Sunday, February 24, 2019

Richard Guercio's campaign banner

So all can see, Richard's banner is being displayed at Greenline on Lake Avenue. Only 16 days until the election where we elect someone really smart who will stand up and be a voice on the commission for common sense and not a puppet of the administration.


Lynn Anderson said...

Omari Hardy is the other commissioner running in District 2 who does his homework and challenges the status quo...not just some of the time but all of the time. This present commission gang bangs him at every opportunity.

Anonymous said...

with all the bad news about vapes and what can be put in them im surprised Richard is putting his name on that building.might have changed my mind about who to vote for

Lynn Anderson said...

Not thrilled with vape either but it's legal.
Copeland was having a big to do at propaganda. Lots of wild stuff goes on there. Greenline is mild compared to nightclubs.

Anonymous said...

Vapes are addicting a new generation all for the money.

Anonymous said...

Copeland is just too ""slick" for me. He is Jeff Clemens 2.0.

Anonymous said...

kids don't carry beer into school'guess you don't listen around the country they are filling vapes with all kinds of stuff

Lynn Anderson said...

Yeah, and we have all sorts of younger people getting drunk, using drugs and committing crimes. J Street is a big problem downtown. School kids aren't voters and frankly, if their parents are not supervising them, then who do we really blame?

Anonymous said...

Richard has kept his campaign on the high ground. His opponent, Tommy, is bad mouthing him. If you have to win that way, you are a real loser.

Richard Guercio said...

Just for the record, I did not put this banner there, the owner of the 3 businesses in that building did as a show of support. He also put a Cathy Turk banner over the kava shop.


Anonymous said...

thinking of herman even knowing what he is all about

Anonymous said...

This has been a really long campaign season for such a Little Town. If a tiny little city like Lake Worth can't get along, God Help the Country: There's No Hope!

Lynn Anderson said...

As former mayor Rene Varela said, "Politics is a blood sport." And that's true, 10:48 above, Richard has kept his campaign on the issues.

Anonymous said...

Kiss of Death! Better luck next time Richard, this convert hasn’t backed a winner in this town in many years.

Lynn Anderson said...

@9:41--It's hard to fight city hall. It's been awhile but I was in the PAC that defeated the first general obligation bond that saved the city $23million $$$$$.
Richard, unfortunately, got into the race late and he has an opponent bad mouthing him. If he is knocking on doors and meeting the people, he has a good chance to win. I can't get out and help campaigns like I used to when we DID win.
The best man/woman doesn't always win. It takes a lot of money to win a local election these days...the odds are stacked with the incumbent. The last time we did it was when Ryan Maier was elected and the dais treated him like a non-human.

Anonymous said...

wonder if Richard had to give permission to the store to use his logo.