Conservative Commentary/Opinion on Local, State & National issues. Hours 6am to 7pm to respond to comments
Friday, May 31, 2019
Alexander Hamilton's Assumption Initiative
In 1790, America bailed out bankrupt states in Alexander Hamilton’s “Assumption” initiative. Is Assumption 2.0 around the corner?
Alexander Hamilton was of the Federalist Party--The Federalists, including George Washington, John Adams and Alexander Hamilton, favored a strong central government and a national banking system, masterminded by Hamilton.
The other party at the time was known as the Democratic Republicans who favored decentralized, limited government--They liked the idea of state's rights, less power to the federal government, and a strict interpretation of the Constitution. They believed that Hamilton's Assumption Initiative was unconstitutional.
Read Powdered Wig Society and where this writer believes that the DNC national headquarters should be located.
Political philosophies have change a lot in 200 years but Democrats still believe in liberalism, advocating for social and economic equality, along with the welfare state.
Trump Supporter gets Cited for Flag
Read about it... and the problem this Trump supporter got from the Boynton Beach Code Department for flying his flag on his front lawn.
Boynton Beach,
Code Enforcement,
Donald Trump,
Jussie Smolette's Cook County Criminal Documents Ordered Unsealed
Documents in Jussie Smollett probe Released
Couldn't happen to a more sincere, non-racist guy.Read about it... We'll get to read all the investigative notes, arrest files, etc. Videos will be released first. The judge ordered the unsealing of Smollett’s criminal file, saying the “Empire” actor hadn’t “shown good cause to rebut the public presumption of access.”
Thursday, May 30, 2019
The "Bern" just keeps burning bridges
Much-Touted Dem presidential Candidate has ANTI-SEMITISM problem
And he was born Jewish to boot!"With something like two dozen Democrats announcing they're running for president, it can be a challenge to stand out.
And with nearly the entire field leaning left, every Democrat is looking to polish his or her progressive bona fides by appealing to their favorite identity group that makes up the Democrat menagerie.
Who would have thought locking down the anti-Semite vote by meeting with a group most Americans know for murdering Jews, and then jointly trashing America, would be a good campaign strategy?" Take heed, all you Bernie fans.
Read about it... at WND.
Bernie Sanders,
Quote of the Day - Nancy Pelosi

~ Nancy Pelosi
Speaker of the House
We can attribute a lot of memorable recent quotes to Pelosi but I particularly liked this one. It just shows how liberals see the world through rose colored glasses.
I can agree that Facebook discriminates. However that discrimination is mostly towards Conservatives. They have taken down at least 800 Conservative Facebook pages. I don't know of one liberal Facebook page that has been removed. Perhaps there are a few of which I am not aware. Facebook spies on people and even spies on people who don’t even use Facebook.
Mueller still wants to "nail" Donald Trump
Mueller throws lifeline to Deep State, Democrats
Just when you thought the D.C. Swamp was about to be drained and the Democrats would be forced to abandon their war on lawful elections, the Deep State has been given a reprieve, thanks to Robert Mueller.His lifeline wasn't based on evidence, of course ... just catty innuendo.
But the Deep State now has hope. CNN, MSNBC and their cohorts are dusting off their failed fake narrative for another run at President Trump.
But already, sharper minds are pointing out the holes in Mueller's gambit.
Read about it... at WND.
Deep State,
Donald Trump,
Robert Mueller
Project Veritas producing its first ever Feature video
Full Project Veritas Feature coming soon
For Updates on this experience/project, "First Amendment Triumph."
James O'Keefe,
Project Veritas
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Liar James Comey Playing Dumb
Rod Rosenstein criticized James Comey
claiming the former FBI director became a “partisan pundit” after leaving the government.
claiming the former FBI director became a “partisan pundit” after leaving the government.
Comey Slams Trump’s FBI Probe: ‘There Was No Coup, These Are Lies, Dumb Lies’
Fired FBI Director James Comey has been on the defensive, claiming to have “no idea what the heck” people like Barr are talking about in regards to allegations of malfeasance.Well, Mr. Comey, we all know what AG Barr is talking about and soon America will know as well.
America United Daily Poll
Poll Results: Will Obama Or Trump Go Down as One of The Greatest Presidents in US History?
Current Poll Results:
(38,213) 21%
(256,122) 79%
Take the Trump Train June 26th
The very first National Debate between Democrat Presidential Candidates is Wednesday, June 26th, in Miami. After that, “debate fatigue” begins. Many more debates in other cities will continue for the next year. The hype & attention given to the first one will never be exceeded.
This is a unique moment in time that will never be available again for those of us who support the President. It is a flash point opportunity to direct the spotlight prior to the debate upon our opposition to Democrat policies. Call it a publicity stunt but it needs to be taken seriously and responsibly.
Prior to the debate is the best time for Patriots to be heard.
There will be no do-overs. Peaceful protest outside the debate location with traditional play book operations is necessary but inadequate. It is only a component of our messaging through the media. Unorthodox and unanticipated change in choreography is in the making and will be orchestrated to our advantage. A mini-pep rally on wheels in a controlled environment with civil discourse has already attracted media attention. Our Republican response to Democrats dragging us into the Dark Ages could easily go viral on YouTube.
That’s why our unified opposition begins with the journey to the debate. We leave 5:30 pm from West Palm Beach on a chartered train car that will carry 60 Patriots to Miami by 6:45pm. No rush hour traffic will slow us down. FREE MetroMover brings us to the debate site. Protest from 7 to 9. Return trip north on the 9:40 pm train.
Television and News Print Media have already accepted invitations to travel with us. Trump supporters will have a voice and a caravan of our own. It will be about the journey & destination.
“Team Work makes the Dream Work”. Here is a way to “talk the talk”, “walk the walk”, travel as companions, and unite as Republicans.
Tickets are selling fast, and will be limited to the first 60 people. We have our own private train car. Price is $35 round trip. Photo identification, & security check will be required at the station 30 minutes prior to departure. (We may soon commit to a second car if demand continues.)
Tom Vaughn
Member of the REC
Landline: 561-877-2416
Democrats Hurt the American Workers
We Now Know How Much Democrat Policies HURT The Working Class
"Since President Donald Trump and the GOP passed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, nixed Obama-era over-regulation and drew a line in the sand with thieving China, the quality of life for low-income Americans has dramatically improved. If there’s a single reason why Democrats hate the president, it’s because he proved without a doubt that their policies are anti-worker, anti-minority, and anti-poor."Read about it... and the worst poverty in 50 years under Obama.
Middle Class,
Senate Bills_DC,
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Sanctuary Cities protecting MS-13 & other Illegals
Democrats continue to defend MS-13 criminals and all illegals crossing our border in droves...1,000 a day. The President doesn't have a problem knowing the right thing to do--end sanctuary cities and protect our border--don't allow them into our country in the first place. Democrats, on the other hand, are lying to our faces all because they can't stand Trump. And their little sheep will follow them right off the cliff.
Gangs / Punks,
Sanctuary Cities,
Tucker Carlson
Progressives push to slash Pentagon Budget
How Democrats Are Threatening America’s Strength
Nearly two dozen liberal groups last Thursday wrote to all 2020 Democratic presidential candidates, pushing them to support massive cuts to the defense budget of approximately $200 Billion.In spite of the fact that Democrats know that the Active Component of the U.S. military is two-thirds the size it should be, operates equipment that is older than should be the case, and is burdened by readiness levels that are problematic" and the country's military posture is rated as "marginal," liberals want to reduce the military budget. [Free Beacon]
If Democrats are threatening America’s security, this will leave Trump as the only candidate for patriotic Americans, wrote 1600Daily.
Mexico trying to blackmail us again
Mexico Attempts to EXTORT Trump: You Want Us To Do Something About Illegal Immigration? Then Fork Up $10 Billion Dollars
Instead of paying for the wall, Mexico’s left-wing government officials have suggested that the United States should pay them and other Central American nations to boost their economies.Democrats are saying the exact same thing...they are obstructing our government to solve this crisis. Everyone knows that aid to these countries goes to the leaders who do not trickle it down to their citizens. It is and has always been, corruption in those countries.
This isn't the 1st time Mexico threatened blackmail
See Mexico's threat back in 2017
Colorado collaborated with Planned Parenthood
Planned Parenthood’s New Job: Editing News Releases for State Officials
How did Colorado collude?Colorado state officials were found to have communicated with the nation's largest abortion provider before announcing a ban on state travel to Alabama because of that state's virtual ban on all abortions.
Read about it...
Monday, May 27, 2019
Memorial Day Service at Pinecrest
We were all there in solemn respect this morning at Pinecrest Cemetery. All the veteran graves were decorated by Scouts Troop 204, photo bottom right.
Mayor Pam Triolo spoke to the small crowd gathered to honor and remember all those who had died while serving in the United States Armed Forces. There was one veteran there who had fought in World War II. All veterans of all wars were recognized.
The Keynote speaker was Col. Robert Ames, USAF (retired). His speech was not only reverent but patriotic. He mentioned that the former Soviet union had 30,000 (sounds like a lot) U.S. prisoners of war captured by the Germans that had been transferred to the Soviet Union after World War II that were not returned to us. He further said that this has happened in every war since and the release of captured Americans had not been sought by our government. (I wish I had taken notes for accuracy here) He even brought up Benghazi.
Following the Colonel's speech, there was the playing of Taps, A benediction by Father Delvard of Sacred Heart and the retirement of colors.
Memorial Day,
Kanye sets David Letterman straight
Letterman Tries Badmouthing Trump Fans in Front of Kanye West
Rapper Reportedly Gives Him a Reality Check“Liberals bully people who are Trump supporters,” said Kenye West.
Flying the Flag controversy
[Conservative World] The City of Statesville, North Carolina has filed a lawsuit seeking an injunction to require Gander RV in Statesville, NC to take down their American Flag. They are imposing a $50/day fine retroactive to 10/15/18. Many cities like Statesville have requested that Camping World and Gander Outdoors take down their American Flags--too large they say.
Camping World CEO Marcus Lemonis says it's more than just a flag--"It's about our Veterans, Military, and the men and women that have sacrificed for this great country. They are the reason we fly the flag and they are the reason we will NOT take it down!"
There are always rules that a resident doesn't like but the law is the law and this owner should follow his city's codes. It's great to market and call attention to your business. Using an American Flag and "patriotism" to do so is not a good enough reason to break Statesville's laws. That city is fining him, big time.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Illegal Aliens and Crime in the United States
Illegal Immigrants Committing A Staggering Number Of Crimes
"As the illegal alien crisis along the southern border worsens, distressing government figures show that nearly half of all federal crimes in the United States are perpetrated by foreigners who are not American citizens and that immigration cases account for the largest single type of offense."Over the last 10 years, we have spent over $25 billion to incarcerate illegal criminals wo have committed heinous crimes against U.S. citizens.
Why aren't the Democrats in Congress doing their damn jobs?
Read about it...
Border Control,
Border Wall,
Greatest Political Scandal in American History
As the sun sets over the swamp and the rats are rounded up, We the People are finally the victors over the deep state.
Well, it will all come in time. The perpetrators of the Hoax will be revealed."The declassification of any and all intel in the DOJ probe into the now-exposed 2016 spying of the Trump campaign is terrifying to swamp rats like John Brennan, James Clapper, James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, et al. There is more than enough evidence in the public domain to indict all of the rats. Imagine what we will discover in the coming months as the rats turn on one another and provide even more evidence in an effort to save themselves."
Read more... from my favorite writer.
Victor Garcia da Rosa running against Lois Frankel
Frankel's a hard nut to crack and I give anyone a lot of credit for standing up for what's right and running against her.
Lois has an "F" rating from the NRA, indicating that the organization does not believe that she protects gun rights. She voted against the USA RIGHTS Act, which would have helped to restore Americans' protections against government surveillance.
Lois is essentially a "nay" vote on everything such as ending sanctuary cities, border security and the wall. See her deplorable voting record which is that of a typical Democrat.
As a Republican Candidate for the United States House of Representatives in 2020, Victor Garcia da Rosa promises to put into practice the empowering words uttered by his father and speak for the underdog so they too can "work hard, rest hard, play hard" on their individual quests for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness in the finest nation in the world.
His desire to serve Florida's 21st Congressional District is born out of a deep-rooted conviction, "....when ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only in the service of your God."
Lois Frankel,
Victor Garcia da Rosa
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Misuse of the FISA Court
FBI Lawyer Drops BOMBSHELL Testimony--
Implicates Comey, McCabe, Yates Broke Protocol To Push Page FISAInstead of going through the normal checks and balances, a bunch of political appointees at the top approved the application before anyone else got a hold of it. Sally Yates, representing the DOJ, had signed off on it before the FBI’s legal department had even done their analysis.
These highest level employees in the FBI will all eventually be revealed if AG Barr goes forward.
Read about it...
We're Exposing Everything
Trump Speaks Out After Vowing To Uncover Russia Probe Roots

~ Donald Trump
Donald Trump,
Quote of the Day,
Mad Max - A Shady Lady
Maxine Water caught using campaign funds to pay family debts
Maxine Waters has woven a tangled web of shady financial dealings, and it’s finally catching up with her. Waters has refused to address the accusations, but the FEC complaints are piling up.Read about Mad Max...
Men in Power and Sexual Harassment
$44 million to be paid in Harvey Weinstein sexual misconduct settlement
Remember when our very own Jeff Clemens snuffed out his political career (and was supposed to take over as leader of the Florida Senate Democrats in 2019) and changed his life--Democratic state Sen. Jeff Clemens resigned after a report that he had an extramarital affair with a lobbyistThen came along Republican state Sen. Jack Latvala's of Clearwater, whose four-decade career in politics collapsed. He resigned following allegations of sexual harassment and public corruption.
Read about Weinsten... but who cares really?
Harvey Weinstein,
Jeff Clemens,
Sexual Harassment
The Real Cover-Up
Biden’s Role in Russiagate Revealed
" Former Vice President Joe Biden was reportedly one of the few Obama administration officials who participated in secretive meetings during the early stages of the Obama-era intelligence community’s initial operations regarding suspected Russian interference in the 2016 presidential campaign."President Trump said, "The reason that President Obama did NOTHING about Russia after being notified by the CIA of meddling is that he expected Clinton would win … and did not want to ‘rock the boat.’ He didn’t ‘choke,’ he colluded or obstructed, and it did the Dems and Crooked Hillary no good."
Read about the REAL cover-up and the corrupt Obama/Biden regime.
Barack Obama,
Joe Biden
Friday, May 24, 2019
The Rude Left
Democrats keep dishing out the dirt and being obnoxious--
On Tuesday, HUD Secretary Ben Carson had a contentious exchange with hard-left freshman Congressman Ayanna Pressley (D-MA), who obviously feels very empowered, during which she insulted him by telling him he was “unqualified” for his job and said he was “carrying the water of what I believe to be one of the most morally bankrupt presidents in our nation’s history.” Maybe she's the one who is unqualified.Read about the deplorable Left
that believes its perfectly acceptable to be rude and full of venom and believes in freedom of speech except when it comes from a Republican. How dare this witch Democrat be so insulting to a professional? Whatever happened to manners?
California Over-billed the U.S. Fire Services
Trump Administration Withholding Wildfire Assistance To California
After Audit Suggests Financial MismanagementApparently, the communist State of California under the leadership of ultra-liberal, Gavin Newsom and Jerry Brown before him, have not turned in actual verified expenses to fight California's wildfires. Consequently, California over-billed the U.S. Fire Services in fighting fires on federal lands by $9million because they had no proof of their claim.
This reminds me of Lake Worth. This same thing went on after Hurricanes Frances, Jeanne and Wilma. I have written about this through the years where the city took millions of government money that it was not entitled to according to FEMA because of sloppy accounting or even possible fraud according to our outside auditors at the time. We even had a city manager, Paul Boyer, who was fired.
Lake Worth failed to submit all verified expenses to FEMA. However, Staff back then was turning in receipts for all sorts of personal items such as medicine and goods from Sam's Club. The City sure didn't want to pay back any of the money to FEMA and challenged them using Torcivia's Law firm and got the bill reduced. See my blog of May 2016. Click here
City of Lake Worth,
Juan Williams, The Liberal on the Five
Juan Williams at his "finest" BS, in his delusional reality--
"Say what you will about Donald Trump’s policies or character, he was the first man to win the presidency without being either an elected official, a cabinet member or a general in the military. He did so with half the money Hillary Clinton had and with a relentless media opposition that painted him as an idiot, a xenophobe, a sexist and an all-around bounder.
Furthermore, he ascended to the presidency after a successful career in both business and media. He presided over an empire that was worth billions of dollars. Is this what one calls idiocy?" [Conservative Tribune]
"Say what you will about Donald Trump’s policies or character, he was the first man to win the presidency without being either an elected official, a cabinet member or a general in the military. He did so with half the money Hillary Clinton had and with a relentless media opposition that painted him as an idiot, a xenophobe, a sexist and an all-around bounder.
Furthermore, he ascended to the presidency after a successful career in both business and media. He presided over an empire that was worth billions of dollars. Is this what one calls idiocy?" [Conservative Tribune]
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Democrats -The Country's Problem
"Projections by Princeton Policy researcher Steven Kopits shows that the U.S. remains on track to outpace the numbers of illegal immigrants flooding the border every year than occurred during Obama’s eight years. This is clearly a border crisis if there has ever been one."
But Democrats refuse to admit the obvious truth. They have lost their collective minds on border control and on illegals entering our country. This is all about blocking Trump at every turn...their corrupt politics over people.
Chuck Schumer,
Nancy Pelosi
Ben Carson on Public Housing for Illegals
Carson clashes with Dems over proposal to block illegal immigrants from public housing
"Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Secretary Ben Carson faced harsh criticism from Democrats on Tuesday, as he fielded questions at a Capitol Hill hearing on a proposed rule change that would strip public housing assistance for illegal immigrants.The proposal notes that existing law prohibits the government from providing housing assistance to those in the country illegally, and allows Carson to strip assistance from anyone receiving it improperly but bleeding heart Democrats keep defending and insist on supporting illegals at tax payer expense under the guise of being compassionate and humane.
Woman goes missing in Lake Worth (Beach)
Jenna Jacobsen, 20, goes missing from Lake Worth Beach
She was last seen on the 700 Block of South H StreetRead and see the photo
Omar Must Go
Powerful Moment As Hundreds of Jews Take to NYC Streets & Demand ‘OMAR MUST GO!
Read about it and watch the videoWednesday, May 22, 2019
Illegals demanding legal status in France
France Does Not Belong to the French’: Hundreds of Illegal Immigrants Storm French Airport
The United States next?400 to 500 migrants and their supporters faced off against about a dozen police officers in riot gear. All of these undocumented immigrants are from African decent, and are demanding that prime minister Édouard Philippe, will give all of them permanent legal status and papers to stay in #France [Western Journal]
Read about the illegals
Trump supporter wearing Wall suit
Supporters of President Donald Trump cheer as he speaks during a campaign rally, Monday, May 20, 2019, in Montoursville, Pa. (AP)
President Trump invited him up on stage! He was interviewed this morning on Fox & Friends and said that our president is so genuine...that you would never find that in any other country.
Build the Wall,
Donald Trump,
Xenophobia attributed to Trump administration Debunked
New Report Shows Trump Is Making America LESS Racist
The politically charged disparagement thrown at all conservatives by liberals is that we are "racist." They love to tell us that race relations are worse and at an all time low under Trump. Actually that happened under Obama and hate groups such as the Southern Poverty Law Center is raising its hate rhetoric.Daniel J. Hopkins and Samantha Washington, two University of Pennsylvania sociologists, have been conducting a running study that measures the racial attitudes of 2,500 randomly selected Americans since 2008.
Read about it...
Donald Trump,
Race Card,
The Mid on North Dixie Highway
Multifamily development site in Lake Worth sells for $4M
We're a wonderful city for developers...we bend over backwards for them--"The MID will have 230 apartments, 4,800 square feet of retail, and 299 parking spaces in Lake Worth Beach. It is marketing towards the Millennials, young pro- fessionals and trendset- ters." The apartments will consist of 1 and 2 bedroom units at market rate.
In late 2017, founding partners of Affiliated Development, Jeff Burns and Nick Rojo proposed a project on the 1601 N. Dixie site to the CRA Staff. The property, known as the “Regency site,” has sat idle for at least the last ten years. It measures 5.6 acres and is the largest privately owned property in the CRA District.
The developer said that he wanted $2 million in incentives and in 2018, he qualified for a $1.04 million city incentive for infrastructure improvements, $1.4 million in property tax abatements through the city’s Community Redevelopment Agency and $163,148 in credits with the city-owned utility. The city has been working to encourage development of its downtown area along Dixie Highway.
Read about it...
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Lake Worth Teacher under Arrest for Molestation
Lake Worth Middle School teacher molested player on traveling team
It just keeps getting crazier and crazier in our little beach city.Click here for Channel 5 and the story...
City of Lake Worth,
Sexual assault,
Sexual Predators,
Tarmac Meeting between Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch
It's all crashing down for Democrats--just a matter of time
The meeting took place hours before the Benghazi report was going to be released.
Read about the Leaked Transcripts...
Lifeguards save drowning man at the beach
Man rescued from surf near Lake Worth Beach
"LAKE WORTH BEACH, Fla. (CBS12) — A man is in the hospital after being rescued from a near drowning near Lake Worth Beach.Palm Beach County Fire Rescue said crews responded just after 10 a.m. yesterday to a report of a swimmer in distress. Lifeguards pulled the man from the water by the time Fire Rescue crews arrived. He was taken to the hospital to be evaluated." [WPEC NEWS]
City of Lake Worth,
Comey the Commie
"During a 2003 interview with New York Magazine, the man who would go on to helm the FBI a decade later stated on the record that he was a Communist during his formative years.
“I’d moved from Communist to whatever I am now,” Comey said of his early political views. “I’m not even sure how to characterize myself politically.”
He may not know how to characterize himself, but the American people do and eventually it will all be confirmed after the AG's investigation.
Read about Comey...
“I’d moved from Communist to whatever I am now,” Comey said of his early political views. “I’m not even sure how to characterize myself politically.”
He may not know how to characterize himself, but the American people do and eventually it will all be confirmed after the AG's investigation.
Read about Comey...
Monday, May 20, 2019
Trump on Abortion Tweet
President Donald Trump favors exceptions in abortion bans
he tweeted Saturday night.I agree with the President, 100%.
Criminal Illegals
Armed Illegal Alien Breaks into Home, Gets WHOOPED by Homeowner
I love a headline like that.See the illegal punk... and view the video.
Over $24 billion has been spent on illegals since Obama first became president in 2008. We have an estimated 44.5 million illegals in our country right now and over one million illegal fugitives. Over 8 million are in our public schools that citizens are paying for and we have spent over $397 billion in social services.
Why won't the Democrats do something about this? Do they think we need to print money to support this outrageous invasion? Actually, they are all criminals for simply crossing our border and invading our country without the proper documentation.
Lake Worth (Beach) name change still confuses
One of the journalists contributing to our favorite newspaper, the Palm Beach Post, wrote an article about Palm Beach National Closes for Summer Renovations. But the problem with it is, the writer attributed the Palm Beach National Golf Course to Lake Worth (Beach).
The News media still, to this day, has not understood this name change and where it is applicable. Can't say that I blame them because only a small number of people voted for this name change--2,766 voters bothered to show up at the polls on this important vote to change the name of our city after 106 years. 62 votes changed our history forever.
Read the Post article...
Even though this was a "Special to the Post," you would think some editor would have noticed the mistake.
Palm Beach National Golf & Country Club
7500 Saint Andrews Rd
West Palm Beach, FL 33467
The News media still, to this day, has not understood this name change and where it is applicable. Can't say that I blame them because only a small number of people voted for this name change--2,766 voters bothered to show up at the polls on this important vote to change the name of our city after 106 years. 62 votes changed our history forever.
Read the Post article...
Even though this was a "Special to the Post," you would think some editor would have noticed the mistake.
Palm Beach National Golf & Country Club
7500 Saint Andrews Rd
West Palm Beach, FL 33467
City of Lake Worth,
Name change,
The Palm Beach Post
Politics in Messed Up Pahokee
Unlike Lake Worth's mayor, this video even shows that they don't know how to run a meeting after a motion. These are the people running governments and some could even ascend to higher positions.
Pahokee has a lot of problems. Their city council just fired their attorney, Gary Brandenberg, who was their attorney for 12 years. He was just about to give his damning report regarding the city manager, Chandler Williamson, when he was fired.
This was about as bad as when Nadine Burns made a motion to fire our city manager years around midnight. He was blindsided just as Pahokee's city attorney was at Pahokee's April 23 meeting. Not a nice way to treat a long-time employee.
Gary Brandenberg was prepared to reveal his findings that were over and above the Inspector General's report that condemned closing city hall for days and giving employees raises and paid holidays without the city commission's approval. Williamson said, "I'm the guy who makes all the decisions in this city."
Chandler Williamson was chief of staff to State Rep Mandy Dawson who left her office in 2008 and later served prison time for various crimes.He learned on the job.
This reminded me of our own city. Our city manager makes all of the decisions here as well. One of Brandenberg's complaints was that the city manager held one-on-one meetings with commissioners that "created possible Sunshine Law violations." When a city manager meets with individual commissioners, it allows him to "poll and get direction from commissioners out of the sunshine." He knows just how far he can push his agenda and who to persuade to agree with him.
Anyone who attends Lake Worth commission meetings can understand this. And in spite of the Palm Beach Post editorial of a few years ago rebuking Lake Worth on its closed dinner sessions before public meetings, this still continues. You see, Lake Worth has an attorney who is a company man and I happen to like the guy.
Read about messed up Pahokee
President Trump Tweet on Fake News
Trump Excoriates Anonymous News Sources: ‘It’s Bulls***’
President Donald Trump attacked the news media Friday for its habit of using unnamed sources in stories that attack his administration.
~ President Donald Trump
regarding Fake News
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Jim Acosta - Worst of the Worst
Jim Acosta of CNN is not a journalist. He is a propaganda machine for left-wing politics--Democrats and the fake news anti-Trump media.
The latest outlandish lying statement he made was to twist and edit Donald Trump's words. He "was caught in an egregious lie in reporting on the President’s new immigration plan, and Trump’s campaign immediately called him out."
Read about it... and the number one fake news "reporter."
Donald Trump,
Fake News,
Jim Acosta,
Insurrection by Illegals and Democrats
Trump Is DONE Playing Games, Warns Undocumented Immigrants: ‘You Will Be Leaving Soon!’
President Trump wants to solve America’s immigration problem. He is doing all he can. And still, more and more illegals keep flooding into the country and get released into random cities because border security just can’t keep up. [Flag and Cross]Democrats are to blame... for our crisis at the border.
Quote of the Day - Joe Scarborough

“Let’s just be blunt about Donald Trump. That guy can do on a campaign stage what nobody else can do: He can engage the audience. He can engage viewers, despite the hateful rhetoric, despite everything else. You can see that guy is gearing up for 2020 and yes, Democrats, he is going to be hard to beat, because he does look like he is about 20 years younger than a lot of Democratic candidates.”
~ Joe Scarborough
"Morning Joe" host on MSNBC who hates Trump
Donald Trump,
Mika & Joe,
Quote of the Day
Christianity wins; Atheism loses
Community Has Perfect Response After Group Demands Courthouse Remove Crosses. Don't mess with Texas
The Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) demanded that four white crosses at the San Jacinto County Courthouse be removed immediately, alleging it violated the Constitution.As one person said, "FFRF is a terrorist organization. They specialize in picking fights with small towns and cities that cannot afford the very high costs of constitutional litigation. Properly read, the Establishment Clause bars the government from establishing a formal state religion, something a display doesn't come close to doing."
FFRF even has a contest for atheists, giving an award entitled: ‘Nothing Fails Like Prayer Award’
This time, Christianity wins; Atheism loses.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Brightline train kills one in Lake Worth
Brightline train hits, kills one in Lake Worth Beach
Read about it...Girl's Sports is down the tubes
House Democrats Pass Bill That Would Force Schools To Let Biological Males on Girls’ Sports Teams
"The Democratically controlled House of Representatives on Friday voted 236-173 in favor of the Equality Act, which would require schools to include male athletes who identify as transgender girls on female sports teams."In addition to Fitzpatrick and Katko, six other Republicans broke with their party on the bill: Susan W. Brooks of Indiana; Mario Diaz-Balart of Florida; Will Hurd of Texas; Tom Reed and Elise Stefanik of New York; and Greg Walden of Oregon.
Read about the insanity...
Model poses nude to punish 25 year old White men
Emily Ratajkowski (has anyone ever heard of her?) Poses Nude To Punish ‘Old White Men’ For Alabama Abortion Law
See what Emily has to say and of course, her nude body! Twits and Tits.Social Media Bias
Trump White House Launches Website for Victims of Tech Censorship
Where you can add your name and tell your story.Tell your story...The President wants you to share your story if you think you are a victim or suspect political bias on social media.
Kay Ivey urges Respect for Life
CBS Reporter Fires Hostile Question At Pro-Life Alabama Governor. Governor Flattens Her.
CBS reporter Jericka Duncan asked, “Where is the money coming from to support people who aren’t ready to be mothers or aren’t financially stable to take care of a child?”Ivey fired back, “You simply cannot defer protecting the lives of unborn children because of costs...To the bill's many supporters, this legislation stands as a powerful testament to Alabamians' deeply held belief that every life is precious and that every life is a sacred gift from God.”
Read about Alabama's remarkable Governorat Conservative Fighters.
Friday, May 17, 2019
Immigrants won't come to South Florida
Border Patrol official says immigrant family units won't be sent to Florida "at this time"
But if they were to be sent, I would like them parked right next to an open border, socialist, liberal, Democrat.Read about the latest...
Oh, Gavin Newsom is having a hissy fit
Trump Administration Pulls $1B from California
Trump pulling out the money for California's failed high-rail system. Taxpayers want this money back.Read about it...
Newsom needs to address his growing, out of control homeless population.
Insurrection Act
It’s looking like President Trump will use the “Insurrection Act” to kick illegal aliens out of the United States of America.
Read about it...Elections have Consequences
Former New Jersey AG: Number of SCOTUS justices should remain unchanged
May 15, 2019 by Ben Marquis
In response to President Donald Trump’s growing number of conservative judicial nominations — especially the two Supreme Court justices already confirmed —
some Democrats have begun to openly discuss expanding and packing the
courts with liberals in an effort to prevent any sort of conservative
majority, or even equality, within the judicial system.Read what this former state AG had to say
Democrats are not happy about anything.
Nobody can beat Trump
Mark Cuban: Nobody Can Beat Trump in 2020

~ Mark Cuban
Owner of the NBA’s Dallas Mavericks, star of the hit show Shark Tank, and billionaire businessman
Donald Trump,
Mark Cuban,
Quote of the Day,
Trump 2020
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