Saturday, October 14, 2023

"There is no mercy to Terror"

CNN Reporter Accuses Israel Of War Crimes. Israeli President Immediately Puts A Stop To That.

Israeli President Isaac Herzog fired back at a CNN reporter during a press conference on Thursday morning after the reporter insinuated that Israel was committing “war crimes.”

After Herzog explained that Israel had been abiding by international law after it was attacked by Hamas terrorists, CNN reporter Becky Anderson suggested that Israel was instituting “collective punishment” and committing a “war crime.”

What the he!! is wrong with CNN? One has to wonder if they are living in the real world.

Herzog kept his cool and said, “So now we’re starting with the rhetoric about war crimes. Really? Truly? Truly? I just said that Israel abides by international law. Operates by international law. Every operation is secured and covered and reviewed legally.”

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