Saturday, October 8, 2011

Occupy Wall Street

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Read Occupy Wall Street in Lake Worth and Miami.

The Huntington Post reported that Allen West laughed when asked if he could identify at all with the protesters. "No, I don't," he said, adding that their movement was not genuine. "I don't see what the point is, and I think it's going to backfire because when you peel the onion back, you find out who's behind it and who's financing it -- it's not a true grassroots movement. It's not a true statement."

Doug Henwood stated, "Certainly the location of the protest is a statement, but when it comes to words, there’s a strange silence—or prolixity, which in this case, amounts to pretty much the same thing. Why can’t they say something like this? “These gangsters have too much money. They wrecked the economy, got bailed out, and are back to business as usual. We need jobs, schools, health care, and clean energy. Let’s take their money to pay for them.” The potential constituency for that agenda is huge.

I kept looking to see if our favorite Lake Worth anarchists would appear on screen but Cara Jennings, Commissioner McVoy and Echo Steiner were at the Lake Worth demonstration. In total there were about 200-225 people at Bryant Park.


Weetha Peebull said...

Imagine if the Public at Large decided together to show restraint and self discipline by DELAYING their Purchases from Big Corporations/Wall Street for just 1 week after a New release of any of their products...

I'll bet the prices would drop in a heart beat.

Would it also show them, no, make them feel the 'Real Power' of the People. Purchasing Power (I believe) is one of 'your other votes').

Consider it is only w/Your Consent (Your Money You give them) they can grow so big, no?

To Purchase Now, Delay a Purchase, or Not make a Purchase at all is a Powerful Choice.

Put Yourself Back in the Driver's Seat - Exercise Your Power - Vote w/Your Money.

Lynn Anderson said...

Sounds great in theory but corporations would just raise their prices to compensate for the losses.

Anonymous said...

A lot of these protestors seem to be young people with no life experience. No reposibilities. The young and inexperienced have always been easy targets for manipulation by someone!

Lynn Anderson said...

Many of those demonstrating yesterday at Bryant Park were senior citizens, another group that has been manipulated by politicians. Politicians are saying that the fund is just a Ponzi scheme (something our city manager believes) and unsustainable. The government has totally screwed this up by raiding from this trust Fund. Criminal activity IMO.