Sunday, March 10, 2024

Judge says, Border Funds must be spent on Building the Wall

Judge Drew B. Tipton

Federal Court: Biden Must Spend Border Wall Funds on Border Wall Construction

A federal judge on Friday shot down the Biden administration’s plans to divert money from border wall construction to other projects like environmental remediation, ruling that it appears to violate the law.

Judge Drew B. Tipton said Congress gets to decide how money is spent and when it wrote its spending bills for fiscal years 2020 and 2021 it allocated nearly $1.4 billion each year for wall-building. The president (Biden) ambled on that he decided to spend wall-building money on “remediation projects.”

The government said it should have leeway to spend the money and argued the remediation projects were ancillary to the wall and should be allowed.

Wrong, said the Judge. Judge Tipton said the way Congress wrote the law was quite specific in saying the money should go to barriers along the border.

Judge Tipton said the government identified just two locations where new wall was being built: A 500-foot gap in Arizona and a structure along the Tijuana River channel in California.

But the rest of the money has been earmarked for illegal purposes, the judge ruled.

As part of its defense the Justice Department had argued to the judge that walls weren’t effective, but the judge said Homeland Security’s own data says they are.

Read about the Judge...


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