Saturday, March 16, 2024

Stripper and Spring Break Crazies

Police just arrested an exotic dancer in Pt. S. Lucie, Florida

She slapped a customer with a wad of bills who did not tip

But criminals keep the law busy all year in Florida and Law enforcement officials in Florida are preparing for the annual flood of college students to the state for spring break.

“What we don’t welcome is criminal activity,” DeSantis said at a press conference announcing a beefed-up law enforcement. “What we don’t welcome is mayhem and people that want to wreak havoc on our communities.”

“Make no mistake about it, if you’re coming here in order to enjoy Florida and to enjoy and have a good time, fine, but if you’re coming for these other reasons, if you’re committing crimes, causing havoc, you are going to pay the price,” he added.

So in spite of the stripper, law enforcement is preparing for millions of wild and drunk people in the state over the next few weeks.

We get them all in Florida.

Read about it...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

she slapped a customer for not tipping. Maybe she was a lousy dancer.