America, Art of the Caribbean, and Art of Central America.
If you want to see what a culture loves most, just look at their art. Art reveals the soul of a nation."
Republican and Independent running against Omari Hardy
If Omari Hardy wins his Primary in District 88 (and he's done everything possible to do so), this is one of the candidates he will be up against. The Republican Party cancelled its Primary in this race and Republican Danielle Madsen moves up, so there are two candidates going against one Democrat. Not good in a heavily Democrat county.
Read about Rubin Anderson, running as an Independent or NPA.
Republican and Independent running in District 88 Florida House
The primary will occur on August 18, 2020. Lake Worth City Commissioner, Omari Hardy, is running in this Primary as a Democrat. He will be making around the same amount of money, $29,697/year. The general election will occur on November 3, 2020.
Danielle Madsen, Republican and Rubin Anderson, Independent are running in the general election for Florida House of Representatives District 88 on November 3, 2020.
Candidate |
Danielle Madsen (R) | |
| Rubin Anderson (Independent) |
Thursday, August 13, 2020
Kamala Laughs like a Hyena
Kamala Harris Laughs Hysterically About Killing President Trump
Steven Ahle| Opinion| Kamala Harris and Ellen once and made a joke about killing President Trump and then started laughing hysterically or was it maniacally?
Can you imagine if it had been a Republican making the
same comment about Barack Obama? All hell would have broken loose and
the left would be demanding all advertisers dump Ellen immediately.
Read about it... and see the video.
Will Mail-in Ballots delay Election Results?
Federal elections chief warns of 'substantial chance' of no results on Election Night
Americans might not know the winner of major races by the end of Election Day, Federal Elections Commission Commissioner Ellen Weintraub said Monday.“Let me just tell everybody, we’re all going to need to take a deep breath and be patient this year because there’s a substantial chance we are not going to know on election night what the results are,” Weintraub said Monday on CNN’s “New Day.”
Read more... about what all these mail-in ballots might cause. And of course, no one is mentioning the real possibility of voter fraud.
AG Barr Slams the Democrat Party
Bill Barr Just Gave the Dems a NEW NICKNAME and it’s PERFECT
Cristina Laila from The Gateway Pundit reports, US Attorney General Bill Barr slammed the Democrat party for embracing political violence in a one-on-one interview with Fox News host and constitutional scholar Mark Levin. Barr said the Democrats are now the “Rousseauian Revolutionary Party that believes in tearing down the system.”"They're not interested in compromise. They're not interested in [a] dialectic exchange of views. They're interested in total victory...It's a substitute for religion."
Omari Hardy, again!
Lake Worth Beach at odds over city’s PBSO budget for 2021
Well, once again we have to have Omari Hardy's name in the newspaper...this time going after the Sheriff's budget. I have already written about this but it's good to bring it up once again.
Why bring it up again? Because there is an election. And because Omari Hardy wants to shift some of the money around that we pay to the sheriff who protects and serves. He wants to get to the "root causes" of racism. That would take about a cool million to come close to any idea. I say he should start with himself.
And in spite of the fact that Omari wants to defund the police, he got the Police Union's endorsement. You can't get more crazy than that folks!
Patriots confront Domestic Terrorists
Residents Band Together To March 'Antifa Commie B******* Out of the Neighborhood'
The pro-police group had a Back The Blue rally in Fort Collins, Colorado. However, it was confronted by counter-protesters, some of whom wore the masks and black attire associated with Antifa radicals.