Sunday, June 9, 2024

Crisis at Border

A better way to fix the border than Biden’s executive order

Preserving the right to asylum in the United States requires better enforcement of the rules.

President Biden came into office promising to reverse cruel and irrational Trump administration policies on migration. Yet the lenient signals he sent contributed to a surge in illegal crossings of the U.S.-Mexico border by asylum seekers.

The resulting burden on states and localities caused a backlash and new Biden administration efforts to limit asylum seekers and direct them away from the border.
  • A cellphone app to make asylum application appointments at border stations rather than try to enter the country illegally
  • Humanitarian parole for tens of thousands of people from a few “sender” countries who apply for entry at home
  • Declaration that anybody caught trying to cross illegally will be presumed ineligible for asylum. The administration has enlisted Mexico’s help to stem the flow.
The laws governing asylum were not designed for today’s world. They didn’t envisage people fleeing multiple failed states en masse, or states largely controlled by brutal criminal organizations.

Read the Opinion Piece from Washington Post on the crisis and how to fix it.

Joe Biden created this crisis and he must stop the invasion.

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