Monday, January 10, 2022

Reporting Illicit Income to the IRS

You Won't Believe What The IRS Is Now Considering Income

The organization, which has the unenviable task of collecting our taxes, has drawn more than its fair share of criticism over the years, largely due to the overwhelmingly negative view that Americans have for taxes in general.

This was a nation founded on the idea that we shouldn’t be paying extra for tea via taxation, and decided to pick a fight with the world’s most powerful military on account of it.

Being annoyed by taxes is fairly well ingrained in our DNA.

Read about this latest scheme


Anonymous said...

What is it?

Lynn Anderson said...

Illicit income?
Like going into a store and robbing it
Holding someone up at gunpoint and getting all their cash.
Crap like that.
Instead of going after the sorry criminals and putting them in jail--

Anonymous said...

I don't click on links any more. Some other blog I used to go to put a link that caused my computer to get invaded so now if I can't read it on the blog, I skip it.

Anonymous said...

Someone has to support the illegals.