Monday, March 11, 2024

Illegal Immigration is the top issue no matter what Democrats say

Illegal immigration is the number one issue

Joe Biden is losing to Donald Trump because Joe Biden opened the southern border and rolled out the welcome mat for more than 7,000,000 illegal aliens to enter America.

A recent Gallup poll found voters said immigration was the biggest problem facing America and illegal aliens overrunning cities led to crime and lower quality of life, as illegal aliens sucked up social services and filled housing units.

During Donald Trump’s Super Tuesday romp, the panel on MSNBC mocked voters saying immigration was their number one issue as low IQ xenophobes.

Maddow claimed immigration was a fake issue that Republicans only raised when a Democrat was in office and was quickly forgotten with a Republican President. For a supposedly "smrt" woman she is so damn dumb.

The panel on MSNBC mocked voters saying immigration was their number one issue as low IQ xenophobes.


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