Friday, September 16, 2016

Former Secret Service Agent talks about Hillary

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hillary is crooked! She looks like a tottering old woman and she is clearly NOT in good health. We cannot allow a woman who lies about EVERYTHING,even something as basic as her health,to run our country! Why on earth did that woman ,much less a person who might be our next president,not get taken to the nearest hospital???? She obviously has something much worse going on with her that the tests they would have immediately ordered on her in the hospital would have reveled.What would the chest x-rays,lab tests and probably CAT scans or MRI's showed ? That cough of hers ,along with the pneumonia could have been a signal for fluid on the lungs,in which case she has probably had what's called a pnemocentesis. This is a procedure that they use to remove the fluid from the lung. It's relatively safe,but there is a small risk of collapsing a lung.Especially in a person of Hillary's age and medical history.This procedure could be done by a Dr. outside of a hospital setting.The problem for her campaign is that the American public would freak out if they heard that she had "Fluid removed from her lungs" OH NO !In my opinion, Hillary will not last more than a year into her term,then another Democrat will take over.Hillary is the quarterback and her only job is to get the ball over the goal. Then she is expendable.Again I think that there is something seriously wrong with this woman that is being hidden from us.