Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Special Interests heavily involved in Atlanta Braves location

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Joe Capozzi's article from the Palm Beach County Commission meeting.

I agree with Mr. Capozzi. The blue shirts certainly did outnumber those against Atlanta Braves coming into John Prince Park. But we out here on Lake Osborne are not funded by special interests. Most people in this neighborhood are middle class working folks and retirees who live within budgets. There is no way that the residents in this neighborhood can compete with general contractors who will make big money building this stadium, downtown merchants, lobbyists and other special interests who believe that they have everything to gain by pushing the Atlanta Braves to locate at John Prince Park at the expense of an entire neighborhood.

These groups are bad for democracy as well as elected officials who use them to pursue their own selfish agenda. The system is corrupt. It's all about money. 


Anonymous said...

You nailed it.

Anonymous said...

One person of color at the LW City Commission meeting was actually hijacked into wearing a blue shirt. Told it was for something completely different. Then was appalled to learn it was to support the Braves taking away a park in his own neighborhood. Myself and another nurse were talking to him outside on the steps, what lots of money and shady ethics can buy--

Lynn Anderson said...

It bought our last election.

Anonymous said...

All I know is that I will never to to Dave's LR, Benny's and now Calleros, no business that supports this trio or tax increases. I will not spend a dime in those places ever again. If they increase taxes to 7%, I will only buy food and no other items that require tax at all. I am so fed up with these asshole politicians and business owners that do what they do! Dave's is an asshole for emailing that mail about telling us to support the Braves.

Anonymous said...

Sadly I learned from some who have lived here from 1950 that actually the tradition for government in Lake Worth has always been corruption. Some traditions should not only be broken, but serve time in the klinker. Has Pay to Play just become Pay to Play Ball? Same song, different tune?

Anonymous said...

7% is just the beginning, if the fire fighters get their way we're looking at 8% - NO NEW TAXES!

Anonymous said...

I can understand why downtown businesses would support the stadium in JPP. I won't boycott them b/c of it, most are small businesses themselves and trying to get by. I will, however, continue to email the county commission and advocate against this plan. I guess I'll email city commission as well, not that they listen.

Anonymous said...

And what exactly did this 'one person of color' think "BRING HOME THE BRAVES" meant before he/she donned the T-shirt?

Anonymous said...

He thought it meant bring them to the "Palm Beach County central corridor"; remember how this was the only code phrase used before both commissions? To erase the fact that they are destroying one of the largest and the oldest and most used park in our area. And the only park in his neighborhood. There's a big difference between bring the Braves, and surrendering all public land for private billionaires with connections to the commission. When it's the only park close to you and plowing it over means ignoring a deed and destroying and killing lots of endangered wildlife as well as one of the last standing large natural areas, it's a travesty. And no matter which side you are on, placing plants in the audience is just sleaze. About as transparent as buyacommissioner.