Saturday, May 9, 2009

Preserve Democracy with Florida Hometown Democracy

Do we want this to turn into Miami?

St. Petersburg Beach is one of the few cities in Florida to allow its citizens to vote on Comprehensive Plan changes and consequently, every developer and lobbyist for builders, the Chamber, etc. have come out of the woodwork to make democracy fail.

“When you’re on the cutting edge of government, it begs for litigation,” said Gregg Nicklaus, president of the Sirata Beach Resort.

Florida Hometown Democracy is being fought by all those who do not want the citizens to have control of what their city or their State looks like…pave over everything and Ryan Houck and buddies will be happy. They are working hard to bring down St. Petersburg Beach.

Even on a local level, we have Wes Blackman, a CRA member and local blogger who says he wants to run for Mayor. He seems to relish in the thought or possibility of Save Our Neighborhood Inc. and the Lake Osborne Heights neighborhood losing on the Sunset property issue and disses Florida Hometown Democracy, every chance he gets, calling it a "radical proposal." The only thing radical is his statement.

Some people get perverse pleasure in just fighting the very people they live around and get turned on when thinking that their view is the only one that is correct, hoping the other guy goes down in defeat, thus proving that they were smarter all along. One thing for sure that can be admired, he is not hypocritical in his beliefs on these issues even if they are not very politically smart with a lot of the people. I like someone who stands up for what he believes but he just alienated one half of the city by a single statement.

All we are saying is "Let the people vote" on land use changes. Why should three commissioners be able to change an entire neighborhood for a developer? Sounds fair to me.


Ryan Houck is the biggest advocate against Florida Hometown Democracy. He is the executive director of Floridians for Smarter Growth, and spends every living breath on defeating the citizens in protecting their municipalities by the right of referendum. He is a lobbyist with a “mob” mentality. If you see that name anywhere, stay away…get out the is worse than the swine flu.

Here is an e-mail I received Friday night--

Ms. Anderson, Why is it that developers see a cost to taxpayers when it DOESN'T benefit developers? Time after time in almost every county in Florida developers are screaming and yelling about impact fee's about how unfair they are to developers and builders. They don't want to see that impact fee's PROTECT taxpayers from developers and others who are blind to these facts, and who only see profit, they only see what they want to see, and the hell with taxpayers if it doesn't benefit DEVELOPERS, talk about Hippocrates this article is full of it. Sincerely, Jxxx

The writer was referring to the e-mail being circulated around by Ryan Houck published on another blog.

Here’s to Florida Hometown Democracy on the ballot in 2010. If you have not yet signed the Petition, CLICK HERE