Saturday, June 15, 2024

Average American Struggling under Biden

The End of America if We Don’t Stop Him. From Act for America.

"Since Biden assumed office, prices have surged by a staggering 19.9% from a low of 1.4%, pushing essential goods and services out of reach for hardworking families nationwide.

These numbers are staggering, and every American deserves the truth. Many are dismissed, told their feelings of being worse off under Biden are just perceptions; but the reality is far more dire. The majority of Americans are struggling to stay afloat as the prices of all goods and services have skyrocketed. It's not just a feeling; it's a harsh reality affecting families nationwide, especially those who are surviving paycheck-to-paycheck. Everyone should understand that their struggles are valid; and that they are shared by countless others.

>>>>The Bottom Line is that Americans are spending $12,800 MORE annually to buy the basics compared to three years ago, due to “Bidenflation;’ and that is half the income of the over 92 million Americans (28%) living on $32K or less. That is 20% of the income of roughly 243 million (73%) of the American middle class workers.

“BIDENOMICS” BY THE NUMBERS: Americans are paying more for just about everything because of inflation since the “Puppet-of-the-Left” took office. Read and let the following “sink in:”

Food at elementary and secondary schools is UP 64.9% Gasoline (all types) is UP 55.5% Eggs are UP 43.5% Airfare is UP 38.2% Baby food and formula is UP 30%
Frozen vegetables are UP 29.4% Electricity is UP 28.5% Public transportation is UP 26.1% Butter is UP 26.1% Cookies are UP 25.9% Breakfast cereal is UP 24.3%
Pet food is UP 23.1% Eating out is UP 21.8% Groceries (Food at home) are UP 21.3% Rent is UP 20.8% And Used cars are UP 20.4%

Frozen non-carbonated juices and drinks are UP 29.2%
Motor vehicle insurance is UP 22.6%
Transportation services are UP 11.2%
Uncooked beef roasts are UP 10.1%
Hospital services are UP 7.7% Frankfurters are UP 7.1%
Food from vending machines and mobile vendors is UP 7.3% Tobacco and smoking products are UP 6.7%
Sugar and sugar substitutes are UP 6.6% Owners’ equivalent rent for home is UP 5.8%
Shelter is UP 5.5% Baby food and formula is UP 5.1% Other food away from home is UP 5.0%
Canned vegetables are UP 4.8%
Energy services are UP 3.6%

>>>>>>> Real average weekly wages are DOWN 4.4% since Biden took office.

We can and ABSOLUTELY MUST end this crisis at the ballot box this November by electing Donald J Trump."


Anonymous said...

True. Trump will be elected.

Anonymous said...

Sad so many hate President Trump, they are jealous of his success.