Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Human Spies and Wiretaps

"This is the real scandal.

All the phony baloney talk about Russia collusion is being exposed as hoax.

But what the Republicans in Congress uncovered was that the Department of Justice and the FBI used fake news and hoaxes as their pretext for launching a politically motivated investigation into Donald Trump."



Anonymous said...

"Notes: American Patriot Daily is a news and opinion blog with an extreme right wing bias in reporting. All stories use loaded words that favor conservatives and denigrate liberals. They consistently only present one side of the story, which misrepresents facts. This is a classic propaganda tactic that uses just enough facts to make a case, without providing a counter point to give full context. The American Daily Patriot does tend to source their articles, however our review shows that they mostly use right wing sources such as Breitbart and Daily Caller, both of which have made false claims according to fact checkers."


Dan Volker said...

And it is very obvious that the mainstream news media...ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN and papers like NY Times and Washington Post, are part of the Propaganda Ministry of the Democratic Socialist Party of the United States, led by threats to American culture like Pelosi and now AOC with her Green New Deal. The minefield of fake news or biased news from both sides means you need to be exposed to BOTH sides, and the best/most practical way to do this is to add https://www.whatfinger.com/ ( a news aggregation service ) to your existing mainstream news choices.

Anonymous said...

Stop the "From both sides" bullcrap!!! This is from the deep state and left. Period.I'm tired of being accused of something that republicans don't do.

Anonymous said...

"...the Propaganda Ministry of the Democratic Socialist Party of the United States..."

Oh. Ok, Dan. Sounds pretty, um, reasonable.

Anonymous said...

It's all too true 1:42