Monday, July 1, 2013

American's Favorite Gay friendly cities

Gay friendly Cities.  Guess what?  Lake Worth is NOT on the list. Do you think it is because of all that slum, blight and crime?


Anonymous said...

lake worth is not on the list because gays like nice looking things like their house and surrounding and the surroundings in lake worth are run down homes and business and drug addicts and criminals--the downtown is dirty looking with a lot of busineses coming and going as quick--we dont have the right people running the city--they dont even have enough money themselfs---

Anonymous said...

It is because the police target gays in this city, they are super homophobic and gays have to be discreet to meet people, they meet in parks, the beach, downtown, and what happens is that when gays meet, they are setup by police here in this city, the police try to get them to do things in public to then arrest them. It really is awful how gays are treated and setup in this city, it is no wonder gays want to move from here to Ft. Lauderdale.

"American's Favorite Gay friendly cities
Gay friendly Cities. Guess what? Lake Worth is NOT on the list. Do you think it is because of all that slum, blight and crime?"