Monday, June 3, 2024

Shredding Bragg's case

CNN just made this damning confession about Alvin Bragg

If Alvin Bragg thought he could count on the support of one media outlet in his show trial against Donald Trump, it would have been CNN.

For eight years, CNN ran a smear campaign against Trump, where every anti-Trump lie, hoax, and conspiracy theory received nonstop coverage.

But now CNN just made this damning confession about Alvin Bragg and admits doubts about Bragg’s case.

Perhaps no anchor on CNN hates Donald Trump more than Jake Tapper.

Tapper was one of the first in the media to adopt the phrase used by the Nazis, “the big lie,” to describe Trump challenging the results of the last election.

Tapper also ignited the Russia collusion hoax by reporting that Deep State conspirator, then FBI Director James Comey, briefed Donald Trump on the existence of the hoax Christopher Steele dossier.

This report by Tapper prompted Buzzfeed to publish the Steele dossier and the lie that Trump colluded with Russia during the 2016 election was off to the races.

Read about it...

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