Thursday, January 6, 2022

Clinton Foundation’s 2020 haul represents a 93% drop in overall donations since 2009

Panhandler Hillary Clinton Begs For Money And It’s Humiliating

The Clinton Foundation appears in dire need of funds, as donations dried up following Hillary Clinton’s loss to President Donald Trump in 2016. As The Daily Wire’s Ben Zeisloft reported:

“According to the group’s most recent financial report, contributions fell from $29.6 million in 2019 to $16.3 million in 2020 — a 45% decline amid COVID-19 and the lockdown-induced recession. In 2016, when former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton ran for President, the group raised $62.9 million, indicating an overall 74% donation decline in a four-year period.”

Oh, she also hosted a freaking masterclass about how to be a delusional loser where she cried to a bunch of students about her losses. She was busted bankrolling part of the Steele Dossier hoax, and her husband’s dirty sex-trafficking laundry is in the wind.

Read about our gal Hillary


Anonymous said...

I keep getting bombarded with solicitations from Trump. I gave $20 back in 2020. And now I get 10-15 emails A DAY!

Anonymous said...

With all of the worthwhile causes, I can't imagine contributing to a political campaign. If you need my $20.00, you're not going to win.