Friday, July 5, 2013

July 4 Casino Bash

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A few photos from last night's Casino July 4th Bash.
Taken from a 2 story building

There were 200 people who came to dine and see the fireworks from our new casino, twice what was expected. This event ended the scheduled Centennial activities celebrations. The tables were decorated in red, white or blue table cloths with July 4th decorations.  Everyone was given a little flag lapel as well as a small flag to wave.  Those seated at the Red tables were chosen first to serve themselves at the buffet that was setup on the outside patio.  Blue tables were second and by that time they had run out of coleslaw and potato salad. They forgot to serve the champagne until most people were outside watching the fireworks. But all in all, it was a fun night at our first Independence Day bash at our casino.

Mayor Triolo and Vice Mayor Maxwell were in attendance along with Commissioner Szerdi.

It was a nice event in spite of the traffic mess at the end of the evening. People had to wait about one-half hour to exit the beach area as whoever was in charge (PBSO?) would not order the bridge to be lowered until traffic subsided in the Bryant Park area. Thus, everyone started blowing their horns in frustration. By the time the event was over at around 9:30, we got home about 10:25. It was an exhausting but terrific day. And what a view to see the fireworks--Unbeatable.


Anonymous said...

It was ok but I'm not sure it was worth $35. More staff was needed and more coordination I think. When you left the upstairs and descended to the ground, it was very dark and you had to be careful when walking. is it still turtle season?

Lynn Anderson said...

March 1 thru Oct. 31 I believe

Anonymous said...

Always sure to find a breath of rotten air complaining about something on this blog!

angie said...

Despite food it was a great time! Everyone there were celebrating our nations independence at the best location in L W.

Anonymous said...

Were you there? You still have a problem with truth.

Anonymous said...

They did their best I guess but it had a lot to be desired. Hamburgers cold, buns cold, ran out of plates, utensils, etc. Breath-of fresh-air, people do expect a little something when they pay for a dinner. And I don't see my photo!

Anonymous said...

we have to make sure we get our dose of dee and larry. ugh.

Anonymous said...

I agree with all the comments. The traffic problems was outrageous. People were really tired after a long day and just wanted to get the hell home. What about those teenagers blocking the sidewalk not allowing people to walk by? I didn't see a cop either.

Anonymous said...

Just think, anonymous at 1pm, we didn't have to get our dose of Loretta and friends, a good thing.