Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Woodpecker at Lake Osborne

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As I was at my dining table having waffles and cream cheese, (sound good?) I heard this loud sound...something was attacking the aluminum gutter on my building. I went outside and saw this woodpecker. It then flew down to the Hibiscus tree. He then proceeded to "attack" a Hibiscus flower looking for bugs.

This appears to be an Hispaniolan Woodpecker whose habitiat is "restricted" to Haiti (an island 600+ miles from us) and the Dominican Republic. This bird extends from the coasts, over the deserts to the mountains of the country.

1 comment:

kkss21 said...

If this Woodpecker species is restricted to Haiti, then what is it doing here? Is this Woodpecker AN ILLEGAL ALIEN ?!? LOL sorry Lynn, couldn't resist,,,,,