Friday, February 3, 2017

Peter M. Feaman guest speaker at Republican Club

Last night, attorney Peter M. Feaman, one of Florida's top rated lawyers, was the guest speaker at the Republican Club of Central Palm Beach County.

Mr. Feaman was unanimously elected in 2012 and re-elected in 2016 by the Republican Party of Florida to be its National Committeeman to represent Florida at the Republican National Committee in Washington, D.C.  He currently sits on the powerful Rules Committee.

His talk was most interesting and he also spoke to the club members and guests of his and his wife's experiences of being among the tens of thousands attending the Trump Inauguration last month

Mr. Feaman published his first book in 2007 entitled, “WAKE UP, AMERICA!” subtitled, “Understanding Jihad for Dummies!”  His second book, “THE NEXT NIGHTMARE, How Political Correctness is Destroying America,” with a foreword by former Congressman Allen West, was published in 2012.  Mr. Feaman has appeared on Fox News and numerous syndicated radio talk shows throughout the United States to discuss political issues.

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