Monday, November 8, 2021

Marco Rubio on Biden

Rubio Explains Why President Biden Might Seem Like A Different Person

There's "no might seem" about it...he is a different person controlled by his socialist handlers.

Marco Rubio compared the differences between then-candidate and now-President Joe Biden, telling the National Conservatism Conference on Monday that the reason for the difference is because had he shown his true self – he would not have been elected.

"I think it's telling that the agenda promoted by the candidate Joe Biden is very different from the one that's being pushed by President Joe Biden," Rubio said in a live stream video conference in Orlando, Florida.

"Candidate Joe Biden, for example, promised a return of competency and professionalism; President Joe Biden delivered chaos: Historic calamity on the southern border, humiliating and deadly debacle in Afghanistan, stranded cargo ships off the coast of California, and the skyrocketing prices of literally everything."

Read more of Marco's remarks

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