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Chaz Equipment worked as a sub-contractor in Lake Worth, working closely
with Mock Roos, an engineering firm that has been doing business with Lake Worth for multiple decades. Chaz had a manhole contract with Delray Beach. Other
cities could use
that same contract's pricing for their own manhole work, a practice
known as piggybacking, without putting the contract out to bid.
In part
to keep the piggyback contracts coming, according to the charges, Chaz
showered officials with a steady stream of gifts and entertainment.
Gary Czajkowski, owner of Chaz Equipment, was convicted in 2013 and out on a $15,000 bond. Now he's going to prison.
One of the articles I wrote on this in 2011
Funny this should come up. How does this corruption compare with the grave circumstances surrounding the Michael Bornstein caper? You know, the one he was exonerated from with no finding of corruption?
We're not corruption county for nothing.
How does anyone make the leap to the CM?
If people really had any valid 'dirt' and evidence on anyone they should go to the proper investigative agency. But everyone has to be cautious about blatant hyperbole directed to stir emotions, create distrust thru
slandering and exaggeration; and while I can appreciate the humorous ridiculessness of such exaggerations of some opinions for the sake of emphasis, over use (which I see often on this blog) of extravagant statements or figures of speech not intended to be taken literally or that is meant to malign reputations is not something that make us all better. It make the author who embellishes look childish.
Enough all ready... after a proper AG investigation, no ethics violation has been found - when is it ever done? I guess only when you get the answer your looking for - even if it's a figment of your imagination.
As for Gary Czajkowski, his appeal of his 2013 conviction and 9 month sentence is nearing the end of his quest to overturn the conviction. He should have taken the plea deal... Like most of his co-defendants in exchange to testif against others because he was gambling against a possible 200 years in prison. With good behavior and all the over-crowding issues of our jails, he'll likely only serve 3-4 months.
Does anyone ever wonder how much that cost the taxpayers? And how many potholes could've been filled with that money ?
Oh I know, we all look childish over here. I think you got the two blogs mixed up.
How did you get to be such an expert on corruption? An authority on what's ridiculous? Slander and exaggeration?
That's not this blogger.
Deal with the facts, anonymous at 4:21.
anony at 4:21 what do you mean about a proper AG investigation? What does AG stand for? Attorney General? It was the ethics commission that investigated Mike Bornstein. Perhaps everyone at this commission as well as upper management needs to take an ethics course. Everyone can read the complaint and figure it all out. Only someone childish would lack any understanding at all about it. Politics creeps into every agency and every government department. The people aren't stupid.
anonymous at 4:21. It sound like you approve of pay to play. Potholes indeed. Thank goodness that stupid bond was defeated.
anonymous at 4:21. It sound like you approve of pay to play. Potholes indeed. Thank goodness that stupid bond was defeated.
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