Sunday, October 9, 2011

Unions have Frisked the Taxpayers long enough

Randy Schultz' excellent Editorial.

Mr. Schultz's editorial states the problem that we are all suffering--paying out-of-sight pension benefits that are bankrupting cities. We can relate to the horrible Union pensions first-hand here in Lake Worth. A past administration that agreed to these pension benefits has now triggered our present administration into passing a special assessment that we are told is to pay for them because the City can no longer afford them.

Schultz believes that cities deserve part of the blame. I believe that our city should get all of the blame. And to a big degree, it is elected officials who depend on Union campaign funds who I hold responsible and who ultimately sold the taxpayer down the river.

Andrew Marra, another editor at the PB Post agreed with Lake Worth's analogy that poor people should be paying for these pension costs just like the more affluent resident. He stated in an earlier editorial that we all should pay our "fair" share to pay for this service that is not a service but a pension. Today, however, he seems to have seen the light.

What would be fair is to have the Unions stop the money grab and get realistic but their argument is that they have a contract and they are sticking to it. Sad but true. Unions are the problem as well as all those who continue to allow them to get away with the money grab. What Lake Worth is doing by passing a special assessment for fire pensions is an easy way out and perpetuates the problem. Our elected officials won't listen to facts. I was told by our top administrator that I was part of the problem. The City got that one wrong too.

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