Conservative Commentary/Opinion on Local, State & National issues. Hours 6am to 7pm to respond to comments
Does Mimi get to start the clean up right away, or do they have to put up with stokes for a bit longer?
After she takes the oath of office, she will be the new commissioner.
So happy for Lake Worth. They got rid of their biggest cancer.
Who are all the commissioners and the mayor
Praying they keep Betty as mayor over the other leech!, when you say "the other leech" you are saying they are both leeches?Actually both have done some good things for the city.Under Andy, $150 million of road and infrastructure was done.
lynn i think you are putting to much glory on andy.try fact check on you
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Does Mimi get to start the clean up right away, or do they have to put up with stokes for a bit longer?
After she takes the oath of office, she will be the new commissioner.
So happy for Lake Worth. They got rid of their biggest cancer.
Who are all the commissioners and the mayor
Praying they keep Betty as mayor over the other leech!, when you say "the other leech" you are saying they are both leeches?
Actually both have done some good things for the city.
Under Andy, $150 million of road and infrastructure was done.
lynn i think you are putting to much glory on andy.try fact check on you
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