Friday, December 27, 2024

Mount McKinley

Trump Vows to Change Name Back on America’s Tallest Mountain

The campaign is over, but you would never know that by listening to Donald Trump these days.

Trump is still poking Democrats, this time by suggesting he will restore Mount McKinley to its "original" name.

In 2015, in a nod to locals, then-President Barack Obama, pandering to Alaskan native Americans, changed the name of the mountain to Denali.

Since 1917, the largest mountain in the country, located in south-central Alaska, had been known as Mount McKinley. The mountain had been named after President William McKinley, who was assassinated during his second term. McKinley was shot by Leon Czolgosz on September 6, 1901. He passed away eight days later, with Teddy Roosevelt, one of our grestest presidents, taking over the presidency.

The Koyukon are the natives that inhabited the land in that area, referred to the mountain as Denali for hundreds of years. However, in 1896, a prospector referred to the mountain as Mount McKinley, with the name being formally changed in 1917.

Read about it...


Dan Volker said...

And we owe McKinley for bringing us Teddy Roosevelt....Arguably no other president accomplished so many crucial changes, and cleaned up any where near as much corruption as did TR....And now Trump promises to become the next Teddy Roosevelt :-)

Anonymous said...

He said he was going to do that along with a bunch of other stuff last time. It never happened. 90% of what he says I tune out. It's just him trolling the libtards. Who cares if he gets anything done at all....what matters is the libs brains exploding! bwaaaaah

Lynn Anderson said...

During his first term he SUGGESTED the name change back to Mount McKinley. Now he is vowing to change it...a differfence. If you discard 90% of what he says, you are losing out on all his plans for the future plus his past accomplishments to make our country a better place.

Dan Volker said...

In Trump's first term the socialist dems prevented passage of a great many Trump programs. This has been FIXED by the American people, as they voted much of the scum out of office. Socialist traitors to America still remain in office, though in much less effective numbers...and they will need to be routed out, then fired or prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law--crimes against America....And...all those complicit in the great fraud perpetrated on the American public, that Biden was doing his job and had competency to be President--these criminals allowed non-elected puppet masters to rule America unlawfully----I see this as a Treason level crime, and death penalty should be on the table. The end for Harris, Pelosi, Schumer and many others that knew...and that disgusting liar of a press secretary should get tortured by cattle prods in a South American prison for some years before her firing squad ends her lying life.

Anonymous said...

It's not the hill I want to die on.