Friday, June 14, 2024

Texas lawsuit prevailed on behalf of the entire Nation

Federal judge makes history! Rules sex 'unambiguously binary'

Ruling comes in Texas' lawsuit against Biden's redefinition of words

"One of Joe Biden's key weapons in his promotion of the LGBT ideology for not just people in America but around the world has been his simple redefinition of words.

"Sex," his administration has claimed, actually means "sexual orientation" or "gender identity." Thus, his LGBT goals have been "protected" in federal law for decades, he claims.

Using that simple maneuver Biden bureaucrats have tried to impose that ideology on churches, foster parents, adoptive families, schools, and many others.

Biden's goal was to remove standards in schools that limited boys, in intimate situations such as locker rooms, to be with other boys, and girls with girls.

"Title IX explicitly appreciates the innate biological variation between men and women that occasionally warrants differentiation—and even separation—to preserve educational opportunities and to promote respect for both sexes," the judge said."

Read more about it...

Through linguistic activism, leftists have begun a full-scale war on language, playing by their own set of constantly shifting rules. I don't know when this all staqrted but it has been prevalent under Biden.

Take for example the illegal alien and these liberals insistance on calling them “undocumented immigrant” in place of “illegal alien.” The rallying cry is that “no person is illegal.” I remember the late Joann Golden, city commissioner of Lake Worth, saying that. But of course “illegal” refers to the action and status, not the personhood of the individual, and “alien” is the technical term for a foreign citizen.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Smart, so stupid and cowardly of anyone born a man to think he can compete against females in sports. Only the mentally deranged could think this is right.