Conservative Commentary/Opinion on Local, State & National issues. Hours 6am to 7pm to respond to comments
Tuesday, July 31, 2018
Twitter playing games with algorithms?
Nunes Is Done Playing Games: Threatens Legal Action of Conservative Censorship
Legal action against Twitter?Read about it...
Electric Generation Power Summary
In year 2002, we entered into a contract with FMPA that locked us into
higher power costs. Commissioner Maxwell voted FOR that contract.
The beginning of lowering rates started in December 2008 when we voted to exit FMPA All Requirements. By the end of 2013, we ended our contract with them. In January 2014 we got a new energy provider with Orlando Utilities giving us a rate that was more favorable to Lake Worth. Tonight, discussion will take place on purchase power contracts.
According to the agenda tonight, FMPA has been contracted again, this time regarding our solar--Solar Power Sales Contract with FMPA; deliveries begin June 2020
The beginning of lowering rates started in December 2008 when we voted to exit FMPA All Requirements. By the end of 2013, we ended our contract with them. In January 2014 we got a new energy provider with Orlando Utilities giving us a rate that was more favorable to Lake Worth. Tonight, discussion will take place on purchase power contracts.
According to the agenda tonight, FMPA has been contracted again, this time regarding our solar--Solar Power Sales Contract with FMPA; deliveries begin June 2020
Russian Defense Ministry unveils footage of futuristic weapon tests & development
Peace through strength?
Quote of the Day - Ben Crystal on Democrats and Socialism

But its message of "free stuff, and the rich guys pay for it" sells to millennials, their burnt-out hippie parents, and their college philosophy professors; none of whom realize that once they've gotten rid of the rich guys, there's no one left to pay for anything.
Nonetheless, the Democrats are bringing it back. It's the perfect complement to their "pussy" hats and Che' t-shirts — and losing."
~ Ben Crystal
The Democratic Party is rapidly declining and is becoming the Communist party of today.
Quote of the Day,
Monday, July 30, 2018
At the Yankees game yesterday - Trump 2020
Several fans at a New York Yankees baseball game Sunday held up a giant “Re-elect Trump 2020” banner.
While the scene was met with some middle fingers and “boos” from the crowd, it also elicited cheers and whistles. [David Michael Lynch]
Southern Poverty Law Center is a HATE Group
VIDEO: Ties found between FBI and flaming liberal hate group Southern Poverty Law Center, which listed Ben Carson on its “extremist watch list”
For example, SPLC does not list Antifa as an extremist group. Really? Yet, they do consider Ben Carson a flaming extremist. And, as unbelievable as it may sound, SPLC does not list Black Lives Matter, responsible for inciting mass murder, as an extremist group, which they justify thusly on their own website.Read about it... at the Powdered Wig Society.
Liberals know more about hate than any other group. Sometimes I think it is just a game with them...take down all Republicans and conservatives to regain the power. Why would any group advocate illegals crossing our borders under any circumstance with some of them committing horrendous crimes? They can't be that insane, can they?
Ben Carson,
Black Lives Matter,
Electric Utility City Commission Meeting
The City of Lake Worth wants to create a separate commission meeting for the Electric Utility. A special meeting will be held tomorrow, July 31 at 6pm, for this purpose to approve.
Electric Utility meetings of the City Commission shall be held on the last Tuesday of each month, in the Commission Chambers, at City Hall, 7 North Dixie Highway, Lake Worth, Florida beginning at 6:00 P.M.
From the Resolution 46-2018:
Electric Utility meetings of the City Commission shall be held on the last Tuesday of each month, in the Commission Chambers, at City Hall, 7 North Dixie Highway, Lake Worth, Florida beginning at 6:00 P.M.
If an Electric Utility meeting date falls on a holiday or conflicts with the need for a Regular or special meeting of the City Commission, the Electric Utility meeting may be re-scheduled to another date ideally during the last week of the month or the Electric Utility meeting may be cancelled.
Electric Utility matters may be heard at Regular and special meetings of the City Commission. Except as set forth herein, the Electric Utility meetings shall follow the same format, procedure and have the same rules of procedure as a Regular meeting of the City Commission.
A very important discussion on the agenda is under New business 5F--our 138kv tie line at Hypoluxo. Just this year we had two system failures one causing a fire. According to city manager, Mike Bornstein, he suggested that the failure was because of aging equipment or really bad luck.
There is no doubt that we need a 2nd tie-line. It's a matter of where it should be and at what cost. Last year, Mr. Bornstein said that he would have a plan and identify a funding source by the end of the 2017 year.
Electric Utility meetings of the City Commission shall be held on the last Tuesday of each month, in the Commission Chambers, at City Hall, 7 North Dixie Highway, Lake Worth, Florida beginning at 6:00 P.M.
From the Resolution 46-2018:
Electric Utility meetings of the City Commission shall be held on the last Tuesday of each month, in the Commission Chambers, at City Hall, 7 North Dixie Highway, Lake Worth, Florida beginning at 6:00 P.M.
If an Electric Utility meeting date falls on a holiday or conflicts with the need for a Regular or special meeting of the City Commission, the Electric Utility meeting may be re-scheduled to another date ideally during the last week of the month or the Electric Utility meeting may be cancelled.
Electric Utility matters may be heard at Regular and special meetings of the City Commission. Except as set forth herein, the Electric Utility meetings shall follow the same format, procedure and have the same rules of procedure as a Regular meeting of the City Commission.
A very important discussion on the agenda is under New business 5F--our 138kv tie line at Hypoluxo. Just this year we had two system failures one causing a fire. According to city manager, Mike Bornstein, he suggested that the failure was because of aging equipment or really bad luck.
There is no doubt that we need a 2nd tie-line. It's a matter of where it should be and at what cost. Last year, Mr. Bornstein said that he would have a plan and identify a funding source by the end of the 2017 year.
August 28 Primary Election
- Voter registration deadline for primary election: Monday, July 30
- Start of early voting for primary election: Aug. 13, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
- End of early voting for primary election: Aug. 26, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
- Primary Election Day: 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Aug. 28
- Voter registration deadline for primary election: Monday, July 30
- Start of early voting for primary election: Aug. 13, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
- End of early voting for primary election: Aug. 26, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
- Primary Election Day: 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Aug. 28
Sunday, July 29, 2018
Michael Cohen tweet
Trump promotes Cohen tweet on Russia meeting ‘nonsense’
President Trump early Sunday resurfaced an old tweet from Michael Cohen from July 11, 2017, the same day Trump Jr. shared emails about the meeting to pre-empt a New York Times report which his former personal attorney praises Donald Trump Jr. for his transparency regarding a meeting with a Russian lawyer at Trump Tower. The president asked on Twitter whether the media would "ever report on this tweet from Michael?"Maxine Waters: "God sent me to 'get' Trump"
With her sulfuric acid mouth, Maxine Waters said, “I don’t know shut up. I don’t know intimidation. I don’t know fear," after calling President Trump a liar, divisive and NOT making America great. She wants to impeach the President.
It's an embarrassment that she is a clueless elected official in America and this lunatic now is using God's name in vain for her vitriol and hate.
Keep the Manson Family Killers in Prison
UPDATE- Leslie Van Houten next parole hearing is January 29, 2019
Debra Tate, CAHello Everyone-
Although the LA Superior Court upheld Governor Jerry Brown's reversal of Leslie Van Houten's parole recommendation, her attorney is again appealing that court decision.
She was also put on the parole hearing calendar for another parole consideration hearing January 29, 2019. Signatures and comments are still be collected at and will be submitted again to the parole board before the hearing.
Thank you all for your support and if you could share the petition with anyone you might know who would be interested or mention it on your social media- it is greatly appreciated!
Ms. Debra Tate (Sister of Sharon Tate)
Twitter- @debra_tate9
Facebook- @TFLegacy- for continuous updates
Thanks to your support this petition has a chance at winning! We only need 39702 more signatures to reach the next goal - can you help?Want to do more? Keep fighting for people power!
Real Clear Politics latest Polls
Friday, July 27
Florida Governor - Democratic Primary Mason-Dixon Graham 27, Levine 18, Greene 12, Gillum 10, King 7 Graham +9
Florida Governor - Republican Primary Mason-Dixon DeSantis 41, Putnam 29, Nathan 2, White 0, Devine 0, Baldauf 0 DeSantis +12
President Trump Job Approval Rasmussen Reports Approve 46, Disapprove 52 Disapprove +6
Thursday, July 26
Florida Senate - Scott vs. Nelson Florida Atlantic University Scott 44, Nelson 40 Scott +4
Florida Governor - Democratic Primary Mason-Dixon Graham 27, Levine 18, Greene 12, Gillum 10, King 7 Graham +9
Florida Governor - Republican Primary Mason-Dixon DeSantis 41, Putnam 29, Nathan 2, White 0, Devine 0, Baldauf 0 DeSantis +12
President Trump Job Approval Rasmussen Reports Approve 46, Disapprove 52 Disapprove +6
Thursday, July 26
Florida Senate - Scott vs. Nelson Florida Atlantic University Scott 44, Nelson 40 Scott +4
Bill Nelson,
Donald Trump,
Rick Scott,
Ron DeSantis,
CNN Guest silences Panel--says "Good Week for Trump"
“This has been a good week for Trump." Oh, shock!
Saturday, July 28, 2018
Devin Nunes on FISA Application
Nunes Confirms the Worst: FISAs on Carter Page Will Be Disaster for FBI
Nunes calls for redactions to FISA warrant to be removed and gets tons of criticism from the Fake News Media. On 'The Ingraham Angle,' Republican congressman from California responds to the claim that the FISA warrant application made the source of the dossier clear and it was unverified.
Devin Nunes,
Hillary Clinton,
More ISIS violence in Syria
ISIS kills 215 in southwest Syria attacks
Suicide bombings and attacks in southwest Syria have killed at least 215 people. The state media blames the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL, also known as ISIS) for the violence according to al Jazeera.Read more... President Trump eventually wants to move our troops out of Syria. I don't see how that's possible. How can we trust Putin’s word that it will help deescalate violence in Syria since they continue to support Assad?
Fast decline to Hell
In just two years, Democrats have gone from supporting “immigration reform” to supporting open borders to, finally, insisting that the American taxpayer actually gives money to “compensate” illegal aliens who break the law.
Obama and the Russians
Former POTUS’ Own Russian Ambassador May Have A Connection To Lawyer Who Setup Trump JR
"Natalia Veselnitskaya was the Russian Lawyer who set up Donald Trump Jr. in the infamous Trump Tower meeting. She has a nasty way of showing up at the most coincidental places. Before and after the meeting, she met with Glenn Simpson, co-founder of Fusion GPS.Also the company Hillary hired to write a fake dossier. She also came into the United States through a special visa from the DOJ. Why? They won’t say. But it is known she could not have entered the United States in the usual way." [Steadfast and Loyal]
Roger Stone on Trump
The following video is brought to you courtesy of the The Alex Jones YouTube Channel. Click the video below to watch it now.
Alex Jones,
Deep State,
Julian Assange,
Michael Cohen,
Roger Stone,
Friday, July 27, 2018
Townhall Traffic Meeting
Commissioner Omari Hardy and PB County Commissioner, Dave Kerner
Kudos to Commissioner Omari Hardy!
Last night, commissioner Omari Hardy had a Community Traffic Meeting at the Lake Worth Casino. It was well attended and the discussion was on the traffic conditions when attempting to get onto 10th Avenue North from North A Street as well as entering and exiting I-95 from 10th Avenue N. Other streets with traffic problems were mentioned--North D Street, Dixie Highway and 22 Avenue North.
There were many concerns regarding A Street while entering 10th Avenue North at the intersection. People enter 10th Avenue and do not stay in their lane closest to them but cross over thus tying up the flow of traffic and causing congestion and back-ups. Suggestions for a left turn arrow was mentioned.
This I-95 Interchange is a long process. Lake Worth could widen the road to 3 lanes on North A street by 10th Avenue North but designs could change in the future. County Engineers spoke as well as a rep from FDOT.
Kudos to Commissioner Omari Hardy!
Last night, commissioner Omari Hardy had a Community Traffic Meeting at the Lake Worth Casino. It was well attended and the discussion was on the traffic conditions when attempting to get onto 10th Avenue North from North A Street as well as entering and exiting I-95 from 10th Avenue N. Other streets with traffic problems were mentioned--North D Street, Dixie Highway and 22 Avenue North.
There were many concerns regarding A Street while entering 10th Avenue North at the intersection. People enter 10th Avenue and do not stay in their lane closest to them but cross over thus tying up the flow of traffic and causing congestion and back-ups. Suggestions for a left turn arrow was mentioned.
This I-95 Interchange is a long process. Lake Worth could widen the road to 3 lanes on North A street by 10th Avenue North but designs could change in the future. County Engineers spoke as well as a rep from FDOT.
Community Meetings,
Dave Kerner,
Omari Hardy,
Supreme Court Gives Warnings to District Judges on Trump Resistance Rulings
The Supreme Court delivered a not so veiled threat against judges who use activism in place of the law in their decisions. They also criticized the judges for making their rulings national and not case specific, a breach of trust on their part.
Those judges would be eligible for removal for corruption. Although the warning is about several different issues, the court was especially harsh on judges who ruled against Trump’s travel bans, as he was doing this under the auspices of a law passed by Congress. They pointed out they could not take statements made by Trump or any of his officials on the subject. [Steadfast and Loyal]
Read about it...
Those judges would be eligible for removal for corruption. Although the warning is about several different issues, the court was especially harsh on judges who ruled against Trump’s travel bans, as he was doing this under the auspices of a law passed by Congress. They pointed out they could not take statements made by Trump or any of his officials on the subject. [Steadfast and Loyal]
Read about it...
Supreme Court,
Travel Ban
The Moon and Mars
Well, I didn't get up at midnight to try and take a shot of the Moon and Mars but my friend Alice, with an app on her phone, did. The way that I understand it is, tonight at midnight, Mars will be as large as the Moon. This was said by Science Info to be a a cosmic event that only happens every 35,000 years.
Thursday, July 26, 2018
Planet Mars to be as big as the Moon
A cosmic event that only happens every 35,000 years: July 27, 2018, the planet Mars will be as big as the Moon
Read about it... and if you're up at midnight, look up!Recycling in Lake Worth
Out here in the condos, we still have people who dispose of plastic bags in the recycling bins. Occasionally, I will see egg cartons and even garbage. Having to separate glass/cans/bottles and paper will be challenging to some of these folks.
Jeff Greene wants to be Florida's Governor
Jeff Greene believes he can buy the win in the Democratic Primary
He really does! This is the guy who used to be a Republican, now a Democrat and thinks he can buy his election. As a member of Mar-A-Lago, he used the site as a photo shoot for a campaign mailer. He, like all Democrats, have escalated their hate for President Trump and he now says he wants Trump to personally pay for his Florida visits.
Read about Greene...
Too many liberal jackas**es
Donald Trump,
Florida State of,
Jeff Greene,
Facebook--$125 billion loss
Karma! Fascistbook stock plunges 24% after restricting traffic from conservative sites. Shareholders move to fire Herr Suckitberg
Read about it...Hit and Run in Lake Worth
Hit and Run on 6th Avenue South
Read about it... and see the video of the driver of the motorcycle who was left on the road unconscious.Wednesday, July 25, 2018
Remembering who is Boss
When we have a complaint in Lake Worth, we always hear from folks that we are a representative democracy and as such, if we have certain gripes about how our elected officials decide on issues, we have the right to vote them out...that is all we can do. Voting someone out is not as easy at it sounds. Basically, they are telling us to stop complaining and go with the flow--a reason why so many voters get disenchanted believing that they can't fight city hall.
That was Mac McKinnon's political philosophy years ago. He couldn't stand anyone disagreeing with him. He was wrong then and anyone believing it, is wrong today. But we see it happen all of the time. It's the favorite thing for politicians to tell you when they don't like something you have said.
Once elected, politicians often allow their personal interests and biases to interfere. Cara Jennings was one of the few who seldom allowed that to happen. At times. there are so many outside influences for politicians that directly affects how they vote.
A primary one in Lake Worth is about who helps finance the campaigns--corporations and industry groups, developers, labor unions, single-issue organizations, and certain individuals looking for favors. You need money to run for office and now that campaign contributions have doubled, more influence is being generated. If someone gives you $500 or $1,000, you are less likely to screw them in a vote.
This chart shows you who is the boss--it is the Resident of Lake Worth. It is copied from the Audit for 2017, page ix. Commissioners need to remember this. Just because we voted for you does not mean you don't have to listen.
That was Mac McKinnon's political philosophy years ago. He couldn't stand anyone disagreeing with him. He was wrong then and anyone believing it, is wrong today. But we see it happen all of the time. It's the favorite thing for politicians to tell you when they don't like something you have said.
Once elected, politicians often allow their personal interests and biases to interfere. Cara Jennings was one of the few who seldom allowed that to happen. At times. there are so many outside influences for politicians that directly affects how they vote.
A primary one in Lake Worth is about who helps finance the campaigns--corporations and industry groups, developers, labor unions, single-issue organizations, and certain individuals looking for favors. You need money to run for office and now that campaign contributions have doubled, more influence is being generated. If someone gives you $500 or $1,000, you are less likely to screw them in a vote.
This chart shows you who is the boss--it is the Resident of Lake Worth. It is copied from the Audit for 2017, page ix. Commissioners need to remember this. Just because we voted for you does not mean you don't have to listen.
City of Lake Worth,
Organizational Chart
Illegal Immigrants Are A Greater Threat To Elections Than Any Meddling
The total number of illegal immigrants in the United States exceeded 44
million in 2016.
According to research conducted by the Center for Immigration Studies, illegal immigrants will comprise upwards of 15 percent of the population by 2023. That’s only five years away.
Read this... and the stats on illegal immigrants. It's sad to realize that liberals will compromise our country just for a vote.
According to research conducted by the Center for Immigration Studies, illegal immigrants will comprise upwards of 15 percent of the population by 2023. That’s only five years away.
Read this... and the stats on illegal immigrants. It's sad to realize that liberals will compromise our country just for a vote.
Vision Meeting Commissioner Comments
I wandered into the Vision Meeting yesterday. The first two pews in the chamber were removed and a conference table was moved into the room in order to accommodate all present. It was fairly interesting at least for the two hours I attended.
Following are a few comments from commissioners:
Andy Amoroso:
- How do we keep the small town feel and get smart growth to pay the bills?
- Allow staff to do their jobs--codes that are on the books.
Omari Hardy:
- We need growth to pay the bills
- To change the demographics, have a housing project
- If we have a really small sword, we should sling it even more violently
- Employees haven't had raises in years
- We need a literacy coordinator
- How do we change the demographics? Let's be honest on our demographics.
- We can start with the 800 lb gorilla in the room
- How are we going to transport thousands of people who don't belong here?
- Change the demographics. Lake Worth has become a depository for the poor and indigent.
Herman Robinson:
- Says "bull shit" to Maxwell's statement.
Pam Triolo:
- Reminded Omari Hardy that it was this commission that gave employee raises
City Hall,
Vision Meeting
President may strip security clearances
Ex Nat’l Security Official Just Threatened Trump With What He’ll Do If He Strips Security Clearances
What President Trump is doing is taking politics out of national security, not the reverse as stated by Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff .
Tuesday, July 24, 2018
An Analysis of Congressional Facebook Pages and Facebook Interactions
Facebook has changed the algorithms. Among senators, the interaction rate on Republican pages decreased by over 44 percent, while Democrats saw only a 32 percent decrease.
Read the analysis... by Western Journalism and view all the graphs.
Read the analysis... by Western Journalism and view all the graphs.
Scott Maxwell to hold meeting tonight
The Republican Party of Palm Beach County Executive Director, Scott Maxwell, yes, that Scott Maxwell, is hosting a meeting tonight for club officers (Presidents or representatives) to discuss the role of clubs in helping during early voting. This meeting is not open to the public and will be held at Republican Headquarters on Palm Beach Lakes Boulevard.
The primary mission of the Republican party here locally is to share the Republican platform with our community, disseminate our philosophy of less government intervention in business and the economy., register Republicans and get out the vote.
GOP. Republicans,
Republican Club,
Scott Maxwell
Quote of the Day - Rush Limbaugh

Who was president in 2016? Barack Hussein O. Who was head of the CIA in 2016? John Brennan. Who was the director of national intelligence in 2016? That would be James Clapper. Who was head of the FBI in 2016? Comey. Preceded by Robert Mueller."
~ Rush Limbaugh
Another stabbing in Lake Worth
Shootings seem to have diminished lately but stabbings are happening all of the time. Will liberals try to ban knives next?
WPTV reports:
"One person was transported to a local hospital after being stabbed Monday night in Lake Worth, according to Palm Beach County Fire Rescue.
The incident happened at 9 p.m. on the 1500 block of South N St.
Firefighters at the scene reported the patient was injured and transported to a local trauma hospital."
WPTV reports:
"One person was transported to a local hospital after being stabbed Monday night in Lake Worth, according to Palm Beach County Fire Rescue.
The incident happened at 9 p.m. on the 1500 block of South N St.
Firefighters at the scene reported the patient was injured and transported to a local trauma hospital."
Brett Kavanaugh and the Gallup Poll
Gallup poll: Plurality of Americans want Kavanaugh confirmed
A Gallup poll released on July 17 reported that 41 percent of Americans want the U.S. Senate to vote for the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court, 37 percent want it to vote against the confirmation, and 22 percent had no opinion.Participants were asked the question: "Would you like to see the Senate vote in favor of Brett Kavanaugh serving on the Supreme Court, or not?" The poll was conducted from July 10-15, 2018, and results were based on telephone interviews with a random sample of 1,296 adults aged 18 and older, living in all 50 U.S. states and the District of Columbia. The margin of error was plus or minus three percentage points.
David Hogg, spewing hatred
Hogg Claims Russia Supplied $30M To NRA In 2016 For Trump
CNN and the Democrats have another brain dead puppet, a willing kid who has been manipulated beyond belief and who knows nada. As this kid appears everywhere, even on the hate network CNN, spreading his lack of facts. I'm not sure who is less informed or less of an embarrassment, he or Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez."Young Mr. Hogg claims that Russia supplied all the money the NRA spent on Trump in 2016.
But that suggests he doesn’t know that Hillary spent 1.2 billion dollars, while President Trump spent 600 million. So if money buys elections, why isn’t Hillary in the Oval Office? Then he said that Trump will cancel the 2020 elections. If he had been in government class instead of spewing hatred on CNN, he would have learned the Executive branch has zero say in elections. Congress has the power over elections and the Supreme Court has oversight of them." [SteadfastandLoyal]
Read about the Hogg...
Monday, July 23, 2018
This official wants to eliminate open borders in the U.K.
And guess what? His popularity is spreading like a wild fire.
Italian Interior Minister Matteo Salvini has announced his plan to combine the nationalists from every European Country in an effort to take over the European Parliament and to eliminate the disastrous open borders immigration policies.
The refugee problem is getting worse with the crime and financial burden in the United Kingdom.
Read about it...
Italian Interior Minister Matteo Salvini has announced his plan to combine the nationalists from every European Country in an effort to take over the European Parliament and to eliminate the disastrous open borders immigration policies.
The refugee problem is getting worse with the crime and financial burden in the United Kingdom.
Read about it...
It's against the law, Willie
Willie Wilson, the millionaire businessman and candidate for Chicago mayor, handed out cash to potential voters.
But, but, but...18 U.S. Code § 597 - Expenditures to influence votingWhoever makes or offers to make an expenditure to any person, either to vote or withhold his vote, or to vote for or against any candidate; and
Whoever solicits, accepts, or receives any such expenditure in consideration of his vote or the withholding of his vote—
Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both; and if the violation was willful, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than two years, or both.
(June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 721; Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, § 330016(1)(H), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2147; Pub. L. 104–294, title VI, § 601(a)(12), Oct. 11, 1996, 110 Stat. 3498.)
Read about Willie... and his slick, lame attempt to circumvent law. Willie said, “I think people try to make political hay out of it because they don’t got nothing else on me.”
One again, Willie Wilson is running against Rahm Emanuel in 2019.
He also ran for President of the United States in 2016. In the primaries, he only got 24,326 votes with half of them coming from our "favorite" state, the State of California.
The Lake Worth commission to give their vision for Lake Worth
Lake Worth Visioning Session
Tuesday, July 24 | 10am-5pm | Lake Worth City Hall | 7 N Dixie Hwy
The City Commission will be taking part in a full day visioning session to better define the future vision for the City. Residents are welcome to attend and observe, although there will be no public comment.
Tuesday, July 24 | 10am-5pm | Lake Worth City Hall | 7 N Dixie Hwy
The City Commission will be taking part in a full day visioning session to better define the future vision for the City. Residents are welcome to attend and observe, although there will be no public comment.
City Hall,
City of Lake Worth,
Community Meetings
FISA docs contradict Strzok
New Documents Reveal Strzok Lied to Congress
During his testimony to the House, Peter Strzok testified that he was not involved in the writing of the FISA application and did not provide any information for it. But now we know differently. Strzok used a September 2016 letter from Carter Page to James Comey as a pretext to open an investigation into him. Paul Sperry of the New York Post tweeted on this subject.Read about it... and the "Clinton Campaign Document." It was all a fraud committed against the Trump campaign.
Hillary Clinton,
James Comey,
Peter Strzok,
Sunday, July 22, 2018
How Great Thou Art
On August 24, 2015, Federal court judge Carlton Reeves, appointed by Obama, ordered the marching band of Brandon High School (Mississippi) to remove the hymn, "How Great Thou Art", from its half-time show.
Turning the Tide on Liberal Hate
"The militant liberal Polk State professor is forcing students to
agree with his position that Christianity is a violent and immoral
religion or fail the exams. The radical professor has put forth ideas
that same sex marriage is not a sin and women are treated horribly in
Christian marriage and communities. Liberalism, being akin to fascism on
college campuses, requires people either agree with the far left or
But this 16-year-old who is taking virtual classes while in high school has fought back. Check out this news clip and find out how one teenage Christian may be turning the tide on liberal hate."
But this 16-year-old who is taking virtual classes while in high school has fought back. Check out this news clip and find out how one teenage Christian may be turning the tide on liberal hate."
Reading the Bible is "abusive" and a "criminal" matter?
Are we now living in some sort of alternative universe where everything has been turned upside down?As strange as it may sound, one of the most recognized Christian churches has been caught trying to stop a man from READING THE BIBLE on its property.
Read about it... At least this was in London (where they have a Muslim mayor) and not anywhere in the United States.
Crooked Hillary in 2010
FLASHBACK: Hillary Said She and Obama Wanted to Strengthen Russia [VIDEO]
“Many of our businesses want to have their business leaders come and have open-ended visas and similarly a lot of Russians want to be able to come and have as much time as they need,” Clinton continued. “That’s what I would like to work towards.” “One of the fears that I hear from Russia is that somehow the United States wants Russia to be weak,” Clinton added. “That could not be farther from the truth. Our goal is to help strengthen Russia.”Read more...
Crooked Hillary,
Hillary Clinton,
Saturday, July 21, 2018
"Are you f*****g kidding me Hillary Clinton?!!!"
Hillary Attacks Trump For ‘Not Defending’ US Ambassador – One Benghazi Survivor Drops the F Bomb On Her
Read more...Quote of the Day - Rand Paul

~ Sen. Rand Paul
Few buyers have pulled the trigger
Capitalizing on the pain and suffering of others, David Hogg has a book out. Did anyone know that? I guess most of America was not informed as only 3,741 copies have sold of this paper-back.
Read about Hogg and his attempt at capitalism... This kid's 15 minutes of fame is over. Maybe now he will have time to read and comprehend the 2nd Amendment.
Liberals continue to suppress Freedom
Three young African-American interns were denied an Uber ride to a Trump support gathering
America has suffered a difficult history that struggled to overcome slavery, promote civil rights and insist that every citizen be treated with fairness and respect. Unfortunately, we are living in an age in which the same party that supported slavery — Democrats — now pushes discrimination based on your beliefs. [Patriotic viral News]Uber driver kicks out Republicans
Lake Worth to get new Recycling bins on October 1
July 20, 2018
Contact: Ben Kerr, Public Information Officer
Phone: 561.586.1631
Lake Worth, Florida – Starting Oct. 1, residents and businesses in the City of Lake Worth will have two recycling bins instead of one, as the City restarts its partnership with the Solid Waste Authority of Palm Beach County (SWA).
The new partnership will have a big impact on making recycling in the City of Lake Worth more sustainable. Lake Worth’s single stream recycling partner had raised the cost of recycling by $90 per ton and regular assessments of single stream recycling showed that over a third of loads were contaminated and unable to be cleanly recycled. By re-partnering with the SWA, the City of Lake Worth will see economic savings as well as benefit from the SWA’s Recycling Revenue Share Program.
Recycling efforts through the SWA go back into the local community as a Revenue Share. Since 2010, local municipalities have shared almost $9.3 million in recycling revenue. Lake Worth will now be a part of this program, and benefit from the sale of recyclables.
The SWA has operated a two-bin recycling system since the late 1980s, keeping paper separated from dirty food and drink containers. This ensures that the paper that is recovered is very clean and has a higher value, while wasting as little as possible.
The City of Lake Worth remains committed to environmentally conscious living. An effective recycling program is an important part of that commitment along with our progressive projects such as our Municipal Solar Energy Field, Low Impact LED lighting, and our continued work with the Southeast National Marine Renewable Energy Center on capturing the energy of the Gulf Stream current. We look forward to partnering with the Solid Waste Authority of Palm Beach County to provide a more efficient and lower cost recycling program to all residents.
Located in central Palm Beach County, Lake Worth is a dynamic, multi-cultural city with an individualistic style. People are drawn to the city by its acceptance of different cultures and lifestyles, historic districts, hip downtown and colorful arts district.
July 20, 2018
Contact: Ben Kerr, Public Information Officer
Phone: 561.586.1631
Lake Worth, Florida – Starting Oct. 1, residents and businesses in the City of Lake Worth will have two recycling bins instead of one, as the City restarts its partnership with the Solid Waste Authority of Palm Beach County (SWA).
The new partnership will have a big impact on making recycling in the City of Lake Worth more sustainable. Lake Worth’s single stream recycling partner had raised the cost of recycling by $90 per ton and regular assessments of single stream recycling showed that over a third of loads were contaminated and unable to be cleanly recycled. By re-partnering with the SWA, the City of Lake Worth will see economic savings as well as benefit from the SWA’s Recycling Revenue Share Program.
Recycling efforts through the SWA go back into the local community as a Revenue Share. Since 2010, local municipalities have shared almost $9.3 million in recycling revenue. Lake Worth will now be a part of this program, and benefit from the sale of recyclables.
The SWA has operated a two-bin recycling system since the late 1980s, keeping paper separated from dirty food and drink containers. This ensures that the paper that is recovered is very clean and has a higher value, while wasting as little as possible.
The City of Lake Worth remains committed to environmentally conscious living. An effective recycling program is an important part of that commitment along with our progressive projects such as our Municipal Solar Energy Field, Low Impact LED lighting, and our continued work with the Southeast National Marine Renewable Energy Center on capturing the energy of the Gulf Stream current. We look forward to partnering with the Solid Waste Authority of Palm Beach County to provide a more efficient and lower cost recycling program to all residents.
Located in central Palm Beach County, Lake Worth is a dynamic, multi-cultural city with an individualistic style. People are drawn to the city by its acceptance of different cultures and lifestyles, historic districts, hip downtown and colorful arts district.
City of Lake Worth,
Press Release,
Mexican Drug Cartels Using Unaccompanied Children to carry drugs across the border
Border Patrol agents in South Texas arrested three unaccompanied minors being used by Mexican cartels to smuggle marijuana across the Rio Grande River. The actions are indicative of the types of abuses put upon Central American juveniles who are being put through the human smuggling process.
Read about it...
BUILD THE WALL, and one they can't climb over!
Friday, July 20, 2018
Parking rate at Lake Worth goes up on August 1
Wow--the city couldn't even wait for the next budget year. The parking rate is going up in 12 days! Great going Commissioners. The press release says that the city is always exploring new ways to better serve the people. Are you kidding me?
July 20, 2018
Contact: Larry D. Lightfoot, Parking Enforcement Manager
Phone: 561.533.7383
WHEN: AUGUST 1, 2018
Lake Worth, Florida – Effective August 1, 2018 the City of Lake Worth hourly rate for parking in all beach lots will increase from $2.00 to $3.00 per hour.
To provide a more user friendly and simplified parking experience, the City of Lake Worth has also implemented a pay-by-plate parking management system in all beach and boat ramp lots. This system allows customers to pay for parking spaces by using their plate numbers at meters rather than having to note their space number. Customers may also add time and pay for parking on their phones by using the Parkmobile app which provides the convenience of not having to return to feed the meter.
The City of Lake Worth continues to explore new ways to better serve residents and visitors to ensure the Lake Worth Beach and the Lake Worth Casino Complex remain some of Palm Beach County’s best public beach locations.
Located in central Palm Beach County, Lake Worth is a dynamic, multi-cultural city with an individualistic style. People are drawn to the city by its acceptance of different cultures and lifestyles, historic districts, hip downtown and colorful arts district.
July 20, 2018
Contact: Larry D. Lightfoot, Parking Enforcement Manager
Phone: 561.533.7383
WHEN: AUGUST 1, 2018
Lake Worth, Florida – Effective August 1, 2018 the City of Lake Worth hourly rate for parking in all beach lots will increase from $2.00 to $3.00 per hour.
To provide a more user friendly and simplified parking experience, the City of Lake Worth has also implemented a pay-by-plate parking management system in all beach and boat ramp lots. This system allows customers to pay for parking spaces by using their plate numbers at meters rather than having to note their space number. Customers may also add time and pay for parking on their phones by using the Parkmobile app which provides the convenience of not having to return to feed the meter.
The City of Lake Worth continues to explore new ways to better serve residents and visitors to ensure the Lake Worth Beach and the Lake Worth Casino Complex remain some of Palm Beach County’s best public beach locations.
Located in central Palm Beach County, Lake Worth is a dynamic, multi-cultural city with an individualistic style. People are drawn to the city by its acceptance of different cultures and lifestyles, historic districts, hip downtown and colorful arts district.
City of Lake Worth,
Parking Meters
Sacred Heart School's Organic Garden
Sacred Heart School
410 North M Street
Lake Worth, FL 33460
The William B. Finneran Montessori Academy of Sacred Heart School’s Organic Garden, from seed to table!
Lake Worth, Florida, USA – Friday, July 18, 2018 – School gardens are gaining popularity across the country. This is no different at the William B. Finneran Montessori Academy of Sacred Heart School in Lake Worth, Florida where most of the students take ownership of their From Seed to Table Organic Garden Program. In conjunction with the garden, the school introduced its FREE organic breakfast and lunch program last year.
In 2017, a group of parents and alumni designed and now manage the whimsical storybook themed garden. The garden gives a nod to books such as Dr. Seuss, Jack in the Beanstalk, The Ugly Duckling, and more. The school uses the garden in conjunction with their S.T.R.E.A.M. curriculum. “The garden offers an opportunity for the children to experience what they learned in class. That is why the children call it their outdoor science lab”, detailed Principal Tamposi. The children consume what they grow or take it home in the hope of introducing their parents to healthy eating.
“I believe that eating healthy is a learned behavior, and. Sacred Heart School introduced our organic garden in conjunction with our free or reduced organic breakfast and lunch program and it has been a total success”, stated Principal Candace Tamposi.
Principal Tamposi admits that the process of getting FREE organic breakfast and lunch programs in place was involved but well worth it.
Changing their palate to healthy eating needed to start with what we offered at school. Therefore, Principal Tamposi took the snack machines out and banned processed foods. The children were skeptical at first but halfway through the first year, the children started to use terms like natural sugar foods and low-fat foods.
The children are growing Strawberries, papayas, banana, blue berries, breadfruit, avocado, sweet potato, cabbage, several kinds of tomatoes, lettuce, several kinds of beans, cilantro, basil, rosemary, mint, red & yellow bell peppers, lemongrass, garlic chives radishes, and chickpeas.
“You cannot expect a child to learn on an empty stomach.” Principal Tampo
Child amazed at size of cabbage--
Sacred Heart School
410 North M Street
Lake Worth, FL 33460
The William B. Finneran Montessori Academy of Sacred Heart School’s Organic Garden, from seed to table!
Lake Worth, Florida, USA – Friday, July 18, 2018 – School gardens are gaining popularity across the country. This is no different at the William B. Finneran Montessori Academy of Sacred Heart School in Lake Worth, Florida where most of the students take ownership of their From Seed to Table Organic Garden Program. In conjunction with the garden, the school introduced its FREE organic breakfast and lunch program last year.
In 2017, a group of parents and alumni designed and now manage the whimsical storybook themed garden. The garden gives a nod to books such as Dr. Seuss, Jack in the Beanstalk, The Ugly Duckling, and more. The school uses the garden in conjunction with their S.T.R.E.A.M. curriculum. “The garden offers an opportunity for the children to experience what they learned in class. That is why the children call it their outdoor science lab”, detailed Principal Tamposi. The children consume what they grow or take it home in the hope of introducing their parents to healthy eating.
“I believe that eating healthy is a learned behavior, and. Sacred Heart School introduced our organic garden in conjunction with our free or reduced organic breakfast and lunch program and it has been a total success”, stated Principal Candace Tamposi.
Principal Tamposi admits that the process of getting FREE organic breakfast and lunch programs in place was involved but well worth it.
Changing their palate to healthy eating needed to start with what we offered at school. Therefore, Principal Tamposi took the snack machines out and banned processed foods. The children were skeptical at first but halfway through the first year, the children started to use terms like natural sugar foods and low-fat foods.
The children are growing Strawberries, papayas, banana, blue berries, breadfruit, avocado, sweet potato, cabbage, several kinds of tomatoes, lettuce, several kinds of beans, cilantro, basil, rosemary, mint, red & yellow bell peppers, lemongrass, garlic chives radishes, and chickpeas.
“You cannot expect a child to learn on an empty stomach.” Principal Tampo
Child amazed at size of cabbage--
Tattoo Parlors in Lake Worth
Lake Worth says no more tattoo shops, ponders downtown’s future
Mayor, you can't really believe what you said? I'm with you commissioner Maxwell. NO more tattoo parlors especially in the downtown. This never should have been allowed. People are really disgusted about what is happening in the downtown and many are staying away or moving out. And if you don't believe me, talk to some of the merchants.Read the article...
Housing Projects coming to Lake Worth
"There are currently five other housing projects underway or near completion in Lake Worth other than Lake Cove community, a 59 single-family home subdivision being built
on a 12-acre site on 19th Avenue North, just north of Vernon Heights..
Read about it... at The Palm Beach Post
- The One, a 14-unit, four-story condo on South Palmway and Lake Avenue that is 60 percent sold and due to be completed in August.
- Banyan Court Apartments, a 3-story complex on North A Street that will include 85 1- and 2-bedroom units.
- Adopt-A-Family is building a 14-unit housing development at North A Street and 3rd Avenue North by 2020.
- The MID, a 230-unit project at 1601 N. Dixie Highway received an economic development incentive from the city in May, with staff still awaiting for submission of the major site plan.
- Golden Roads, a 189-unit apartment complex on the north side of 10th Avenue, just west of Boutwell Road."
Read about it... at The Palm Beach Post
City of Lake Worth,
Border Apprehensions of Ilegals on Rise
Border apprehensions of migrant families have risen substantially so far in 2018
The United States apprehended nearly 49,000 family members at the U.S.-Mexico border between January and June of this year – more than twice as many as during the same time period last year, and the highest number during any January-June period since at least 2012, according to a Pew Research Center analysis of U.S. Customs and Border Protection data. [Rasmussen]Family members as a share of all border apprehensions was (24%) over this period compared with the past six years.
Thursday, July 19, 2018
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