Biden Promised His Hamas Buddies $100M, Just ONE Problem…
If Congress ever gets a Speaker, will it approve?
Biden is yet again making empty promises as he travels to the Middle East, this time to pledge $100 million to Hamas in the name of peace.This is the same amount of money Iran gives Hamas every single year.There is now no difference between Joe Biden and the Ayatollah of Iran. It’s absurd to think this will make a difference, as he hasn’t even asked Congress for the funds yet. Meanwhile, the House of Representatives is in disarray, failing to pick a speaker due to the ongoing debates over excessive spending.
We either are printing money or borrowing more...we can't afford to give billions every other week to a foreign country.
Biden’s trip to Israel is nothing more than a useless PR stunt, while innocent civilians continue to suffer at the hands of terrorism. As he arrives in Tel Aviv, Arabs are outraged over the recent death toll of 500 civilians in a hospital.
However, it’s been revealed that this tragedy was not caused by Israeli bombs, but rather a Palestinian rocket that landed in a parking lot. If any deaths occurred, it was only a handful, not even close to the originally reported number.
The State of Israel was born for the safety of the Jews of the world, and I was also born there - Joe Biden said he was born in Israel.
Joe Biden's official birthplace is Pennsylvania. []
See Video on X where Biden says he was born in Israel
I listened to it.that's what he said. This guy lies all of the time. Biden claimed that his grandfather “died in the same hospital I was born in two weeks before I was born" in Baltimore. Only problem, Biden was born in a totally different hospital in Scranton.
Our President does not know what day of the week it is.
Lynn is helping out Russia again. Why do hate America, Lynn? I think you're guilty of treason.
I really hate posting stupid stuff @ 6:10...perhaps you need a doctor? Or check into 45th Street.
Anon at 6:10 has no intelligent reply to the article. In typical Fascist mode ,they replace apples with an orange ,which they have shoved as far up their bum as possible in order to nourish their brain with some O.J.
he is not our president, he was not legitimately elected, the numbers never added up, a fraudulent regime, complete corruption!
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